


Tony Harmsworth's Science Fiction novels and non-fiction works




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Starter Collection

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Starter Collection - 3 science fiction novels including a UK Kindle bestseller for less thanHALF PRICE. A great way to discover the variety of Tony Harmsworth's writing.

Moonscape - Since Apollo, we've known that the moon is a lifeless world. However, imagine an alien parasite arriving on its surface in antiquity, and then infecting one of the astronauts carrying out a routine survey of a crater. Moonbase, a peaceful, scientific establishment suddenly finds itself with a frightening existential threat. The story is set in the late 2020s.

The Visitor - A UK Kindle bestseller in hard, high-tech and first contact. Dynamic woman astronaut, Evelyn Slater, finds something weird on the first space-junk disposal mission. It appears to be a small, badly damaged, alien object. This is classic first contact science fiction. Don't miss it!

Federation - imagine a federation of 250,000 worlds arriving in Earth orbit tomorrow and asking to meet our leader. Who is our leader? How could this disjointed Earth with its mixed cultures and religions choose a leader? These aliens, however, are not aggressive - instead they offer us the opportunity to join them and live in a utopian society. But, how would our leaders react?

Read more under the individual novels below.


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The Door

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THE DOOR - Science Fiction mystery with more twists than a celtic knot and inherently British in its storytelling.

Henry Mackay's leisurely stroll with his Jack Russell dog turns into a desperate adventure to save humanity.

If you are interested in the environment and worried about the way governments and big business are managing our resources, you should enjoy this book as it offers a new slant on the direction the world is taking.




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Federation Audiobook
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Federation now available on audio.

FEDERATION - Trilogy Book One - An empire of a quarter of a million worlds stumbles upon the earth in the first third of the twenty-first century. That's now!

Its economic system is despised by most nations, yet, with all labour carried out by automatons, it seems to have made it work.

How will Earth's politicians and governments react?

Will the Earth join or reject the Federation?

Federation has been brought to life by the voice of Marni Penning, otherwise known as The Lady Hamlet. Her range of voices changes this audiobook from just a story being told, to a story which makes you part of it. Enjoy!

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Federation & Earth

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FEDERATION & EARTH - Federation Trilogy Book Two. Available in ebook, audiobook and paperback.

After the dramatic and unexpected turn of events at the end of the first book, Earth is left with several factions trying to resolve the situation. The new president of the USA is trying to secure his hold on power, while a new group who have named themselvesFREE AMERICA, is trying to overthrow what it considers an illegitimate regime.

Elsewhere, the new Secretary General of the United Nations is working with the smaller Security Council to try to bring the rest of the world together after the events at the end of the book one. Can the aliens be convinced to provide help or are they just going to watch from orbit?

Take a care. You won't enjoy this story unless you are open to political concepts which could never work on Earth as it is before the trilogy begins i.e. now. If you like speculative fiction, however, open your mind and enjoy the adventure. This book is likeMarmite [look it up], you will either love it or hate it!

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Federation and Earth Audiobook
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Federation and Earth now available on audio.

FEDERATION & EARTH - Federation Trilogy Book Two. Available in ebook, audiobook and paperback.

After the dramatic and unexpected turn of events at the end of the first book, Earth is left with several factions trying to resolve the situation. The new president of the USA is trying to secure his hold on power, while a new group who have named themselvesFREE AMERICA, is trying to overthrow what it considers an illegitimate regime.

Elsewhere, the new Secretary General of the United Nations is working with the smaller Security Council to try to bring the rest of the world together after the events at the end of the book one. Can the aliens be convinced to provide help or are they just going to watch from orbit?

Take a care. You won't enjoy this story unless you are open to political concepts which could never work on Earth as it is before the trilogy begins i.e. now. If you like speculative fiction, however, open your mind and enjoy the adventure. This book is likeMarmite [look it up], you will either love it or hate it!

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Hidden Federation

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HIDDEN FEDERATION - Federation Trilogy Book Three.

Alien university professor and author, Rummy Blin Breganin, continues his research on the planet Earth. He introduces, into this final volume, some stories from the distant past of the Federation, which provides a greater insight into the vast alien empire and how it overcame the rise of intelligent robots.

