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I had a lot of fun playing it and hacking it. It would be cool if you had a list of passive upgrades somewhere, and it showed you all the potions you collected at the end. If there was some way to get more of the ingredients you want I think it would be balanced better and less RNG dependent. Micromanaging light levels was good. The sweeping blast offset bugged me lol. Anyways, good work!
I loved your game Gr0n! I also ran into the thing where i didn't know that objects were thrown with mouse aiming, so i was under the complete delusion that ingredients had to be thrown from the right side and wood had to be thrown from the left side (and even thought to myself 'hey, that's kind of cool').
Your game is pretty, sounds satisfying, and i loved how the darkness mechanic works and feels - It truly made me a little claustrophobic as more enemies started surrounding me and i couldn't even see how many i was facing until i suffered a slow death. Congratulations!
Nice title splash. Volume controls got some use, also. Mechanics all seem to work fine generally speaking and there’s certainly a build up of tension once the light starts going down. It took me a while to realise that ‘throwing’ threw towards the cursor, since the throw button isn’t a mouse-click. Played about one run.
It is possible to bind multiple keys at once accidentally in the keybind menu, since you can click multiple buttons at once. I didn’t like the button press noise bursts, but that might be personal taste. It might be worth either having mouseclick as an optional throw button, or to always throw items towards the cauldron by default.
Nice concept! I survived for almost 5 minutes before i got swarmed by the creepy hands.One thing (perhaps is on my end) - i had a bug when trying to throw ingredients or wood with the character facing right. The ingredients flew straight left. This made it a bit hard to keep up with the dynamic.
Other than that, really cool application of theme :D keep it up!
EDIT: I just read in the comments about the mouse - aiming feature - sorry i raised it as a bug! Should've read the instructions first
Cool tower defense concept! I had a hard time hitting the enemies sometimes (mostly a skill issue :P lol). I liked the ever-creeping shadow and the potion abilities. I think this could be a cool mobile game if you decided to continue working on it!
I also like the design of your GDD. I can definitely see the Don't Starve inspiration in the pixel art.
Nice game, I stood up for 8:44 before getting eaten alive by the shadows. The cat helper is nice, the menu music is also good, and I like that you have to craft potion and not only defend the pot!
I would like a little longer range in attack as when you try to hit the shadows fast, I always get hit first, and if you are not close enough you miss.
Anyways GG!
The darkness is really cool
might sound a bit lame but it was surprising that I genuinely couldnt see anything in the shadow, and the shadows just completely disappeard when I couldn't find enough materials. idk how to word it lol I guess I liked the darkness closing in and it absorbing the shadow people.
also and I'm not sure if it's a bad thing and I kinda liked it actually but it's kinda a vicious cycle that rapidly accelerates when you start getting low on materials, it gets darker, cant see materials, it gets darker, can see less materials, cant see shadow people, it gets darker.
Anyway, I liked the gameplay loop lol.
The gameplay has an interesting general premise, though I feel it could have worked better if throw-towards-mouse behaviour was removed altogether in favour of throw-towards-player-direction. As it is, I just ended up placing the mouse in the middle of the cauldron and ignoring it for the rest of the game.
I liked the variety of potions here, although some potions' purpose was unclear (what is "Potion of Supplementary Potions") and I'd sometimes get a repeated one (e.g. "Potion of Feline Vision"). Would be nice if all 25 potions were shuffled, and then if the player manages to get the 26th they complete the game. Also, the potion name could have a brief description below it to explain how it actually benefits the player.
The balancing between the light and darkness was also nice, though I wish the ingredients-spawning appeared a liiittle closer within the ring of light (as in, half-shadow rather than complete shadow?). That, or maybe log-spawning and ingredient spawning would have their own sound effects, so I would know when to add some wood to the fire to search for a fresh ingredient?
It took a while for a new type of enemy to appear; for a moment there I thought that the hands of darkness will be the only enemy I'll encounter. I eventually survived to see the shooting enemies; they feel kind of overpowered, especially the way they start shooting as soon as they spawn, it seems. ^^'
Props for having an option to change controls - I ended up going for arrow keys + Z/X/C setup, so that one hand takes care of movement while the other does interactions. Too bad the settings don't change between games. Having a local record of the best time would also be nice.
Pretty nice game overall, though it could use some tweaking here and there to make it work better.
A really nice and simple game.
The controls are probably the biggest issue to be honest. I wish the character attacked in the same direction as I was aiming. It feels counter-intuitive to have me aim to throw stuff but not aim with the mouse to attack. So having to line myself up with the keyboard to attack while aiming to throw stuff with the mouse was kinda a pain in the ***.
Other than that I had a great time playing the game. The premise was cool running around throwing ingredients back to the pot felt awesome and I loved the constant struggle of keeping the flame lit while fending off the little "Thing" hands that would dim the flame.
The art and auidio were good too and other than the previously mentioned issue the controls were fine and I had no bugs/issues to speak of :)
So fun to play. Once you get used to juggling items around, you feel like a god.
+ Feels good, man
+ Potions do cool things, and there's a high skill ceiling to play with
+ Difficulty curve is nice and smooth
- Attack hitbox is pretty bad. I lost mostly because I'd be swinging at the same hand several times before actually hitting it.
- Itd be nice to have the potion name onscreen for a bit after I've consumed it; I was rushing too much to read for long.
- Ingredient spawn rate feels a bit inconsistent