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Single dependency no-config monorepo linting, testing and bundling for TypeScript projects


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Turnip or Repka


  • single dependency linting, bundling, testing and packaging for TypeScriptprojects
  • supports both monorepo with multiple packages and single package repos
  • minimum configuration required, driven bypackage.json
  • advanced configuration via TypeScript scripts with auto-completion
  • ESM by default

Have a look at example packages in theplayground.


Repka allows you to quickly setup a TypeScript project with linting, bundling,testing and packaging. All you need is apackage.json file and a singledependency@repka-kit/ts.

If you are setting up a project from scratch:

npx --package @repka-kit/ts@1.0.0-beta.10 repka init

If you are addingrepka to an existing project, you can use the same command,or just add it as a dependency and follow your instincts:

npm add -D @repka-kit/ts@1.0.0-beta.10

After that following dependencies become available:

  • tsc
  • tsx
  • eslint
  • jest
  • dts-bundle-generator
  • prettier
  • repka

repka encapsulates configurations for all the tools and automaticallyinitializes them based on thepackage.json file in the project root and yourworkspaces configuration.

Main benefit is that we can then update essential dev dependencies in thisrepository without having to change much in the packages that use thisrepository.

Another benefit is consistency across repositories.

Repository structure

Repka supports both monorepo and single package repositories. It is designed ina way that you can start with a single package repository and then easilymigrate to a monorepo, if needed.

When building a repository, you can put all source code for every package in thesrc directory and have apackage.json,tsconfig.json and possibly otherconfig files (if we want to override default settings or eslint rules) next toit:

src/  index.tstsconfig.json.eslintrc.jspackage.json

The contents of thetsconfig.json will be generated by theinit command anddo not need to change if all of the source files are within thesrc directory.

{"extends":"@repka-kit/ts/configs/tsconfig.base.json","compilerOptions": {"outDir":".tsc-out","tsBuildInfoFile":".tsc-out/.tsbuildinfo"  },"include": ["src"]}

The contents of thepackage.json for an app package can also be quite typical:

{"name":"@playground/todo-list-store","version":"0.0.0-development","private":true,"type":"module","exports":"./src/index.ts","types":"./src/index.ts","scripts": {"build":"repka build:node","lint":"repka lint","test":"repka test"  },"dependencies": {},"devDependencies": {"@repka-kit/ts":"workspace:*"  }}

There are a few things to note here:

  • @repka-kit/ts is a dev dependency, it is recommended to put it as aworkspace dependency in a monorepo - this way all packages will use the sameversion ofrepka and it will be easier to update it.

  • Theexports field only points to TypeScript files. There is literally noneed for any JavaScript files in the repository. This includes any filesdeclared in thebin field (more on that below).repka will usetsx whererequired to run TypeScript files.

  • Thetype ismodule, while we could supportcjs output, it is really nota good idea.

  • repka lint will runeslint andtsc and run them in parallel

  • repka test will runjest

In case, when we have multiple packages can be like so:

packages/  package1/    src/      index.ts    tsconfig.json    package.json  package2/    src/      index.ts    tsconfig.json    package.jsonpackage.jsontsconfig.json.eslintrc.js

Depending on the package manager the way workspaces are configured will bedifferent. Fornpm it will be:

{"workspaces": ["packages/*"]}


# ./pnpm-workspace.yamlpackages:  -'packages/*'

Refer to the documentation of your package manager for more details.

What Makesrepka Awesome

No Need To Build for Development

repka encourages you to reference TypeScript files directly, so there is noneed to build your packages. You can reference one package in another packageviapackage.jsondependencies field,install the repo to symlink packagesusing your package manager of choice (pnpm recommended) and finally, startusing it. It just works.

The fact that you don't need to build your packages while developing them isquite awesome. It allows you to iterate faster and not worry about building theright dependencies before testing them.

How is this possible?

Well, we actually have twopackage.json files. One is the original file thatyou use for development, another is generated byrepka before you publish thepackage. This allows you to use TypeScript directly in your packages duringdevelopment and not worry about what happens to those entries before youpublish.

Then,tsc kind of just works with TypeScript files. It is able to loadTypeScript files on the fly while type-checking. Becauserepka uses"moduleResolution": "bundler" there is no need to specify any extensions whenimporting files.

