xarray-contrib is a GitHub organization for gathering high-quality open source projects that build onXarray.
Here's a short list of actively developed and widely used packages in the org:
- xskillscore - Metrics for verifying forecasts
- xarray_leaflet - An xarray extension for tiled map plotting
- cf-xarray - An accessor for xarray objects that interprets CF attributes
- xpublish - Publish Xarray Datasets via a REST API
- xbatcher - Batch generation from Xarray datasets
- pint-xarray - Interface for using pint with xarray, providing convenience accessors
- xarray-simlab - Xarray extension and framework for computer model simulations
- flox - Fast & furious GroupBy operations for dask.array
- datatree - Experimental implementation of a tree-like hierarchical data structure for xarray.
- xvec - Vector data cubes with Xarray and Shapely
- xeofs - Dimensionality reduction using EOFs
- xarray-regrid - Easily and efficiently regrid Xarray objects between two rectilinear grids.
We hope that including projects under the xarray-contrib organization improves project visibility and increases the likelihood of sustainable open source maintenance and development.
To contribute your project, please follow the directions on thexarray-contrib repository
- .github
.github PublicCommunity health files for the xarray-contrib GitHub org.
Showing 10 of 29 repositories