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You might have already gotten this, but basically the map has something in it's layout that doesn't match with the layout you've seen as you walked around. Check the bottom right of the map.
(full SPOILER answer)
The bottom right of the map shows a long corridor-like space in the basement in the room with the closet (below the laundry room). If you go in that corner and interact with it, you will be told there's a vent that is screwed into the wall. You need the screwdriver to open it and get in.
I even enjoyed the puzzles because they were pretty easy (and I am bad at puzzles xD)
And now, I look forward to playing the sequel since that I've played the original!
Woah, ein Spiel auf Deutsch! Das sieht man selten. Der Schreibstil war wirklich toll, der Anfang hat mich konstant zum lachen gebracht. Das Denglisch ist so on point. Nur vom Gameplay selbst war es n bissl schwierig... Ich hätt mir gewünscht, das Blickfeld wär n bisschen größer, und bin auch nicht gerade Fan von den klassischen RPGmaker Chase-Sequences. Aber ansonsten solides, schönes, kurzes Spiel, mit netten Charakteren und nem knuffigen Ende. Ich schau mir definitiv den Rest der Spiele an!
Hello, hope you're doing well. I was introduced to your games by my best friend, and this was my favorite of your works. I've only played Misfiction, Sofia, and MisTrick with him but I adored all of them. You did an AMAZING JOB on all the games, I love how every single one plays like a visual novel but it's a little different- you have to solve puzzles and everything is connected. To progress, you have to complete tasks or find items to unlock other items. Misfiction was great and I loved it so much, I don't always connect to characters easily but I just clicked with Rylan right away and was so intrigued, that he wasn't a typical sort of protagonist who was shaking in their boots n stuff but seemingly "unphased" and sarcastic to John's antics (absolutely hate him btw, no shade 2 you but JOHN IS SOO GROSS.) Even while unphased he was actually terrified deep down and I really liked how we briefly explored that reality in little snippets during the game/endings. ALSOO U DONT HAVE TO BUT I'D LOVE TO SEE MORE OF RYLAN AND EUGENE. THEYRE SOO CUTE.
Overall, you did an amazing job!! I love the dialogue and how there's never a dull moment along with all the problem solving. I got stuck at so many points and was really forced to use my brain in order to progress, but was happy no walkthrough was needed (SOFIA HAD ME STUMPED THOUGH, I USED THE WALKTHROUGH MULTIPLE TIMES LMAO.) You're so talented and I commend you to keep creating!! I LOVE these types of stories where there is mystery and problem solving but also the QUEER REPRESENTATION??? ITS SO AMAZINGG AND I LOVE HOW YOU DIDN'T MAKE RYLAN LIKE JOHN JUST CUZ THEYRE BOTH GAY, YOU ACTUALLY KEPT THE CHARACTER LOGICAL. Pls keep it up, I will definitely check out ur other stuff!!! You are VERY cool :))
Aw, thank you so much! I've been told that Misfiction is a weak link when it comes to my titles, so I'm always happy to hear when someone doesn't share that sentiment. Misfiction always had a special place in my heart, because I think it carries a lot of the original rpgmaker era magic, more so than my other games. Also I did have ideas for a sequel that would tie in with another game of mine, but I currently have other games I am working on, so that'll have to wait.
very good game! i loved the music! sometimes i couldn't enter the closet but by restarting it got fixed,a small thing i found is that if in the stair section with the bear you go up(1 tile far from the bear and transitioning to the other part of the stair) and then down again you can get out of bounds, this works in the first section as well but its a bit harder