For cases when you actually need to run code,repka encourages you to usetsx, for example if you have a"bin" field in yourpackage.json:

{"bin": {"cli":"./src/bin/cli.ts"  }}

You will be asked to add a shebang to the file:

#!/usr/bin/env tsx

And then you can run it directly:

pnpm run cli

Another benefit of having separatepackage.json for publishing is that we canoptimize list of dependencies and exclude dependencies which we already bundledinto the package.

No Config Linting

Now imagine that we have a monorepo with a lot of packages or a repository witha single package. We can run exactly same command to lint every package at theroot of the repo:

pnpm eslint

Which will runeslint on entire repository.

To also check for TypeScript issues we can use:

pnpm repka lint

Which will runtsc andeslint in parallel.

Or we can parallelize it viapnpm -r:

pnpm -r lint

While the above still requireslint script to be present in every package, wedon't have to worry about creating aeslint config for every package ormaintaining a list of all the plugins inpackage.json dependencies.

Inrepka we only enforceeslint rules that are absolutely necessary and leadto bugs, when violated. Rules which can lead to false positives are not used.This is to ensure that the code is not riddled witheslint-disable comments.The more you disable - the more it becomes useless.

eslint is paired withprettier and it is expected that developers use formaton save along witheslint --fix on save. This way we can ensure that the codeis consistent, formatted and linted at all times.

eslint rules still can be overridden standardeslint way.

No Config Testing

Another case is running tests:

pnpm jest

Use the above command to run all tests in the monorepo.

Alternatively, pass a glob pattern to run tests for a given set of files:

pnpm jest packages/playground/todo-list-store

There is no need to create ajest.config.js file for every package. It's allencapsulated byrepka and automatically discovered when needed.

What if we want to segregate integration tests from unit tests? It's done via"convention" inrepka:

src  __integration__    test-helpers.ts    example.test.ts  file.ts  file.test.ts

Just put your integration tests into__integration__ directory and they can beexecuted via:

pnpm jest --integration

No Config Bundling

Bundling is done viarepka build:node command. This is the command thatgenerates the./dist/package.json for publishing and bundles the entry points.

side note: As monorepo can contain applications of different types there is aplan to add a command to build web apps as well. But for now it's just node.The plan was to just use rollup, vite or webpack, but it's not done yet.

The bundling is based offpackage.jsonexports field. If you want to havemultiple entry points, just add them to theexports field:

{"exports": {".":"./src/index.ts","./helpers":"./src/helpers.ts"  }}

You can userepka build:node --watch to watch for changes and rebuild the codeas you code.

In addition to that, naturally, globs are also supported:

{"exports": {".":"./src/index.ts","./features/*":"./src/features/*"  }}

Every TypeScript file infeatures/ directory is going to become its own entrypoint.

No Config Declarations

After bundling, if you mean to publish a package which can be consumed as alibrary it is recommended to generate declarations for it. This is done viarepka declarations command. It will generate.d.ts files for all the entrypoints.

It just works. No need to configure anything.

However, thedts-bundle-generator which is used under the hood has a fewlimitations:

Advanced Configuration

repka is designed to be as simple as possible, but it also allows you toconfigure bundling via code. Create abuild.ts file at the root of the packagethat needs configuring.

Here is an example snippet:

import{buildForNode,pipeline}from'./src';import{addCjsBundle}from'./src/build/cjsBuildHelpers';awaitpipeline(buildForNode({extraRollupConfigs:(opts)=>[/**       * Add custom rollup config to support cjs bundles       * or whatever else we want       */addCjsBundle(opts),],copy:[{/**         * Copy files we don't want bundled but as is         */include:['configs/**/*'],destination:'./dist/',},],}),async()=>{// do something else during the build});

Modern Transforms

repka usesesbuild forjest andrepka build:node.


Forkedversion of the DTS Bundle Generator is used to generate .d.ts files

Turnipicons created by Ridho Imam Prayogi - Flaticon

Final note

Now, I don't expect that a lot of people will use this as the project is quiteopinionated. In addition to that - I'm just a single person and might not havethe resources to help people out in case they have issues with it.

If you find the solution useful and want to help support the project -contributions are welcome.


Single dependency no-config monorepo linting, testing and bundling for TypeScript projects








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