Hello! I’m @glpzzz
I’m a software engineer living in Cienfuegos, Cuba. I am a fan of programming, web development, and entrepreneurship. I’m also interested in technology and music.
Here, I blog mostly about tech…
Integrating Yii3 packages into WordPress:
Exploring the usage of Yii3 packages to render, validate and handle forms in a WordPress website
Step-by-Step Guide: Enabling WWAN on ThinkPad P50 Ubuntu:
Discover the steps to set up mobile broadband on Lenovo ThinkPad P50 using Ubuntu. Our guide simplifies the WWAN activation process, ensuring a hassle-free experience for users.
Updating my website with htmx:
How do I applied a very simple enhancement to my website using the boost feature of htmx?
A playlist:
Just a compilation of songs I like...
New tool: Social Tags Generator:
I have a new personal tool. A generator for social tags: OpenGraph and Twitter Cards. Hope you also find it useful.
Special links for our websites:
How to use regular <a> links for custom tasks as calls, sms or email?
Modern JavaScript that Internet Explorer 11 dislikes:
Things I have discovered when trying to run JavaScript code on IE11
The 75% keyboard layout:
For those of you who don't know about the more compact keyboard layouts that exists out there
How to identify my public IP from Linux CLI:
Which is my public IP? Linux command to know it on CLI, as I like the things
How to toggle attribute values using jQuery:
Some ways to toggle the value of an attribute between two options by using jQuery. Go to the last one if you are in a hurry!
How to redirect all emails to one inbox on Yii2 applications:
Let's redirect all the emails sent by our Yii2 aplication to our inbox while developing it. This way we don't need to inspect emails stored in @runtime/mail.
How to email error logs to developer on Yii2 apps:
Use yii\log\EmailTarget to receive error messages/warnings from your Yii2 application directly in your inbox.
Simple way to set wallpaper on Linux:
The simplest way to set a wallpaper on Linux: use hsetroot.
How to fetch my Github activity chart as an image:
Use this snippet to grab an image with your Github activity chart.
How to add Schema.org markup to Yii2 pages?:
Let's use Schema.org on our website to help search engines to know more about the content of this URL. Here I'll you how to do it on Yii2 applications.
How to add Open Graph and Twitter Card tags to Yii2 website:
Small tutorial on how to use TaggedView Yii2 extension made by Daxslab to add OpenGraph and Twitter Card tags to any Yii2 application or website. Efficient and time saver!
Personal directory distributed over several physical disks:
How to split your home directory in several disks instead of having a bunch o units visibly mounted on your file manager.
Save time integrating git with pass:
Use this recipe to save time if you continuosly are using git online services as Gitlab, Github, Bitbucket. You just need to remember one password and enter it once per session.
About tiling windows managers:
This is a quick introduction to three of the more popular tiling windows managers: i3, bspwm and my favorite dwm. Just to know my vision about each one of these. I hope this helps you...