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Integrina beta 3 (baseado en PDB 1jv2).

OCD61 (cluster de diferencaición 61) ouintegrina beta-3 (β3) é unhaproteína que se encontra na superficie celular dasplaquetas ou trombocitos, que nos humanos está codificada noxeneITGB3 docromosoma 17.[1] Funciona comomolécula de adhesión celular.

Estrutura e función

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O produto proteico do ITGB3 é unha cadea beta beta 3 deintegrina. As integrinas son proteínas integrais da superficie celular compostas por unha cadea alfa e unha beta. Unha determinada cadea pode combinarse con diversas moléculas orixinando distintos tipos de integrinas. A integrina beta 3 está combinada coa cadea alfa IIb nas plaquetas. As integrinas participan naadhesión celular e nasinalización celular mediada pola superficie celular.[2]

Na endometriose

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Aexpresión defectiva da subunidade β3 de integrina foi correlacionada coaendometriose, e propúxose como un posible marcador para esta doenza.[3]


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O CD61 interacciona conPTK2,[4][5]ITGB3BP,[6][7]TLN1[8][9] eCIB1.[10]


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  1. Sosnoski DM, Emanuel BS, Hawkins AL, van Tuinen P, Ledbetter DH, Nussbaum RL, Kaos FT, Schwartz E, Phillips D, Bennett JS; et al. (1988)."Chromosomal localization of the genes for the vitronectin and fibronectin receptors alpha subunits and for platelet glycoproteins IIb and IIIa".J Clin Invest81 (6): 1993–8.PMC 442653.PMID 2454952.doi:10.1172/JCI113548. 
  2. "Entrez Gene: ITGB3 integrin, beta 3 (platelet glycoprotein IIIa, antigen CD61)". 
  3. May, K. E.; Villar, J.; Kirtley, S.; Kennedy, S. H.; Becker, C. M. (2011). "Endometrial alterations in endometriosis: A systematic review of putative biomarkers". Human Reproduction Update 17 (5): 637–653. doi:10.1093/humupd/dmr013.PMID 21672902.
  4. Eliceiri, Brian P; Puente Xose S, Hood John D, Stupack Dwayne G, Schlaepfer David D, Huang Xiaozhu Z, Sheppard Dean, Cheresh David A (2002)."Src-mediated coupling of focal adhesion kinase to integrin alpha(v)beta5 in vascular endothelial growth factor signaling".J. Cell Biol. (United States)157 (1): 149–60.ISSN 0021-9525.PMC 2173263.PMID 11927607.doi:10.1083/jcb.200109079. 
  5. Chung, J; Gao A G, Frazier W A (1997). "Thrombspondin acts via integrin-associated protein to activate the platelet integrin alphaIIbbeta3".J. Biol. Chem. (UNITED STATES)272 (23): 14740–6.ISSN 0021-9258.PMID 9169439.doi:10.1074/jbc.272.23.14740. 
  6. Fujimoto, Tetsuro-Takahiro; Katsutani Shinya, Shimomura Takeshi, Fujimura Kingo (2002)."Novel alternatively spliced form of beta(3)-endonexin".Thromb. Res. (United States)105 (1): 63–70.ISSN 0049-3848.PMID 11864709.doi:10.1016/S0049-3848(01)00405-4. 
  7. Shattil, S J; O'Toole T, Eigenthaler M, Thon V, Williams M, Babior B M, Ginsberg M H (1995)."Beta 3-endonexin, a novel polypeptide that interacts specifically with the cytoplasmic tail of the integrin beta 3 subunit".J. Cell Biol. (UNITED STATES)131 (3): 807–16.ISSN 0021-9525.PMC 2120613.PMID 7593198.doi:10.1083/jcb.131.3.807. 
  8. Patil, S; Jedsadayanmata A, Wencel-Drake J D, Wang W, Knezevic I, Lam S C (1999). "Identification of a talin-binding site in the integrin beta(3) subunit distinct from the NPLY regulatory motif of post-ligand binding functions. The talin n-terminal head domain interacts with the membrane-proximal region of the beta(3) cytoplasmic tail".J. Biol. Chem. (UNITED STATES)274 (40): 28575–83.ISSN 0021-9258.PMID 10497223.doi:10.1074/jbc.274.40.28575. 
  9. Calderwood, David A; Yan Boxu, de Pereda Jose M, Alvarez Begoña García, Fujioka Yosuke, Liddington Robert C, Ginsberg Mark H (2002). "The phosphotyrosine binding-like domain of talin activates integrins".J. Biol. Chem. (United States)277 (24): 21749–58.ISSN 0021-9258.PMID 11932255.doi:10.1074/jbc.M111996200. 
  10. Naik, U P; Patel P M, Parise L V (1997). "Identification of a novel calcium-binding protein that interacts with the integrin alphaIIb cytoplasmic domain".J. Biol. Chem. (UNITED STATES)272 (8): 4651–4.ISSN 0021-9258.PMID 9030514.doi:10.1074/jbc.272.8.4651. 

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