In the only free and independent part of the planet Earth – the United States of America – the populace is becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the growing authoritarianism. With California in revolt, can the USA retain its own independence in this rebellious climate?

Elsewhere on Earth, in the Federation territories, is life becoming too comfortable for the ordinary humans? Will the world be allowed to settle down to its life of luxury or will it turn the new utopia into hell as it has always done in the past?

The final part of the Federation Trilogy contains the answers.

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Hidden Federation Audiobook
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Hidden Federation now available on audio.

HIDDEN FEDERATION - Federation Trilogy Book Three.

Alien university professor and author, Rummy Blin Breganin, continues his research on the planet Earth. He introduces, into this final volume, some stories from the distant past of the Federation, which provides a greater insight into the vast alien empire.

In the only free and independent part of the planet Earth – the United States of America – the populace is becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the growing authoritarianism. With California in revolt, can the USA retain its own independence in this rebellious climate?

Elsewhere on Earth, in the Federation territories, is life becoming too comfortable for the ordinary humans? Will the world be allowed to settle down to its life of luxury or will it turn the new utopia into hell as it has always done in the past?

The final part of the Federation Trilogy contains the answers.

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Complete Federation Trilogy

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COMPLETE FEDERATION TRILOGY - All three volumes in a single ebook or paperback. Available NOW.


FEDERATION COMPLETE TRILOGY - is controversial, political, near-future science fiction for the reader who enjoys using their own imagination to think about how the world might react to real alien contact from vastly advanced civilisations.

When the first volume was released, it became the subject of vitriolic hatred by readers of a particular political persuasion who seemed incapable of understanding that they were reading a speculative and imaginative story. Instead, they believed the stories were actually a political treatise, and wrote angry reviews which clearly showed that they failed to grasp the difference between fiction and fact. They were patently incapable of working out what would happen to our economic system when automatons became capable of carrying out all work, faster, more efficiently, more cheaply and more accurately than humankind. With the exception of the billionaire cybernetic business owners, everyone else had to starve, or exist on government or charitable handouts. The author suggests that anyone unable to understand this simple fact of life finds something else to read.

The Galactic Federation had, during hundreds of thousands of years, managed to overcome all of the problems and sentient beings lived in utopia. They did not achieve that without facing the same violent and corrupt power struggles which come to Earth in this trilogy.

Federation (book 1) speculates what would happen when an ambassador from a peaceful alien Federation asks to be taken to our leader. Who would that be? There is no world leader. The ramifications of the request lead to fudged responses. They, in turn, result in civil unrest and shocking violent events on Earth, as the problems which would inevitably be created by cheap and efficient automatons are applied to our political and economic structures.

As a result of events in book 1, Federation and Earth (book 2) finds the Earth banned from all space exploration. A dictatorial US president, backed by the military, shuts the USA off from the rest of the world. A new UN secretary general tries to mediate, while a group called FREE AMERICA, begin to challenge the oppressive administration. Will the Federation be no more than interested observers or might they break their own rules and offer a helping hand?

Hidden Federation (book 3) begins with an interim solution. With the exception of United States of America, who will follow a free and independent path, the rest of the world joins the Galactic Federation. More problems arise as California declares UDI and the American crisis deepens. Meanwhile, the million year history of the alien civilisations is revealed, and readers discover how they dealt with the very same problems which applied to the newly fragmented Earth.

Although set in today’s world, this trilogy provides a fascinating insight into one possible future for the Earth, once automatons become ubiquitous and sentient.

Free thinking, open-minded readers have loved the individual books.

This eight hundred page combined volume offers all three volumes for the price of two.

Buy it today.

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MINDSLIP is that rare beast - a unique science fiction story.

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Mindslip Audiobook
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MINDSLIP is that rare beast - a unique science fiction story - and this one is brought to life for you by David Sweeney-Bear and Kim Miller.

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HEAT "Beyond Mindslip" (Mindslip Universe Book 2)

This is Tony Harmsworth's thirteenth Science Fiction novel. Some readers of the beta-version are saying it might be the best end-of-world story since'On The Beach'. You can pre-order it now.

