WireFlasher Team
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Popular repositoriesLoading
- mtk-tools
mtk-tools PublicForked frombgcngm/mtk-tools
Unpack / repack MT65xx/MT83xx boot.img, recovery.img or logo.bin
Perl 1
- sdat2img
sdat2img PublicForked fromxpirt/sdat2img
Convert sparse Android data image to filesystem ext4 image
- imgpatchtools
imgpatchtools PublicForked fromerfanoabdi/imgpatchtools
Patch img files with system.patch.dat, like OTA zip on PC
- SP-Flash-Tool-src
SP-Flash-Tool-src PublicForked fromacontini/SP-Flash-Tool-src
Source code SP Flash Tool v5.1720 for MTK
- qdl
qdl PublicForked fromlinux-msm/qdl
This tool communicates with USB devices of id 05c6:9008 to upload a flash loader and use this to flash images.
- nmap-android Public Forked fromkost/nmap-android
Nmap on Android - Makefile/diff/scripts to build it with Android NDK
wireflasherteam/nmap-android’s past year of commit activity - skales Public
These are the scripts which I use to build the kernel on a day-to-day basis. They mostly deal with building the kernel and packaging it up into a format that Android bootloaders are happy to deal with. The scripts are designed with the 'do one thing, and do it well' mantra in mind. Therefore there are separate scripts to setup, compile, package the
wireflasherteam/skales’s past year of commit activity - qdl Public Forked fromlinux-msm/qdl
This tool communicates with USB devices of id 05c6:9008 to upload a flash loader and use this to flash images.
wireflasherteam/qdl’s past year of commit activity - sdat2img Public Forked fromxpirt/sdat2img
Convert sparse Android data image to filesystem ext4 image
wireflasherteam/sdat2img’s past year of commit activity - imgpatchtools Public Forked fromerfanoabdi/imgpatchtools
Patch img files with system.patch.dat, like OTA zip on PC
wireflasherteam/imgpatchtools’s past year of commit activity