We Build ORG
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- webuild-events
webuild-events Public📆 get a list of free upcoming developer events in any city from facebook, meetup.com, eventbrite and ics url
- webuild-main
webuild-main PublicForked fromwebuildsg/webuild
📝 Automated tool for listing open events and open source for designers, developers and makers in your city
- webuildorg.github.io
webuildorg.github.io Publicwebsite with instructions for city curators to automatically list open events and open source
- webuild-repos
webuild-repos Public#️⃣ get a list of open source repositories in any city from github
JavaScript 2
- platformsh-example-python-3.6
platformsh-example-python-3.6 PublicSample Platform.sh Python 3.6 project to play with Platform.sh relationships and services.
- platformsh-example-python-3.6 Public
Sample Platform.sh Python 3.6 project to play with Platform.sh relationships and services.
webuildorg/platformsh-example-python-3.6’s past year of commit activity - webuild-events Public
📆 get a list of free upcoming developer events in any city from facebook, meetup.com, eventbrite and ics url
webuildorg/webuild-events’s past year of commit activity - webuild-main Public Forked fromwebuildsg/webuild
📝 Automated tool for listing open events and open source for designers, developers and makers in your city
webuildorg/webuild-main’s past year of commit activity - webuildorg.github.io Public
website with instructions for city curators to automatically list open events and open source
webuildorg/webuildorg.github.io’s past year of commit activity