HEAT – “Beyond Mindslip” is a stand-alone novel but it is set within the Mindslip universe. Readers might like to read both. Although one precedes the other, the two books can be read in either order without spoiling the overall storyline.

In 2019, Betelgeuse turned supernova. The radiation, coupled with coronal mass ejections, caused every creature on Earth to change in a drastic manner. MINDSLIP – Evolution’s Nemesis deals with the story from the explosion and through the dramatic discoveries made by the scientists who were part of the Mindslip Catastrophe Committee.

Some of those same characters must now tackle an ongoing problem created by the supernova. The sun is producing more flares, disrupting space flight and even causing the ISS to be temporarily abandoned. At moonbase, underground tunnels have to be built to allow the astronauts to work safely.

The solar flares are only part of the problem, though. The first solar maximum after Mindslip continued to grow and the heat being produced by the sun is making global warming seem like a warm summer’s day.

HEAT – “Beyond Mindslip” tells the story of the many different solutions which are applied in the attempt to save humankind.

An Audible version will follow in 2025.

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Launch date mid-2025

Kepler Draft Cover

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KEPLER-452B" (Mindslip Universe Book 3)

This third book follows a group of humans as they take a 1,500 lightyear journey to a new home as an escape from the HEAT crisis on Earth. You can pre-order it soon.

KEPLER-452B is a stand-alone novel and can be read without first reading MINDSLIP or HEAT but those novels would make the experience more enjoyable.

Although the journey is 1,500 lightyears, there are relativistic effects in play which shorten the onboard timescale. Nevertheless, generations are involved. Few of the original passengers survive to see the new world.

Problems are encountered en route and the story will grip you from beginning to end.

An Audible version will follow late in 2025 or early 2026.

Follow the BLOG to keep up to date.

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MOONSCAPE - Apollo showed us that the moon is a lifeless world, but what if something had been lurking in the dust, waiting for living beings to arrive?

Set in the first moonbase, a mundane survey of a crater ends up with a hitch-hiker being taken back to the habitat on the buggy.

What follows is a helter-skelter adventure to save the Earth.

This is the first in a series about astronaut Mark Noble. Once the moon problem is resolved, the team head off to Trappist-1 using a newly discovered space-folding drive.

Harmsworth's plot twists will not allow you to put this book down.

If you like realistic, hard science fiction, you'll enjoy this one.

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Moonscape Audiobook
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MOONSCAPE - Apollo showed us that the moon is a lifeless world, but what if something had been lurking in the dust, waiting for living beings to arrive?

Set in the first moonbase, a mundane survey of a crater ends up with a hitch-hiker being taken back to the habitat on the buggy.

What follows is a helter-skelter adventure to save the Earth.

This is the first in a series about astronaut Mark Noble. Once the moon problem is resolved, the team head off to Trappist-1 using a newly discovered space-folding drive.

If you like realistic, hard science fiction, you'll enjoy this one.

This Audible edition was released just prior to Christmas 2022. It is brought to life by Caprica actor, Luke Welland and the audio skills of Joe Souliere. Listen to the sample.

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MOONSTRUCK - is the second book in the adventures of astronaut Mark Noble.

After the frantic escape from the moon at the end of Moonscape, Mark has only just recovered when he discovers that the United States, together with the Chinese and Russians, are planning an invasion of Moonbase, and they want him to command it.

Penny, an old flame of Mark’s, is on the mission and this infuriates wife Linda, who has been grounded. Twenty-six others form the crew. Not only is it the biggest space expedition in history, but it also represents the most people ever to have been on the moon at the same time, and the most manned spacecraft in orbit too. Can Mark control the fourteen strong military contingent? As the story develops, he realises that he does not have as much authority as he believed.

Once again, Harmsworth has combined hard science fiction together with a fanciful, yet plausible story with totally convincing characters.

If Mark has international cooperation and support, how could anything go wrong? Surely a single offensive should be enough? No. The vicious mid-story plot-twist changes everything.

Find out what happens in Moonstruck today.

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Moonstruck Audiobook
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MOONSTRUCK - is the second book in the adventures of astronaut Mark Noble.

