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Rang oaylleeagh
Dooie:F. catus
Ennym daa-ennymagh
Felis catus

Felis catus domestica
Felis silvestris catus

Ta'nkayt, ny ynkayt thieoil, (ASE[ˈkɑt̪], yl.kiyt,Ladjyn:Felis catus) nybaagh thieoil. T'ee nysheeintagh begfeill-eeagh. Ta'n cochiangley eddyr kiyt as deiney er ve ayn rish 9 500 blein er y chooid sloo, as she biggin smoo ennoil y teihll t'ayn.[1][2] Kyndagh rish y chochiangley shen, t'ad ry-akin er fud ny cruinney, bunnys. T'ad so-lhoobagh as cragheydagh, as ta reat gientynagh tappee oc; myr shen, t'ad gieyrtys er eggochoryssyn dooghyssagh, as ta kuse dy h-ardjyn curdooie ruegyssagh orroo.


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Ta kiyt hieoil casley rish olteynynFelis elley. Ta trimmid eddyr 4kg-5kg oc dy cadjin. Ta aalaghtyn ennagh, myr sampleyr,Maine Coon, harrish 11kg ny keayrtyn, as ta kiyt veggey ayn myrgeddin. By 21.297kg ee y chayt strimmey.[3] By 1.36kg ee y chayt aasit sloo as enney oikoil urree..[4] T'ad mysh 23-25km er yrjid, as mysh 46km er lhiurid dy cadjin, as famman mysh 30km oc. Ta kiyt 'irrinagh ny smoo na kiyt woirrinagh.[5]


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Ta 7vertebrae mhuinneelagh ec kiyt (myrsheeintee chadjin elley), 13vertebrae thoracksagh, 7vertebrae lumbagh, as 3vertebrae sacragh myr sheeintee chadjin.[F 1] Ta earroo neuchinjagh dyvertebrae fammanagh 'syn 'amman oc.[F 2][6]Ta ny thooilley vertebrae lumbagh as thoracksagh cur so-lhoobaght chirpey share da'n chayt. Ta 13 asnaghyn, nygeayltyn as ypelvis kianglt roo.[7] Ta ny lurgaghyn toshee kianglt rish y yeaylin liorishcroymmag seyr, as ta shen lhiggey daue goll stiagh boayl erbee mooar dy liooar dy lhiggey da'n chione goll ny hrooid.[8]

Claigin kayt

Ta claigin kayt neuchadjin myr sheeintagh, er coontey nylig hooilley feer vooar, as y cheeil lajer as currit da obbyr er lheh.[9] Ta nyfeeacklyn currit da marroo cragh as skelpey feill. Erreish da goaill y chragh er niart, ta'n chayt cur greim mwannal marrooagh jee liorish y ghaavirrag; t'ad cur ad eddyr daavertebra as scarrey ycoyrt drommey, as ta shen curneulheiltys jee ny marroo ee.[10] Cosoylit rish kiyt elley, ta birragyn kiyt hieoil scarrit dy keyl, er y fa dy neecaigneyderyn beggey oc y reih chragh oc, as ta vertebrae beggey oc.[10] Ta'nfeeackle lieh-chooylloo askied 'eeackle çheu chooylloo jannoo magh piyrcharnassagh ta giarrey feill dys peeshyn beggey 'syn aght cheddin asshuddyryn. Ta shen slane femoil da ee, er y fa nagh nod feeacklyn çheu chooylloo beggey kiyt caigney bee dy mie.[9]


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  1. Oldest Known Pet Cat? 9500-Year-Old Burial Found on Cyprus (Baarle). National Geographic News (2004-04-08). Feddynit er 2007-03-06.
  2. Carlos A. Driscoll; Juliet Clutton-Brock, Andrew C. Kitchener & Stephen J. O'Brien. The Evolution of House Cats (Baarle). Scientific American. Feddynit er 2009-08-29.
  3. Cat World (2008). Cat World Records: Heaviest Cat.
  4. 2008/29/11
  5. Domestic Cat. SeaWorld. Feddynit er 2009-03-04.
  6. Warren F. Walker (1982).Study of the Cat with Reference to Human Beings, 4oo aascreeut, Thomson Learning, 11.ISBN 0030579147.
  7. Warren F. Walker (1982).Study of the Cat with Reference to Human Beings, 4oo aascreeut, Thomson Learning, 16.ISBN 0030579147.
  8. Cat Skeleton. Tashtit veihy bun er 2006-12-06. Feddynit er 2006-12-12.
  9. abLinda P. Case (2003).The cat: its behavior, nutrition, & health. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State Press, 35.ISBN 0-8138-0331-4.Cite error: Invalid<ref> tag; name "Case" defined multiple times with different content
  10. abSmith, Patricia; Eitan Tchernov (1992).Structure, function and evolution of teeth. Freund Publishing House Ltd., 217.ISBN 9652222704, 9789652222701.


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  1. Ta 12 vertebra thoracksagh as 5 vertebra lumbagh ec deiney. Ta 5 vertebrae sacragh ec deiney kyndagh rish yn ymmyrkey daa-chassagh oc.
  2. Ta 3-5 vertebrae fammanagh ec deiney, er nyn co-lheie dysgimmijey.
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