Vapor Community
Vapor is a framework for writing server applications, HTTP services and backends in Swift. It provides a really nice API to enable you to write safe, efficient and maintainable applications in Swift.

The Vapor Community organization holds a collection of server-first Swift packages maintained by Vapor's community members, offering a wide range of functionality to help you build your server-side Swift applications.
If you're new to Vapor, the best place to start isthe Vapor website orits documentation.
To find out more information about the various packages, you can take a look at theirREADME
file. Some of them offer documentation on theirSwift Package Index page.
Join the welcoming community of fellow Vapor developers onDiscord.
To contribute afeature or idea to a package, create an issue explaining your idea or bring it up onDiscord.
If you find abug, please create an issue.
The packages in the Vapor Community organization are open source and rely on the community to keep them up-to-date and to add new features, so we welcome contributions.
Popular repositoriesLoading
- vapor-queues-fluent-driver Public Forked fromm-barthelemy/vapor-queues-fluent-driver
A Fluent implementation for (Vapor 4)
vapor-community/vapor-queues-fluent-driver’s past year of commit activity - heroku-buildpack Public Forked fromcloudfoundry-community/swift-buildpack
Heroku buildpack for Swift
vapor-community/heroku-buildpack’s past year of commit activity - vapor-elementary Public
A modern and efficient HTML rendering library - inspired by SwiftUI, built for the web.
vapor-community/vapor-elementary’s past year of commit activity