After the frantic escape from the moon at the end of Moonscape, Mark has only just recovered when he discovers that the United States, together with the Chinese and Russians, are planning an invasion of Moonbase, and they want him to command it.

Penny, an old flame of Mark’s, is on the mission and this infuriates wife Linda, who has been grounded. Twenty-six others form the crew. Not only is it the biggest space expedition in history, but it also represents the most people ever to have been on the moon at the same time, and the most manned spacecraft in orbit too. Can Mark control the fourteen strong military contingent? As the story develops, he realises that he does not have as much authority as he believed.

Once again, Harmsworth has combined hard science fiction together with a fanciful, yet plausible story with totally convincing characters.

If Mark has international cooperation and support, how could anything go wrong? Surely a single offensive should be enough? No. The vicious mid-story plot-twist changes everything.

Find out what happens in Moonstruck today.

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TRAPPIST-1 is Mark Noble Space Adventure 3.

Following the 2030 discovery of quantum spolding (space folding), interstellar exploration becomes a possibility. NASA, together with private space exploration companies, begin work on the complex physics, technology, and hardware to turn it into reality.

After a test flight to Mars, more hazardous than anyone anticipated, the starship Spirit and its two Rimor shuttles set off for the dwarf red star, Trappist-1, almost forty light years from the solar system. Haven, the fifth Trappist planet, has continents and seas, icecaps, glaciers and mountains, but the ubiquitous plant life they find is, at first, dull and uninteresting.

However, it doesn’t take long for them to discover that Haven isn’t a place on which to find shelter. It does, in fact, have the most terrifying secret, only discovered during the last day of the expedition. As realisation dawns, Mark and his team end up in an existential struggle.

When they finally appear to have resolved their disastrous visit to the planet’s surface, they discover an even bigger surprise awaiting them in orbit. It promises so much. Could it be enough to revitalise the whole mission and turn failure into success?

Harmsworth’s Mark Noble Space Adventures, of which Trappist-1 is book three, contain no space battles, or fantasy environments, but follow real science as closely as possible. Having said that, in order to travel between the stars, there must some suspension of belief to allow for the development of quantum spolding, for which Tony requires your forgiveness. Who knows, though, whether it might foretell the future?

In this story, Tony blends hard science fiction with a large dollop of imagination, and a substantial pinch of horror to add flavour.

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Moonstruck Audiobook
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TRAPPIST-1 - is the thrid book in the adventures of astronaut Mark Noble.

Following the 2030 discovery of quantum spolding (space folding), interstellar exploration becomes a possibility. NASA, together with private space exploration companies, begin work on the complex physics, technology, and hardware to turn it into reality.

After a test flight to Mars, more hazardous than anyone anticipated, the starship Spirit and its two Rimor shuttles set off for the dwarf red star, Trappist-1, almost forty light years from the solar system. Haven, the fifth Trappist planet, has continents and seas, icecaps, glaciers and mountains, but the ubiquitous plant life they find is, at first, dull and uninteresting.

However, it doesn’t take long for them to discover that Haven isn’t a place on which to find shelter. It does, in fact, have the most terrifying secret, only discovered during the last day of the expedition. As realisation dawns, Mark and his team end up in an existential struggle to survive.

When they finally appear to have resolved their disastrous visit to the planet’s surface, they discover an even bigger surprise awaiting them in orbit. It promises so much. Could it be enough to revitalise the whole mission and turn failure into success?

Harmsworth’s Mark Noble Space Adventures, of which Trappist-1 is book three, contain no space battles, or fantasy environments, but follow real science as closely as possible. Having said that, in order to travel between the stars, there must some suspension of belief to allow for the development of quantum spolding, for which Tony requires your forgiveness. Who knows, though, whether it might foretell the future?

In this story, Tony blends hard science fiction with a large dollop of imagination, and a substantial pinch of horror to add flavour.

Trappist-1 will have you hanging on every word.

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The Spolding Conundrum

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THE SPOLDING CONUNDRUM is Mark Noble Space Adventure 4.

The Spolding Conundrum is book four in the exciting Mark Noble space adventures series.

