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At first I thought it would be a fairy tale, but when I read all of it, I found it so realistic and resonated with me.I've been feeling down in my life lately.I think even though it is difficult for me to improve my situation at present, I should be brave enough to accept myself and face the reality instead of continuing to escape and lose heart.
I'm not very good at English. In a word, thank you very much for the creation of this work, which brings me some encouragement and inspiration
It's depressing to see how obsessive the deer is, obsessive to the point of believe that a man he barely saw and met yesterday was going to be his boyfriend. Reading this made me so confused on why couldn't the deer see how overly obsessed he was and how it wouldn't be that simple. But with the more I think about it, the more I understand. He obviously has never been in a relationship before and clearly doesn't know how they work. I will be honest, I hated the character at first because I was so confused on how he could even think like this, but I realized the reason is because I never have felt this obsession for a person before. I never have because for me love is something that grows, not pops up in the strand of a couple of days. You don't need to be obsessed with a person to love them, all you need is to know that they love you in the same way and always will. I apologize for the rant.
Hi!Thanks for the comment and no need to apologize! I think this is a good place for having these kinds of conversations.
According to most recent research, there are actually multiple kinds of love! The kind of love Deer is experiencing is different from the type of love you are describing. Deer's type involves dopamine and norepinephrine and is characterized by reduced activity in the brain areas involved in critical thinking. The second type of love involves oxytocinand vasopressin and has no impact on critical thinking abilities.
In this story I wanted to talk about what's it like to experience the dopamine-fueled version of love for the first time: trying to navigate a complicated new situation while your brain is effectively being drugged.
I agree, the obsessiveness and selfishness of the Deer character made me wildly uncomfortable. The bear just had his day essentially shot, and has been living under excessive stress, guilt, and loathing, and yet the Deer prioritized his immediate irritation and sadness over giving a shit about someone he was just saying he loved moments earlier. I like the message at the end, with taking off the rose tinted glasses, but it doesn't overrule the discomfort throughout the rest of the game. I'm sorry about this drawn out complaining, but on the bright side, at least the game is causing an effect in it's players.
Have to say, it's a fantastic wee little game! God, it reminds me of my early relationships (I couldn't stop cringing), and having recently gotten out of one gives me these weird feelings similar to the Bears. Nice to see something different, at least! I like the ending scene and the art =).
I hope in the future, you can share more of your experiences and emotions you felt in the past or even present. I wish more VNs had relatable characters in them. I think it helps others out better rather than using gay fiction (i.e. VNs) as a form of escapism or self-help.
Well done. That was a very sweet read.
I'm fucking old now, 55, and it's been very enlightening to be reminded of early coming out fears and the emotions of, well feeling...
I came out accidentally at 11 and intentionally at 15 (1983) and it was a bloodbath.....
Anyway, it did get better, and i AM happier.
Wow I uh. I think I sorta suspected where it might go but I played through. It’s…real, it’s very real. Real enough to remind me of my early forays and how blisteringly much it hurt to feel, well, used. It took me a while to figure out I can’t do casual hookups and they always blew up into usually one-sided emotional involvement. To the point I sorta consider myself kinda aspec, I just can’t operate in that territory.
I wish I’d been able to put myself back together the way Dear Deer did, if he is back together that is.
And I mean this is all aside from it generally being adorable and well put together. It’s just, yow, a megaphone of emotions.
Thank you so much!
Bear Care is a work of fiction, but theemotions within it are very much based on my own early experiences with queer dating.
People kept asking me for a sequel to Yoga Bear. I told them I didn't want to write one. It's a fairy tale, I thought. You're not supposed to find out what happens after the lovers ride off to the sunset together.
But then I thought about it some more.What if it wasn't a fairy tale?
The truth is that I haven't read very many MLM stories that resonate with me on a personal level. Most of them either straight up ignore or eagerly embrace the gay hookup culture, and while there's absolutely nothing wrong with either approach, they are not something I can relate to.
So I decided to write something I could relate to. I wrote Bear Care.
Could I make an edition with Chinese language patch to Bear Care?I wanna share the lovely story with furrys in China.If you agree and want to talk about it,may I have your any social media account or contact details?Or I can just make one attached with author and original address of the game when I share the game
This is the best visual novel I've ever seen, and the ending shocked the hell out of me. as soon as i saw the "to be continued" i was almost about to cry because of that last frame.
This is just beautiful if had to rate this 1-10. I would give this 100/10.
btw Take your time this is art at its finest. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this! keep up the good work! (^v^)
Thank you for the reply, I wouldn't mind playing on PC, the problem are my parents, even if I'm 22, I prefer to read alone. ^^ If you creating your vn with Ren'py, then maybe I can give you a helping hand about how to make an android build, because I was struggling with it a lot. :s (Luckily, I got proper help in other dc servers)
Though I can't guarantee, because everybody's pc is different, for an example mine is in a horrible condition, so I spent days to figure it out what stuff I need to have, like java or dunno. :D So for 1 word's end with 100, android build is a tricky one, but once you figured it out, it will be easy next time.
So if you need help with it, just ask for my discord, maybe I will be useful for once in my life.
Hi again! It's more of a time & energy issue than a knowledge issue.
When it comes to Bear Care, my number one priority is finishing the story. The VN was originally intended to be playable in a single session. I only released the incomplete demo because I ran into the jam deadline. I think you will have a much nicer time playing the completed version. ^^
very very cute. I have to say the main character reflects many stereotypes of guys a bit anxious that sometimes go too fast with their minds and they generally are puppies to take care of. the idea is good and I guess there is behind the personal experience, the fact that he draws and you too, as for the phone... see if he answers.. every two minutes, I imagine you check our comments to see if it liked, for many people this is considered anxiety.. for me it is also a search for confirmations, having a sensitive soul and much more. I like it... a very personal work.. You’re exposing yourself, I think, and I fucking love it. You got balls! you have all my respect continues so