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UEFA expert group statement on nutrition in elite football. Current evidence to inform practical recommendations and guide future research.

BMJ Publishing Group
Publication Type:
Journal Article
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021, 55, (8), pp. 416-442
Issue Date:
Open Access
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dc.contributor.author Collins, J
dc.contributor.author Maughan, RJ
dc.contributor.author Gleeson, M
dc.contributor.author Bilsborough, J
dc.contributor.author Jeukendrup, A
dc.contributor.author Morton, JP
dc.contributor.author Phillips, SM
dc.contributor.author Armstrong, L
dc.contributor.author Burke, LM
dc.contributor.author Close, GL
dc.contributor.author Duffield, R
ORCID badge https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5641-1314
dc.contributor.author Larson-Meyer, E
dc.contributor.author Louis, J
dc.contributor.author Medina, D
dc.contributor.author Meyer, F
dc.contributor.author Rollo, I
dc.contributor.author Sundgot-Borgen, J
dc.contributor.author Wall, BT
dc.contributor.author Boullosa, B
dc.contributor.author Dupont, G
dc.contributor.author Lizarraga, A
dc.contributor.author Res, P
dc.contributor.author Bizzini, M
dc.contributor.author Castagna, C
dc.contributor.author Cowie, CM
dc.contributor.author D'Hooghe, M
dc.contributor.author Geyer, H
dc.contributor.author Meyer, T
dc.contributor.author Papadimitriou, N
dc.contributor.author Vouillamoz, M
dc.contributor.author McCall, A
ORCID badge https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3780-8153
dc.date.accessioned 2021-11-10T02:38:31Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-18
dc.date.available 2021-11-10T02:38:31Z
dc.date.issued 2021-01-01
dc.identifier.citation British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021, 55, (8), pp. 416-442
dc.identifier.issn 0306-3674
dc.identifier.issn 1473-0480
dc.description.abstract Football is a global game which is constantly evolving, showing substantial increases in physical and technical demands. Nutrition plays a valuable integrated role in optimising performance of elite players during training and match-play, and maintaining their overall health throughout the season. An evidence-based approach to nutrition emphasising, a 'food first' philosophy (ie, food over supplements), is fundamental to ensure effective player support. This requires relevant scientific evidence to be applied according to the constraints of what is practical and feasible in the football setting. The science underpinning sports nutrition is evolving fast, and practitioners must be alert to new developments. In response to these developments, the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) has gathered experts in applied sports nutrition research as well as practitioners working with elite football clubs and national associations/federations to issue an expert statement on a range of topics relevant to elite football nutrition: (1) match day nutrition, (2) training day nutrition, (3) body composition, (4) stressful environments and travel, (5) cultural diversity and dietary considerations, (6) dietary supplements, (7) rehabilitation, (8) referees and (9) junior high-level players. The expert group provide a narrative synthesis of the scientific background relating to these topics based on their knowledge and experience of the scientific research literature, as well as practical experience of applying knowledge within an elite sports setting. Our intention is to provide readers with content to help drive their own practical recommendations. In addition, to provide guidance to applied researchers where to focus future efforts.
dc.format Print-Electronic
dc.language eng
dc.publisher BMJ Publishing Group
dc.relation.ispartof British Journal of Sports Medicine
dc.relation.isbasedon 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101961
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.rights © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. No commercial re- use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.
dc.subject 09 Engineering, 11 Medical and Health Sciences, 13 Education
dc.subject.classification Sport Sciences
dc.subject.mesh Humans
dc.subject.mesh Athletic Injuries
dc.subject.mesh Competitive Behavior
dc.subject.mesh Environment
dc.subject.mesh Body Composition
dc.subject.mesh Nutritional Requirements
dc.subject.mesh Cultural Diversity
dc.subject.mesh Nutrition Policy
dc.subject.mesh Soccer
dc.subject.mesh Travel
dc.subject.mesh Dietary Supplements
dc.subject.mesh Female
dc.subject.mesh Male
dc.subject.mesh Athletic Performance
dc.subject.mesh Physical Conditioning, Human
dc.subject.mesh Diet, Healthy
dc.subject.mesh Athletic Injuries
dc.subject.mesh Athletic Performance
dc.subject.mesh Body Composition
dc.subject.mesh Competitive Behavior
dc.subject.mesh Cultural Diversity
dc.subject.mesh Diet, Healthy
dc.subject.mesh Dietary Supplements
dc.subject.mesh Environment
dc.subject.mesh Female
dc.subject.mesh Humans
dc.subject.mesh Male
dc.subject.mesh Nutrition Policy
dc.subject.mesh Nutritional Requirements
dc.subject.mesh Physical Conditioning, Human
dc.subject.mesh Soccer
dc.subject.mesh Travel
dc.title UEFA expert group statement on nutrition in elite football. Current evidence to inform practical recommendations and guide future research.
dc.type Journal Article
utslib.citation.volume 55
utslib.location.activity England
utslib.for 09 Engineering
utslib.for 11 Medical and Health Sciences
utslib.for 13 Education
pubs.organisational-group /University of Technology Sydney
pubs.organisational-group /University of Technology Sydney/Faculty of Health
pubs.organisational-group /University of Technology Sydney/Strength - CHSP - Health Services and Practice
utslib.copyright.status open_access*
pubs.consider-herdc true
dc.date.updated 2021-11-10T02:38:30Z
pubs.issue 8
pubs.publication-status Published
pubs.volume 55
utslib.citation.issue 8
Football is a global game which is constantly evolving, showing substantial increases in physical and technical demands. Nutrition plays a valuable integrated role in optimising performance of elite players during training and match-play, and maintaining their overall health throughout the season. An evidence-based approach to nutrition emphasising, a 'food first' philosophy (ie, food over supplements), is fundamental to ensure effective player support. This requires relevant scientific evidence to be applied according to the constraints of what is practical and feasible in the football setting. The science underpinning sports nutrition is evolving fast, and practitioners must be alert to new developments. In response to these developments, the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) has gathered experts in applied sports nutrition research as well as practitioners working with elite football clubs and national associations/federations to issue an expert statement on a range of topics relevant to elite football nutrition: (1) match day nutrition, (2) training day nutrition, (3) body composition, (4) stressful environments and travel, (5) cultural diversity and dietary considerations, (6) dietary supplements, (7) rehabilitation, (8) referees and (9) junior high-level players. The expert group provide a narrative synthesis of the scientific background relating to these topics based on their knowledge and experience of the scientific research literature, as well as practical experience of applying knowledge within an elite sports setting. Our intention is to provide readers with content to help drive their own practical recommendations. In addition, to provide guidance to applied researchers where to focus future efforts.
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