A simple CLI / GUI Xray client for manage subscription and more based on python
- Run with system proxy and TUN
- import subscriptions / import configs (Vmess,vless for now )
- manage subscriptions (Delete , Update , Edit)
- Tcping or Real-delay for all configs
- Dark / Light mode
- run latest Xray on your configs
- Easy to use and for all Windows , linux , macos Operating system
- User Friendly

Option 1 ) Download the version depending on your OS from releases page (GUI/CLI) :
Option 2 ) use from py file :
wget https://github.com/wikm360/xray-client/archive/refs/heads/main.zip uzip main.zipcd xray-client-main/ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run CLI :
Run GUI :
cd GUI-ver python3 GUI.py