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Nancy polosi

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Nancy polosi
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

3 ga Janairu, 2021 -
District:California's 12th congressional district(en)Fassara
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

3 ga Janairu, 2019 - 3 ga Janairu, 2023
Paul Ryan(mul)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

3 ga Janairu, 2019 - 3 ga Janairu, 2021
District:California's 12th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:2018 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

3 ga Janairu, 2017 - 3 ga Janairu, 2019
District:California's 12th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:2016 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

6 ga Janairu, 2015 - 3 ga Janairu, 2017
District:California's 12th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:2014 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

3 ga Janairu, 2013 - 3 ga Janairu, 2015
District:California's 12th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:2012 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

5 ga Janairu, 2011 - 3 ga Janairu, 2013
District:California's 8th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:2010 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

6 ga Janairu, 2009 - 3 ga Janairu, 2011
District:California's 8th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:2008 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

4 ga Janairu, 2007 - 3 ga Janairu, 2011
Dennis Hastert(mul)Fassara -John Boehner(mul)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

4 ga Janairu, 2007 - 3 ga Janairu, 2009
District:California's 8th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:2006 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

4 ga Janairu, 2005 - 3 ga Janairu, 2007
District:California's 8th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:2004 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

7 ga Janairu, 2003 - 3 ga Janairu, 2005
District:California's 8th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:2002 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

3 ga Janairu, 2001 - 3 ga Janairu, 2003
District:California's 8th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:2000 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

6 ga Janairu, 1999 - 3 ga Janairu, 2001
District:California's 8th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:1998 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

7 ga Janairu, 1997 - 3 ga Janairu, 1999
District:California's 8th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:1996 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

4 ga Janairu, 1995 - 3 ga Janairu, 1997
District:California's 8th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:1994 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

5 ga Janairu, 1993 - 3 ga Janairu, 1995
District:California's 8th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:1992 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara
member of the United States House of Representatives(en)Fassara

3 ga Janairu, 1991 - 3 ga Janairu, 1993
District:California's 5th congressional district(en)Fassara
Election:1990 United States House of Representatives elections(en)Fassara

1985 - 1986
party chair(en)Fassara

1981 - 1983
Cikakken sunaNancy Patricia D'Alesandro
HaihuwaBaltimore(mul)Fassara, 26 ga Maris, 1940 (85 shekaru)
ƙasaTarayyar Amurka
New York
San Francisco
Pacific Heights(en)Fassara
ƘabilaItalian Americans(en)Fassara
Harshen uwaTuranci
Ƴan uwa
MahaifiThomas D'Alesandro, Jr.
MahaifiyaAnnunciata M. "Nancy" D'Alesandro
Abokiyar zamaPaul Pelosi(en)Fassara (7 Satumba 1963 -
AhaliThomas L. J. D'Alesandro III(en)Fassara
MakarantaInstitute of Notre Dame(en)Fassara
(1954 -1958)
Trinity Washington University(en)Fassara
(1958 -1962)Bachelor of Arts(en)Fassara:Kimiyyar siyasa
Sana'aɗan siyasa
Wurin aikiWashington, D.C.
MambaDemocratic National Committee(en)Fassara
United States House Committee on Appropriations(en)Fassara
United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence(en)Fassara
National Organization of Italian American Women(en)Fassara
National Italian American Foundation(en)Fassara
Congressional Progressive Caucus(en)Fassara
Jam'iyar siyasaDemocratic Party(en)Fassara
hoton nancy

Nancy Patricia Pelosi (/pəˈloʊsi/ pə-LOH-see; née D'Alesandro; an haife ta Maris 26, 1940) yar siyasa ce Ba’amurke wacce ita ce kakakin majalisar wakilai ta Amurka ta 52, wacce ta yi aiki daga 2007 zuwa 2011 kuma daga 2019. zuwa 2023. 'Yar jam'iyyar Democrat, ita ce mace ta farko da aka zaba a matsayin majalisar dokokin Amurka Kakakin majalisar kuma mace ta farko da ta jagoranci babbar jam'iyyar siyasa a ko wace jam'iyyar ta Congress, wacce ke jagorantar jam'iyyar Democrat daga 2003 zuwa 2023.Memba na House tun 1987, Pelosi a halin yanzu yana wakiltar gundumar majalisa ta 11 ta California, wanda ya haɗa da yawancin San Francisco. Ita ce shugabar wakilan majalisar California.

An haifi Pelosi kuma ta girma a Baltimore, kuma diya ce ga magajin gari kuma dan majalisa Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. Ta sauke karatu daga Kwalejin Trinity, Washington, a 1962 kuma ta auri dan kasuwa Paul Pelosi a shekara mai zuwa; su biyun sun hadu ne yayin da dukkansu dalibai ne. Sun ƙaura zuwa birnin New York kafin su zauna a San Francisco tare da yaransu.Pelosi ta ci gaba da samun matsayi na Majalisar Demokaradiyya ta Majalisar Dokoki don a zabe shi bulala na 'yan majalisa a 2001[1] kuma ta zama shugabar marasa rinjaye a majalisar shekara guda bayan haka,[1] ta zama mace ta farko da ta rike kowannen wadannan mukamai a kowane zauren Majalisa. .

