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The Neel Corporate Governance Speaker Series was founded in 2003 with three speakers from regional law firms. Since then it has brought academics, politicians, regulators, industry executives, board members and other experts in corporate governance from around the country.

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Principles of CorporateGovernance

Corporate governance is the overarching set of policies, procedures and relationships that enable an organization to establish objectives, set ethical boundaries to the acceptable means with which those objectives will be met, monitor the achievement of objectives, reward successful achievements and discipline unsuccessful or inappropriate attempts to meet objectives, in order to keep the organization aligned with the needs and interests of its primary stakeholders.

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Through the perspectives of accounting, economics, finance and law, our research addresses timely topics in corporate governance, including the audit process, executive compensation, board structure and firm performance.

We conduct nationally recognized research on corporate governance.

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Featured Experts

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Neeraj BharadwajNeeraj Bharadwaj image

Neeraj Bharadwaj

Proffitt’s Professor in Marketing, Charlie & Carolyn Newcomer Faculty Fellow

Joan HeminwayJoan Heminway image

Joan Heminway

Rick Rose Distinguished Professor of Law

Roy SchmardebeckRoy Schmardebeck image

Roy Schmardebeck

Associate Professor, Forvis Mazars Professor of Accounting, Haslam Family Faculty Research Fellow, Martin Lee & Carol Fri Robinson Faculty Fellow

Matthew SerflingMatthew Serfling image

Matthew Serfling

Clayton Homes Chair of Excellence in Finance

Want to Learn More?

If you’d like to learn more about the Neel Corporate Governance Center, please contact us.

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Headshots of Neel Corporate Governance Center research fellows Tingting Liu, Austin Starkweather, Tomer Stein, and Daniel Weagleypromo image for news card