This is the list of C# specific metadata. For more information, see also the complete list of allHaxe built-in metadata.
Metadata | Usage | Description |
@:nativeGen | on classes | don't generate reflection, generate proper type parameters. This is useful for some sort of interop, but slows down reflection and structural typing |
@:nativeGen | on "flat" enums | generate C# enum, but note that C# enums are not-nullable unlike haxe enums, so using null will be generated as a default enum value (0-indexed constructor). |
@:property | on non-physical fields (those with get/set/never accessors) | generate native C# properties. useful for implementing extern interfaces or providing API for use from C# |
@:event | on variables | generate an event delegate (this also requires pairing add_EventName, remove_EventName methods with relevant signatures |
@:protected | on a field | mark field as protected instead of public (could affect reflection, but useful for hiding fields when providing API for use from outside Haxe) |
@:struct | on classes | generate struct instead of class |