A zaben tsakiyar wa'adi na 2006, Pelosi ta jagoranci 'yan jam'iyyar Democrat zuwa ga rinjaye a majalisar a karon farko cikin shekaru 12 kuma daga baya aka zabe ta a matsayin kakakin majalisar, inda ta zama mace ta farko da ta rike mukamin.[2]

Rayuwar farko da ilimi

[gyara sashe |gyara masomin]

An haifi Nancy Pelosi a Baltimore, Maryland, ga dangin Ba'amurke ɗan Italiya. Ita kaɗai ce 'ya kuma ƙaramar 'ya'ya shida na Annunciata M. "Nancy" D'Alesandro (née Lombardi)[3] da Thomas D'Alesandro Jr.[[4] An haifi mahaifiyarta a Fornelli, Isernia, Molise, a Kudancin Italiya, kuma ta yi hijira zuwa Amurka a cikin 1912;[5] mahaifinta ya samo asalinsa na Italiyanci zuwa Genoa, Venice da Abruzzo.[6] Lokacin da aka haifi Pelosi, mahaifinta dan majalisar wakilai ne daga Maryland. Ya zama magajin garin Baltimore bayan shekaru bakwai.[7][8][9] ,Mahaifiyar Pelosi ita ma ta kasance mai taka-tsan-tsan a harkokin siyasa, tana tsara matan Demokradiyya da kuma koya wa 'yarta dabarun siyasa.[10] Ɗan'uwan Pelosi, Thomas D'Alesandro III, kuma ɗan Democrat, an zaɓi shi a matsayin shugaban majalisar birnin Baltimore kuma daga baya ya zama magajin gari daga 1967 zuwa 1971.[11]

Pelosi ta taimaka wa mahaifinta a taron yakin neman zabensa, kuma ta halarci jawabin farko na Shugaba John F. Kennedy a cikin Janairu 1961.[12] A cikin 1958, Pelosi ta sauke karatu daga Cibiyar Notre Dame, makarantar sakandaren Katolika ta 'yan mata duka a Baltimore. A cikin 1962, ta sauke karatu daga Kwalejin Trinity (yanzu Jami'ar Trinity Washington) a Washington, D.C., tare da Bachelor of Arts a kimiyyar siyasa.[13] Pelosi ya yi aiki ga Sanata Daniel Brewster (D-Maryland) a cikin 1960s tare da Shugaban Masu Rinjaye na Majalisar Steny Hoyer na gaba.[14]

Farkon aiki

[gyara sashe |gyara masomin]

Pelosi, mahaifiyarta, da Shugaba John F. Kennedy suna kallon lokacin da aka rantsar da mahaifinta a matsayin memba na Hukumar Sake Tattaunawa, 1961.Bayan ƙaura zuwa San Francisco, Pelosi ta zama abokantaka da ɗan majalisa na gunduma na 5 Phillip Burton kuma ta fara aiki tuƙuru a fagen siyasar Demokraɗiyya.[15] A cikin 1976, an zabe ta a matsayin memba na Kwamitin Dimokuradiyya daga California, matsayin da za ta rike har zuwa 1996.[16] An zabe ta a matsayin shugabar jam’iyya ta Arewacin California a shekarar 1977, kuma bayan shekaru hudu aka zabe ta ta shugabanci jam’iyyar Democrat ta California, wadda ta jagoranci har zuwa 1983. Daga baya, Pelosi ta zama shugabar kwamitin karbar bakuncin taron Democratic National Convention a San Francisco a 1984, sannan a matsayin shugaban kwamitin yakin neman zaben Sanatan Demokradiyya daga 1985 zuwa 1986.[17]Pelosi ta hada hannu da rubuta Dokar CARE ta Ryan White, wadda ta ware kudade da aka sadaukar don samar da jiyya da ayyuka ga wadanda cutar ta HIV/AIDS ta shafa.[18] Shugaba George H. W. Bush ya sanya hannu kan dokar a watan Disamba na shekara ta 1990.[19]

A cikin Maris 1988, Pelosi ya zaɓi Dokar Maido da Haƙƙin Bil'adama na 1987 (haka da soke veto na Shugaba Ronald Reagan).[20][21][22]

Aikin farko a matsayin year majalisa

[gyara sashe |gyara masomin]

