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Rosa Parks

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Rosa Parks with formerPresidentBill Clinton.

Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (4 February191324 October2005) ekAfrican-Americanseamstress aurcivil rights activist rahii. Uske "Mother of the Modern-DayCivil Rights Movement " ke naam se bhi jaana jjawe hae.

Parks uu time famous bhais jab1 December1955 ke aapan bus ke aage waala seat khaali kare (jisse ki huan pe ek gora baithe sake) se inkar kar diis. Iske khatir uske gireftar kar ke charge karaa gais rahaa. Iske kaaranMontgomery bus boycott bhais. After that, black people could sit wherever they wanted to on the bus. Herrefusal to let others treat her differently was

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