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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ
ዲሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ
Ītyōṗṗyā Fēdēralāwī Dīmōkrāsīyāwī Rīpeblīk
FlagCoat of arms
JhandaCoat of arms
Des ke jaankari
National anthem:Wodefit Gesgeshi, Widd Innat Ityopp'ya
"March Forward, Dear Mother Ethiopia"
Log ke baare me
Official bhasa:Amharic
Aur bhasa:Oromo, Somali, Tigray
  - Total:{{{populationtotal}}}
country map
country map
Hian pe des ke dunia ke map me dekhawa jaawe hae.
CapitalCity:Addis Ababa
Sab se barraaCity:capital
  - Total:1,104,300 (ranked 27th)
Politics / Government
Established:980 BC
Leader:President: Mulatu Teshome Wirtu
Prime Minister: Haile Mariam Desalegn
Economy / Money
Paisa ke naam:Birr
International information
Time ke zone:+3
Telephone ke dialing code:251

Ethiopia, jiske sarkari naamFederal Democratic Republic of Ehiopia hae, East Africa ke Horn of Africa ilaaka ke ek des hae.Africa ke sab des me se iske itihass ke baare jaada jaana jaae hae. Aur sab Africa ke des ke rakam Ethiopia koiEurope ke des ke colony nai banaa. Ethiopia ke pahile Abyssinia ke naam se jaana jawat rahaa. "Ethiopia" sabd, Greek sabd Αἰθιοπία se aais hae. 2008 me Ethiopia ke per capita income $1370 rahaa. Ethiopia, Horn of Africa me hae aur iske north meEritrea, west meSudan, south meKenya, east meSomalia aur northeast meDjibouti hae. Iske area 1,100,000 km² (426,400 square miles)[1] aur 2024 me iske abaadi 132,000,000 hae. Iske capital cityAddis Ababa hae.


[badlo |source ke badlo]

Ethiopia me sab se puraanahominid ke 1994 me paawa gais rahaa jon ki ek 4.2 million puraanaArdipithecus ramidus rahaa.[2] Sabse jaada jaane waala homonid ekAustralopithecus afarensis rahaa jon 3.2 million saal puraana rahaa.[3][4][5]

Ethiopia uu jagha hae jahaan pe sab se pahileHomo sapiens develop bhae rahin aur hian pe 200,000 saal puraana fossil paawa gais hae.[6] Hian pe 160,000 saal puraana fossil paawa gais hae jiskeinsaan ke immediate ancestor maana jaae hae.[7]

Bhasa ke adhyan kare waala log ii samjge hae ki pahilaAfroasiatic bhasa baat kare waala log Ehiopia ke ilaaka meNeolithic jamaana me aae rahin.[8] Aaj-kal ke jaada vidwaan log ii propose karin hae kiAfroasiatic bhasa ke palwaar Ehiopia ke ilaaka me develop bhais rahaa.[9][10][11]

2019 me archeologists log ek 30,000 saal puraana patthar ke jhoprri ke paain, jon samundar se 3,469 metres uppar rahaa. Hian pe dher jaanwar ke haddi, kuchh sau patthar ke aujaar aur chulha ke paain.[12][13][14][15][16][17][18]

2013 me Ethiopia me sab se puraana hathiyaar jon ki 279,000 saal puraana rahaa, mila Ii hathiyaar patthaar se tipped javelin rahaa jon ki Homo sapien ke hathiyaar hae.[19]

Ethiopia me pahila kingdim, the Kingdom of Aksum rahaa, jon ki pahila century AD me suruu bhaes rahaa. Persia ke religious figure Mani, Aksum ke Rome, Persia, aur China uu time ke tagatwar des batais hae. 4th century se sruu me Syro-Greek castaway, Frumentius, ke court me lae jawa gais aur kuch din me King Ezana ke Isai banae diis, jon ki ii des ke state religion hoe gais. Iske khatir uske "Abba Selama" ke title milaa. Kuch din talak, jaada kar ke 6th century me, Axum, Yemen, jon ki Red Sea ke uu paar hae ke bhi rule karis hae.

Axumite raja log ke line ke kuch dafe tuurra gais hae: pahila dafe, lagbhag 950 me, Jewish Queen Gudit se aur uske baad a Zagwe dynasty se. Lag bhag 1270 me, the Solomonid dynasty,Ethiopia ke control karis, ii bol ke ki uu logan Axum raja ke palwaar hae. Uu logan apne aap keNeguse Negest ("King of Kings," nai to Emperor) bolat rahin, ii evidence pe ki uu loagn Solomon aur queen of Sheba ke descendent hoe ke claim karat rahin.