Pelosi ya taimaka wajen tsara Dokar Rigakafin Rigakafin Rigakafin Hannun Hannu, tare da aiki tare da Sanatan California Dianne Feinstein da dan majalisar New York Chuck Schumer. Ya zama doka a shekarar 1994.[23] Pelosi ya kuma rike kujeru a kan muhimman kwamitoci, kamar kwamitin kasafin kudi na majalisar da kwamitin leken asiri na majalisar.[24]

A shekara ta 2001, an zabi Pelosi a matsayin bulala na 'yan tsiraru na majalisar, mai mulki na biyu ga Shugaban marasa rinjaye Dick Gephardt. Ita ce mace ta farko a tarihin Amurka da ta rike wannan matsayi[25]


[gyara sashe |gyara masomin]
  1. Loughlin, Sean (November 15, 2002). "Democrats pick Pelosi as House leader". CNN. Retrieved June 19, 2023.
  2. Branigin, William (January 4, 2007). "Pelosi Sworn in as First Woman Speaker of the House". The Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved June 19, 2023.
  3. Cassie, Ron (January 4, 2019). "The Gavel Goes Back to Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosi of Little Italy". Baltimore Magazine. Archived from the original on July 13, 2019. Retrieved May 30, 2019.
  4. Ball, Molly (September 6, 2018). "Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Care What You Think of Her". Time. Archived from the original on January 15, 2020. Retrieved January 4, 2019
  5. Stated on Finding Your Roots, January 12, 2021
  6. Ball, Molly (September 6, 2018). "Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Care What You Think of Her". Time. Archived from the original on January 15, 2020. Retrieved January 4, 2019.
  7. Campbell, Colin (October 21, 2019). "The D'Alesandros: a Baltimore political powerhouse that gave us two mayors and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi". The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved October 22, 2019.
  8. Ball, Molly (September 6, 2018). "Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Care What You Think of Her". Time. Archived from the original on January 15, 2020. Retrieved January 4, 2019.
  9. Puzzanghera, Jim (November 14, 2002). "Pelosi's aim for center may steer pundits wrong". San Jose Mercury News. Archived from the original on September 3, 2013. Retrieved March 20, 2010
  10. Stolberg, Sheryl Gay (January 2, 2019). "Nancy Pelosi, Icon of Female Power, Will Reclaim Role as Speaker and Seal a Place in History". The New York Times. Archived from the original on August 13, 2019. Retrieved January 3, 2019.
  11. Campbell, Colin (October 21, 2019). "The D'Alesandros: a Baltimore political powerhouse that gave us two mayors and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi". The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved October 22, 2019.
  12. Ball, Molly (September 6, 2018). "Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Care What You Think of Her". Time. Archived from the original on January 15, 2020. Retrieved January 4, 2019
  13. Clymer, Adam (October 11, 2001). "A new vote counter—nancy patricia pelosi". The New York Times.
  14. Weisman, Jonathan; Romano, Lois (November 16, 2006). "Pelosi Splits Democrats With Push For Murtha". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on December 1, 2017. Retrieved November 16, 2006.
  15. Marcovitz, Hal (2009). Nancy Pelosi: politician. Chelsea House Publishers. pp. 29–30.ISBN 9781438120423
  16. McGreal, Chris (March 26, 2010). "Nancy Pelosi: is this the most powerful woman in US history?". The Guardian. London. Archived from the original on December 3, 2018. Retrieved June 14, 2010
  17. Nancy Pelosi Fast Facts". CNN. March 21, 2019. Archived from the original on December 15, 2019. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  18. Calmes, Jackie (December 23, 2022). "Column: Nancy Pelosi's indelible mark". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved April 22, 2023.
  19. 40 Years of AIDS in SF". University of California San Francisco. 2021. Retrieved October 30, 2023.
  20. To Pass S 557, Civil Rights Restoration Act, A Bill... – House Vote #506 – Mar 2, 1988". Archived from the original on January 14, 2021. Retrieved May 17, 2020.
  21. "To Pass, Over President Reagan's Veto, S 557, Civil Rights ... – House Vote #527 – Mar 22, 1988". Archived from the original on January 14, 2021. Retrieved May 17, 2020
  22. Molotsky, Irvin (March 23, 1988). "House and Senate Vote to Override Reagan On Rrights". The New York Times. Archived from the original on March 8, 2010. Retrieved January 3, 2020.
  23. Nancy Pelosi seeks re-election; Take a look at her career from humble housewife to most powerful woman politician in US". The Economic Times. September 9, 2023. Retrieved May 4, 2024.
  24. Nancy Pelosi seeks re-election; Take a look at her career from humble housewife to most powerful woman politician in US". The Economic Times. September 9, 2023. Retrieved May 4, 2024.
  25. Eilperin, Juliet (October 11, 2001). "Democrats Pick Pelosi as House Whip; Top Rank Ever for Woman in Congress". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on September 15, 2019. Retrieved March 15, 2022.
Daga ""

