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How do you get more materials before you can afford the mining probe?

This was great. I got the final upgrade just at the end of 9 years, so you paced the game perfectly :)

It would be cooler if this game had an endless mode, but other than that, this game is amazing!

I got a really stable flow of food and water in the first half of year 1 and then kind of waited out the rest of the 10 years making one or two changes... haha. But otherwise it was pretty fun :D 

Finally got around to playing this one. It has been waiting flagged in my in-box for roughly  9 months since (December 2016).

I somehow managed to miss how much stuff could actually salvaged, so I ended up making the first 8 years without upgrades.

Interesting use of Twine  and a nice take on the theme ('One room'). GJ.

Good tuning in using the resources the right way at the right time.

Just one thing: after some failure I managed to have a stable resources balance around 25% of the game and so I hadn't anything more to do, just waiting for 7.5 years :D

Maybe I'd have expected a chance of catastrophe (ateroids, magnetic storm, system failure, ...) so I would need to repair the damage and re-balance the resources.

But great job for a jam submission!

Good game, but one problem that I had. Maybe I'm just not noticing how to collect materials or something, but the mining probe isn't giving me materials...

Woops! I fixed a typo in the logic, it should be working now.·View all by Graeme Borland·Report·Embed