Emperor Lebna Dengel ke raj ke time, Ethiopia, pahila European country, Portugal se contact karis. Ii uu logan khatir achchhaa rahaa kahe ki jab Empire ke wSomali General aur Imam, Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi attack karis tab,Portugal Lebna Dengel ke sahaetaa ke maang pe ek 400 men army bhej ke uske ek larrka, Gelawdewos ke al-Ghazi ke harae me madat karis. Jesuit missionaries logan Orthodox faith of the local Ethiopians ke gussae diin aur, mid-17th century me Emperor Fasilidos uu logan ke des se nikaal diis. Uu time pe Oromo log Ethiopian Christian authorities in the Abyssinian territories, ke question kare lagin aur aapn own dharam rakhe maangat rahin.

1700s me Ethiopia islated hoe gais, uske Emporer logan figureheads ban gain aur warlords jaise ki Ras Mikael Sehul of Tigray des pe raj kare lagin. Ethiopian ke isolationism, ek British mission of friendship se khalaas bhaes lekin jab Tewodros II raja banaa tab Ethiopia dunia ke matters me fir se bhaag le laga.

Chapa ke gallery

[badlo |source ke badlo]
  • 7th century mandir ke ruins
    7th century mandir ke ruins
  • Lalibelake rock se banaa church
    Lalibelake rock se banaa church
  • Pahila Emperor, Haile Selassie
    Pahila Emperor, Haile Selassie
  • Ehiopia ke regions
    Ehiopia ke regions
  • Ethiopian Wolf
    Ethiopian Wolf
  • Addis Abeba ke Street scene
    Addis Abeba ke Street scene
  • Harar ke ek masjid
    Harar ke ek masjid
  • Khana
  1. "Ethiopia".The World Factbook. 8 October 2024. Retrieved22 October 2024.
  2. Ansari, Azadeh. "Oldest human skeleton offers new clues to evolution", 7 October 2009.
  3. "Mother of man – 3.2 million years ago". Retrieved16 March 2009.
  4. Johanson, Donald C.; Wong, Kate (2010). Lucy's Legacy: The Quest for Human Origins. Crown Publishing Group. pp. 8–9. ISBN 978-0-307-39640-2.
  5. "Institute of Human Origins: Lucy's Story". 15 June 2016. Retrieved23 March 2017.
  6. Mcdougall, I.; Brown, H.; Fleagle, G. (Feb 2005). "Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia". Nature 433 (7027): 733–36. doi:10.1038/nature03258. PMID 15716951.
  7. White, T.D.; Asfaw, B.; Degusta, D.; Gilbert, H.; Richards, G.D.; Suwa, G.; Clark Howell, F. (2003). "Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia". Nature 423 (6941): 742–47. doi:10.1038/nature01669. PMID 12802332.
  8. Zarins, Juris (1990). "Early Pastoral Nomadism and the Settlement of Lower Mesopotamia". Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 280 (280): 31–65. doi:10.2307/1357309.
  9. Blench, R. (2006). Archaeology, Language, and the African Past. Rowman Altamira. pp. 143–44. ISBN 978-0-7591-0466-2.
  10. Güldemann, Tom (2018) (in EN). The Languages and Linguistics of Africa. De Gruyter Mouton. p. 311. ISBN 978-3-11-042606-9.
  11. Campbell, Lyle (2021) (in English). Historical Linguistics, Fourth Edition. The MIT Press. pp. 399–400. ISBN 978-0-262-54218-0.
  12. Zimmer, Carl. "In the Ethiopian Mountains, Ancient Humans Were Living the High Life",The New York Times, 8 August 2019. (in en-US)
  13. Katz, Brigit."Archaeologists Uncover Evidence of an Ancient High-Altitude Human Dwelling".Smithsonian (in English). Retrieved16 August 2019.
  14. Smith, Kiona N. (9 August 2019)."The first people to live at high elevations snacked on giant mole rats".Ars Technica (in English). Retrieved16 August 2019.
  15. Charles Q. Choi (9 August 2019)."Earliest Evidence of Human Mountaineers Found in Ethiopia" (in English). Retrieved16 August 2019.
  16. Dvorsky, George (9 August 2019)."This Rock Shelter in Ethiopia May Be the Earliest Evidence of Humans Living in the Mountains".Gizmodo (in English). Retrieved16 August 2019.
  17. "Earliest evidence of high-altitude living found in Ethiopia".UPI (in English). Retrieved16 August 2019.
  18. Miehe, Georg; Opgenoorth, Lars; Zech, Wolfgang; Woldu, Zerihun; Vogelsang, Ralf; Veit, Heinz; Nemomissa, Sileshi; Negash, Agazi et al. (9 August 2019). "Middle Stone Age foragers resided in high elevations of the glaciated Bale Mountains, Ethiopia" (in en). Science 365 (6453): 583–587. doi:10.1126/science.aaw8942. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 31395781.
  19. Sahle, Y.; Hutchings, W. K.; Braun, D. R.; Sealy, J. C.; Morgan, L. E.; Negash, A.; Atnafu, B. (2013). Petraglia, Michael D. ed. "Earliest Stone-Tipped Projectiles from the Ethiopian Rift Date to >279,000 Years Ago". PLOS ONE 8 (11): e78092. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078092. PMC 3827237. PMID 24236011.
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