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iPad miniはやはり次期iPhoneと同じ時期に発売されるのだろうか?!
We expect panel production to start in August, with production ramping up to high volumes (more than a million units per month) in the fourth quarter,” said Paul Semenza, an analyst at NPD DisplaySearch, in response to an e-mail query.
Semenza said this is Display Search’s “understanding of the activity for the 7.85 [inch] panel expected to be used in theiPad Mini.” If this production schedule plays out, it could indicate a late 2012 launch, he said.
iPad miniのディスプレイサイズは7.85インチとされていて、今月中に生産開始するのであれば、噂されている来月の発表も現実味を帯びてくる。
今秋はApple新製品ラッシュか?!iPhone 5とiPad miniは9月中、Retinaディスプレイ搭載のMacBook Pro 13インチは9月〜10月頃 | gori.me
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(viaiDownload Blog)