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I’mtouching fish.No life, only work. - 📫 Toreach me.
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Bad Apple!! (ASCII Art)C++Python Module
AboutWindowsHonkai Impact 3rd (崩坏3)
Where there islight, there isBad Apple!!
A simple, minimal-hassle, few-dependencyPython audio playback solution.
Quickly find the nearestxterm 256 color index of anRGB.
A dependency-free, code-lesssocket
-based solution for resolving environment incompatibilities.
Telegram Channel:@cyberElaina
Steam Friend Code:1023110402
- bad-apple-lab/Bad-Apple
bad-apple-lab/Bad-Apple PublicBad-Apple!!: Play the video in the console as ASCII art.
- bad-apple-lab/Bad-Apple-Python-Module
bad-apple-lab/Bad-Apple-Python-Module PublicPython Module: Play the video in the console as ASCII art.
Python 5
- inincompatibility
inincompatibility PublicA dependency-free, code-less socket-based solution for resolving environment incompatibilities
Python 2
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