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Daga Wikipedia, Insakulofidiya ta kyauta.
nau'in jinsi
medical attribute(en)Fassara
Ƙaramin ɓangare narole(en)Fassara
Bangare nasex or gender(en)Fassara
Facet of(en)Fassarareproduction(en)Fassara
Contributing factor of(en)Fassarabiodiversity(en)Fassara
Model item(en)Fassaragenetic sex(en)Fassara daanatomical sex(en)Fassara
NCI Thesaurus ID(en)FassaraC28421

Jima'i shine trait da ke nuni idan an yi bayanin cewa sexually reproducing hayyacan ya yi tafiya akan male ko female gametes. An jima'i, male da female gamete sun kwashe ɗan zygote, wanda ya yi tafiya ga offspring da aka bayyana traits daga kowane wanda ya samu. Da kwarewarsu, organism suka kware yawan smaller, more mobile gametes (spermatozoa, sperm) sun ce sunamale, inda organisms wanda suka kware larger, non-mobile gametes (ova, don haka sunafemale.[1][2]

Gano ita ce cewa akwai hakkin rubutu a cikin bayanai: mutane da suke sa smaller of the two gamete types (sperm ko pollen) sun gwada 'yan male, kuma wadanda suke sa larger gametes (eggs ko ovules) sun ce wadanda suke ce female. Hayyacan wanda ya kware both types na gametes ne a hermaphrodite. A wata jikin zai iya aiki da yawa kuma ta yin kware both male and female. Harshe ita yana buƙatar kowane male da female haploid gametes. A kowanne species, wadannan gametes suna kware da wadannan wadannan wadannan ko male da female. Species da suke da mutane mai male da female sun ce da suka dioecious (daga cikin tsohuwar 'biyar'). A wani irin wata, a single individual zai iya samu yin both female da male reproductive systems. Wadannan species sunce suke da 'house one' ko hermaphroditic.[3]

A wurin hermaphroditic species, sex na wani wanda zai iya cike da m individual ne kuma a determined ta yadda ya fito a cikin several biological sex-determination systems. Yawan mammalian species suna da XY sex-determination system, inda male usually carries a X da Y chromosome (XY), while female usually carries two X chromosomes (XX). Wadannan chromosomal sex-determination systems a animals suka kware ZW sex-determination system a birds, kuma XO sex-determination system a some insects. Wadannan environmental systems suna kware temperature-dependent sex determination a reptiles da kuma crustaceans.[4]

Male da female na wani species ka da su physically alike (sexual monomorphism) ko suna da physical differences (sexual dimorphism). A sexually dimorphic species, including most birds da mammals, sex na wani wanda ya identified wurin bayyana na that individual's sexual characteristics. Sexual selection ko mate choice can accelerate the evolution na differences between na the sexes.[5]

Wadannan termsmale dafemale typically do not apply a sexually undifferentiated species wanda the individuals suka isomorphic (look the same) kuma the gametes suka isogamous (indistinguishable in size and shape), kamar yadda an ce green algaUlva lactuca. Wani iri daga functional differences between individuals, such as a cikin fungi, za su iya yin amfani damating types.

Further reading

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