00640KBOK ▄
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_,met$$$$$gg. xtaci@DESKTOP-7FL7RC4 ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. --------------------- ,g$$P" """Y$$.". OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) on Windows 10 x86_64 ,$$P' `$$$. Kernel:',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Uptime: 0 hours, 1 mins`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Packages: 437 (dpkg) $$P d$' , $$P Shell: zsh 5.9 $$: $$. - ,d$$' Terminal: Windows Terminal $$; Y$b._ _,d$P' CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (32) @ 3.393GHz Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' GPU: 3e25:00:00.0 Microsoft Corporation Basic Render Driver `$$b "-.__ Memory: 796MiB / 32049MiB `Y$$ `Y$$. `$$b. `Y$$b. `"Y$b._ `"""
Volume in drive A is FU
Volume Serial Number is 1982-8086
Directory ofA:\SRC
⚙️gaio - High performance minimalism async-io(proactor) networking for Golang.
💬smux - Astream multiplexing library for golang with least memory usage.
👥kcp-go - A crypto-secureReliable-UDP library for golang with FEC.
🌟libkcp - A lightweighted C++ client library to talk to kcp-go.
⚡kcptun - A quantum-safe secure tunnel based onQPP,KCP,FEC, andN:M multiplexing.
🤝bdls - Initial PoC implementation of BDLSBFT Consensus algorithm, now integrated inhyperledger .
🦗grasshopper - A secure chained relayer for UDP based ongaio.
🐕lossyconn - Lossy connection simulator.
😄tcpraw - Sending packets through TCP.
✳qpp -Quantum Permutation Pad implementation in golang.
🐇hppk - A homomorphic polynomial Public KeyKEM and Digital Signature(DS). (PQC)
🪂dppk - A deterministic polynomial Public Key KEM algorithm over a primeGalois Field GF(p). (PQC)
🛡️safebox - A retro key management TUI tool for blockchain and others, one key to derive all.
📫gonet - A fancy game server skeleton in golang.
🈳️budda - ☸️ My personal collection of Buddhist materials.📿
📐algebra - My learning notes on
⚛️algorithms -
🤖navmesh - Navigation mesh in golang.
♾️kidsmath - A tool to generate math puzzles for kids.
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