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The Gun Club

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The Gun Club
Jeffrey Lee Pierce
OrixeOs Ánxeles (California),
Período1979–1985, 1986-1994
Xénero(s)post-punk,punk rock,psychobilly,cowpunk,punk blues
Selo(s) discográfico(s)Ruby Records,Slash Records, Animal Records, Red Rhino Records, Fire Records, New Rose Records, Triple X Records
Artistas relacionadosBlondie, The Red Lights, The E-Types,The Individuals, Phast Phreddie & Thee Precisions, The Cyclones,Bags,45 Grave,The Cramps, Der Stab,The Weirdos,Legal Weapon,Tav Falco's Panther Burns,Bush Tetras,The Johnnys,The Blasters, Fur Bible,The Sisters of Mercy,The Damned, The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Quartet,Clock DVA,Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, World of Twist,Cypress Grove,Congo Norvell,Die Haut,Subway Sect,JoBoxers,Freeheat,The Jesus and Mary Chain, Earl Brutus,Tex & the Horseheads,Wayne Kramer,Pennywise
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The Gun Club foi unha bandaestadounidense depost-punk/cowpunk procedente dosÁnxeles (California), activa entre1979 e1996. Liderado polo extravagante cantante e guitarrista Jeffrey Lee Pierce, o grupo fusionou opunk rock contemporáneo cos máis tradicionaisrockabilly ecountry.

Xunto conX,The Flesh Eaters eThe Blasters son citados como unha banda de "tribal psychobilly blues".[1]


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Fire of Love1981Ruby Records/Slash Records
Miami1982Animal Records
The Las Vegas Story1984Animal Records/Chrysalis Records
Mother Juno1987Red Rhino Records
Pastoral Hide and Seek1990Fire Records
Divinity1991New Rose Records
Lucky Jim1993Triple X Records


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  1. Allmusic (ed.)."The Gun Club en Allmusic". Consultado o 20 de febreiro de 2017. 
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