It's a joke. If Neovim is the modern Vim, then Helix is post-modern.
Eventually, yes! We'd like to prototype a WebGPU-based alternative frontend. See thediscussion on GitHub.
While there is currently no plugin system available, we do intend to eventually have one. But this will take some time (more discussion here).
Mainly by having more things built-in. Kakoune iscomposable by design, relying on external tooling to manage splits and provide language server support. Helix instead chooses to integrate more. We also use tree-sitter for highlighting and code analysis.
By starting from scratch we were able to learn from our experience with Vim and make some breaking changes. The result is a much smaller codebase and a modern set of defaults. It's easier to get started if you've never used a modal editor before, and there's much less fiddling with config files.
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