



Editorial Complaints Policy

Haymarket Media Group is a specialist media and information company that believes in the highest standards in journalistic integrity.

Where you believe you may have found an instance where you do not believe that we have lived up to those journalistic standards, there is a procedure to follow to notify us.

This policy and procedure only applies to complaints about editorial content in our publications and digital services that Haymarket controls in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.

It does not cover:

  • any complaint that falls outside the remit of the Independent Press Standards Organisation’s Code of Practice
  • complaints about TV and radio services (regulated by Ofcom)
  • complaints about advertising (regulated by the Advertising Standards Authority);
  • concerns about matters of taste / decency and due impartiality;
  • complaints about books;
  • complaints about ‘user generated content’ (i.e. material on our digital services e.g websites or apps that was not posted by us or on our behalf) which we have not reviewed or moderated

Haymarket Media Group in the UK is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), and we comply with IPSO’s Editors’ Code of Practice. Only complaints that fall within the Editors’ Code of Practice can be made directly to us.

If your complaint does fall within the Editors’ Code, you can contact Haymarket in the UK to seek a resolution, or get advice via IPSO.

If your issue is NOT covered by the Editors’ Code of Practice, you can contact editorial staff of the individual publication or website to state your concerns, using the contact details in the print publication’s contents pages or the Contact Us link on the relevant website’s homepage.

If you wish to complain directly to Haymarket Media Group in the UK and know that it is within the specified time limit (no later than four months after print publication or one year after first online publication), please fill in and submit this form.

Maximum size: 4MB.
Allowed file types: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx.


All complaints will be acknowledged on receipt.

We will deal promptly with complaints and may request further information from you to enable us to investigate your complaint.

Once full details have been established, we aim to resolve within 28 days any complaint brought under the IPSO Editors’ Code of Practice. If we fail to resolve such a complaint to your satisfaction within this time, you may refer the matter to IPSO.

If we believe that no breach of the Editors’ Code is involved, we will tell you.

If you prefer a paper version of the editorial complaints form, please write to Human Resources, Haymarket Media Group, Bridge House, 69 London Road, Twickenham, Middlesex TW1 3SP and you will be sent a Complaints Form together with a copy of our Complaints Policy and Procedure.

Please also use this address if you do not have the facilities to upload material and you wish to conduct this complaint in paper form.

You can contact IPSO at:

Gate House
1 Farringdon Street
Telephone: 0300 123 2220




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