A collection of utilities for working with cryptocurrency APIs.
Goal: Painless automated spread and target trading, account management, and data analysis.
- BitMex (stocklook.crypto.bitmex): trading, account management, websocket feed
- Bittrex (stocklook.crypto.bittrex): account management, buy/sell
- blockchain.io (stocklook.crypto.bitcoin): BTC blockchain stats
- blockcypher.com (stocklook.crypto.etherium): ETH blockchain stats
- CoinBase (stocklook.crypto.coinbase_api): account management, buy/sell
- CoinMarketCap (stocklook.crypto.coinmarketcap): price history, market stats
- Cryptopia (stocklook.crypto.cryptopia): price history, buy/sell, market stats
- Gdax (stocklook.crypto.gdax): trading, account management, price history, websocket feed
- Poloniex (stocklook.crypto.poloniex): price history
- Twitter (stocklook.apis.twitah): tweet scanning
- Yahoo Finance (broken): price history
Accessing Coinbase to view accounts:
from stocklook.crypto.coinbase_api import CoinbaseClientc = CoinbaseClient()# method 1 - access accounts via coinbase libraryobj = c.get_accounts()accounts = obj.response.json['data']for account in accounts: print("{}: {}".format(account['currency']: account['id'])# method 2 - parses accounts into dictionary upon access.usd_account = c.accounts['USD']
Accessing Gdax to buy some coin:
from stocklook.crypto.gdax import Gdax, GdaxOrderg = Gdax()g.deposit_from_coinbase('USD', 100)o = GdaxOrder(g, 'LTC-USD', order_type='market', amount=100)o.post()
Market making spreads on Gdax:
from stocklook.crypto.gdax.market_maker import GdaxMarketMakerm = GdaxMarketMaker(product_id='ETH-USD', min_spread=0.10, max_spread=0.30, max_buy_orders=10, max_sell_orders=30,)m.run()
Accessing Poloniex chart data:
Configuration variables are stored in global variable stocklook.config.config(dict). User input may be requiredon Object initialization to figure out credentials unless they've been previously cached or added to this dictionary.Passwords & secrets are always cached safely using the keyring library.
Update os.environ with the following credentials to have them auto-update config:
- coinbase: COINBASE_KEY
- poloniex: POLONIEX_KEY
You can update global configuration like so:
from stocklook.config import update_config, configmy_config = { 'DATA_DIRECTORY': 'C:/Users/me/stocklook_data' 'COINBASE_KEY': 'mycoinbasekey', 'COINBASE_SECRET': 'mycoinbasesecret', 'GDAX_KEY': 'mygdaxkey', 'GDAX_SECRET': 'mygdaxsecret', 'GDAX_PASSPHRASE': 'mygdaxpassphrase', 'GMAIL_EMAIL': 'mygmailemail@gmail.com', 'GMAIL_PASSWORD': 'mygmailpassword', 'LOG_LEVEL': logging.DEBUG, 'PYTZ_TIMEZONE': 'US/Pacific', # SQLAlchemy URL kwargs 'GDAX_FEED_URL_KWARGS': { 'drivername': 'mysql+pymysql', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': None, 'username': 'dbuser', 'password': 'dbpass', 'database': 'dbname' },}# method 1update_config(my_config)# method 2 (same as method 1)config.update(my_config)
- [] Add tests for gdax, coinbase
- [] fix yahoo api
- [] add Poloniex account management code