Following Moonscape and Moonstruck, Mark’s team of entity-enhanced humans set off to Trappist-1 in the search for an Earth-like planet. The newly discovered spolding drive, which exploits the difference between normal space and the dark universe, cuts travel time to fractions of what might otherwise be needed.

At the end of Trappist-1, book 3, the depleted crew make the horrific discovery that something has gone terribly wrong. The world is different, satellites have vanished, the space station has gone, and only astrophysicist Mary has the slightest idea why.

After the shocking revelation that the problem was caused by the spolding drive, the crew try to analyse what happened and how they might return to their own Earth. Is backtracking the answer? They decide that they have no alternative other than to try. If it didn’t work, they could wander, lost, through the local universe until their supplies eventually ran out.

Back in the Trappist-1 system, they learn that things have changed there too, but the biggest surprise is encountered when they orbit the frozen surface of icy planet G. They hear distinct radio signals from the surface.

The discovery makes it even more imperative to return to Earth, and soon. There is far more at stake than just the lives of the Spirit crew. Hundreds more are threatened with the inevitability of a long drawn out death.

Just when plans are beginning to look promising, another paradox hits the crew. One with incredible repercussions.

Will rescue arrive in the nick of time? Find out in The Spolding Conundrum!

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Mark Noble Space Book 5
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CYBERNETIC TYRANT andDEEP SPACE VISITOR is book 5 of the series of Mark Noble Space Adventures - Two books in one volume

CYBERNETIC TYRANT - Mark Noble Space Adventure Book Five.

Mark and the team have returned from deep space and discover that NASA seems to be run by robots. They are met by one in Earth orbit which refuses to allow them to communicate with Houston and also has locked the visiting scientists from Herade in the passenger compartment. It assumes the aliens are animals and stops all communication between the two species.

Finally, Mark, Anna, Bill, Chan and Mary are shipped back to Earth, but the reception they receive is totally unexpected and frightening. What has happened to their friends and colleagues while they've been away?

Cybernetic Tyrant explains all.

DEEP SPACE VISITOR - Mark Noble Space Adventure Book Six.

After celebrations to welcome the Heradians, Mark's team are discussing how much help they need to occupy their original world in the Trappist-1 system. Development work on the spolding drive has meant that an expedition is also being planned to the pristine Earth the team had accidentally stumbled upon on the first main Trappist-1 expedition.

Just when they begin discussing the plan, Anna walks into the office and announces more information on a vague signal being received from deep in the solar system between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus.

What is it, and why does it lead to a spolding expedition to Nu Lupi, almost fifty lightyears from Earth?

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Mark Noble Space Adventures Book 6
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PRISTINE EARTH SINISTER PLANET is book 6 of the series of Mark Noble Space Adventures - Two books in one volume again.

With all the current fuss about AI and whether or not it is a force for good or evil, this story will give you both sides. AI has the potential to be amazing and even save the planet, but if it is not controlled, it could wipe us out, exactly as this story suggests.

Mark and the team return to the PRISTINE EARTH they discovered during their Trappist-1 adventure.

They are no humans on the planet, the closest relatives being chimpanzees and gorillas. As the exploration continues, an entire group of scientists suddenly vanishes. The alarm is raised and Mark, accompanied by the military sets out to investigate. They, too, unexpectedly vanish without trace. Something or someone is kidnapping the explorers from Earth. Who, or what, is the enemy?

In SINISTER PLANET, another team is 500 lightyears from Earth at Kepler 165F. The planet has a massive amount of civilisation infrastructure, but the explorers cannot find any people. Did they die out? Did they leave? When Roy’s team decide to return to orbit, the engines refuse to fire. Some unknown force seems to be stopping their escape.

It becomes even more sinister when they are joined by astronautic engineers who can get the tank engines to fire, but not when attached to the Rimor (shuttle). Strangely, the whole stack can be fired, but not if there are any astronauts on board. How can this be? The force is strangely targeting the humans. There are now seven astronauts on the surface with no way to return to orbit or to home.

The sole remaining crew member of the Orion, Carol Appin, returns to the solar system to bring the news to NASA. Mark’s team are tasked with solving the mystery. If they fail, they’ll be permanently marooned on Pangu.

