Little toolkit for control the sysctl/sysfs bindings on Kubernetes Cluster on the flyand without unnecessary restarts of cluster or node pool. Allows to control managedand/or own-architected and/or own-managed clusters because uses only well-knowntechniques.
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Seesysbindings --help
for details:
usage: sysbindings [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--oneshot] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL]Little toolkitfor control the sysctl/sysfs bindings on Kubernetes Cluster on the flyandwithout unnecessary restarts of cluster or node pool. Allows to control managed and/orown-architected and/or own-managed clusters because uses only well-knowntehniques.optional arguments: -h, --help show thishelp message andexit --config CONFIG use specified configuration file --oneshot just apply configuration and exit, no daemonize --loglevel LOGLEVEL log verbosity: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or ERROR
See detailed example in thesysbindings.yaml
Use this environment variables for configuring script:
See details in thesysbindings.yaml
CLI arguments have maximal priority, ENVs is secondary and config entriesjust final.