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Mark Noble Space Adventures Anthology 6

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This compilation of theMark Noble Space Adventures includes the full versions of the first six books totalling over eleven hundred pages –Moonscape,Moonstruck,Trappist-1,The Spolding Conundrum,Cybernetic Tyrant & Deep Space Visitor and the latest book,Pristine Earth Sinister Planet. By buying the compilation, you get the books better than half price.

Mark Noble Space Adventures are hard science fiction set in the near future. Expect the science to be realistic and believable.

The first book,Moonscape, is set on the moon when what appears to be an intelligent parasitic entity infects the occupants of the first Moonbase. Mark and his partner, Linda, discover that the remainder of the Moonbase crew have been taken over. It begins a frantic life-threatening attempt to escape back to Earth, but hopefully without any of the parasites with them.

The second book,Moonstruck, sees Mark returning to the moon with a multi-national team to recapture the moon from the original possessed crew. It doesn’t turn out at all how they expected.

The third book sees Mark and his team head for the dwarf red star,Trappist-1, using a newly invented drive which folds space. What they find is more scary than anything they had previously discovered. When they come to return home, something goes badly wrong and they find themselves lost in the entiroverse created by the spolding drive.

Book four isThe Spolding Conundrum. Our intrepid explorers discover the problem they encountered with spolding and have a plan to put it right. The adventure continues as they try to find their way back to the Earth from which they originated. In among these trips, they find more than one space folding paradox and something even more fascinating.

The fifth book hosts two stories in one.Cybernetic Tyrant & Deep Space Visitor. Firstly, the team have a tussle with an overprotective AI system back on Earth, but then spold to a planet which is experiencing the death throes of its sun. Can they help or is it all far too late?

Pristine Earth Sinister Planet, book six, contains two stories. In Trappist-1 the team encountered a pristine planet Earth and they return to explore it. Something on the world is capturing the researchers. What could it be? In the second story, they find a world which has suffered the same climate problems we had experienced on Earth. Their solution solved it easily, but what was the effect on the population?

This is exciting hard science fiction in the style of the old masters.


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The Visitor

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THE VISITOR - hard, near-future science fiction for the reader who likes realism.



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The Visitor Audiobook
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The Visitor now available on audio.

THE VISITOR AUDIOBOOK - hard, near-future science fiction for the reader who likes realism. It has been beautifully read by 'The Lady Hamlet', Marni Penning.


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Raducanu's Fairy Tale in New York

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The author has been a fan of Emmma Raducanu since the 2021 Wimbledon Championships. He watched, with amazement, when she went on to win ten games (including qualification), without losing a set, to win the US Open Grand Slam later that year. He wrote this account for those who only know of the achievement via clips on TV or newsprint.

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Loch Ness, Nessie and Me

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LOCH NESS, NESSIE AND ME - is the first book written on the subject by someone who has lived overlooking Loch Ness for more than forty years.

The author set up the first professional exhibition on the subject in 1980, but, as someone always willing to learn, he gradually discovered that more and more evidence could be proven to be faked or mistakes, including work by senior scientists who should be ashamed of their experimental techniques.

However, as he cleared away the dross which pointed at plesiosaurs, he discovered there was still a credible mystery being played out in the depths.

A recent DNA expedition points at eels, but the author's solution is more realistic and certainly plausible. Enjoy this book. It is a real life mystery!

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Scotland's Bloody History

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The author was in the tourist industry in the Highlands of Scotland for nearly four decades, often guiding St Andrews and Aberdeen university freshers on induction tours plus VIPs like Japanese Emporer Naruhito, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe of Sri Lanka, and many others.

SCOTLAND'S BLOODY HISTORY - is made up of many of the stories he used to build in to his guiding and lectures.

If you've ever been confused by the history of the oldest kingdom in the world, this book gives you the opportunity to learn and understand the sequence of events which have caused Scotland to have become such a much-loved country. Follow its story from prehistory to the recent quest for independence from the United Kingdom.

The stories are chronological and will provide a good grounding. However, bear in mind that the author has chosen only to include the most bloody events within the book's pages.

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