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Name | Name | Last commit message | Last commit date | |
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deps git ,GNU stow, along with these programs andwmutils opt for double border
note these files are tuned ony for a 14" 1920x1080 display
Clone into your$HOME
directorygit clone https://github.com/umgbhalla/dotstow.git~
to symlink everything or just select what you want
cd dotstow/themes/monterey&& stow*/ -t~
stow Everything (*/
ignores the README or anyfile
flags-t ~
implies , target directory is$HOME
$pwd/└ home └ umang └ dotstow └ basestow zsh -t~# Just my zsh config
nvim -c':PackerInstall' -c':UpdateRemotePlugins' -c':qall'# install all nvim plugins and exit
Program | Name |
Window Manger | bspwm |
Bar | polybar |
Compositor | picom-jonaburg |
Launcher | rofi |
Wallpaper Setter | feh |
Web Browser | firefox |
Music Visualizer | xava |
Lockscreen | i3lock-color |
Terminal Emulator | Alacritty |
Shell | zsh |
Prompt | here |
Code Editor | neovim -> configs |
Notification daemon | dunst |
Scratch pad | tdrop |
Fetch | paleofetch |
Login manager | lightdm |
music | mpvc |
misc | hideIt.sh ,exa ,bat |
Detailed programs list
An updated list of all the programs I have installed, can be foundhere
Binding | Functionality |
super + F1 | locked |
super + Home | yt musci |
super + Prior | discord |
super + Next | discord |
super + Return | scratchpad center |
super + semicolon | scratchpad left |
super + apostrophe | scratchpad right |
super + backslash | tmux scratchpad top |
super + slash | tmux scratchpad bottom |
super + shift + Return | terminal kitty |
super + shift + b | bb secret |
super + e | Shortcuts |
super + w | vivaldi-stable |
super + n | pcmanfm |
super + a | neovide |
super + shift + m | alternate between the tiled and monocle layout |
super + u | file uploader |
super + ctrl + r | screen recorder |
super + b | polybar_toggle |
super + shift + k | tesseract scan |
super + shift + l | urls shortner |
super + space | program launcher |
super + shift + space | program killer |
alt + shift + e | rofimoji |
alt + v | clipmenu |
super + v | clipmenu |
super + shift + alt + r | keybindhelper |
super + alt + k | kmonad restart |
super + shift + h | keybindhelper |
super + shift + p | dotfiles rofi menu ; open in neovide |
super + period | show open windows |
super + d | dictionary |
super + y | scrcpy |
super + p | power-menu |
super + shift + b | power on bluetooth |
super + shift + r | make sxhkd reload its configuration files: |
super + {t,shift + t,s} | set the window state |
super + f | toggle the window fullscreen |
super + alt + {q,r} | quit/restart bspwm |
super + {_,shift + }q | close and kill |
super + m | alternate between the tiled and monocle layout |
super + g | swap the current node and the biggest window |
super + ctrl + {m,x,y,z} | set the node flags |
super + comma | focus the node for the given path jump |
super + {_,shift + }c | focus the next/previous window in the current desktop |
super + bracket{left,right} | focus the next/previous desktop in the current monitor |
super + button{4,5} | focus with scroll |
super + shift + bracket{left,right} | focus to next ore previous node |
alt + {Tab, shift + Tab} | focus the last node/desktop |
super + {grave,Tab} | focus the last node/desktop |
super + {o,i} | focus the older or newer node in the focus history |
super + {_,shift + }{1-9,0} | focus or send to the given desktop |
super + ctrl + {h,j,k,l} | preselect the direction |
super + ctrl + {1-9} | preselect the ratio |
super + ctrl + space | cancel the preselection for the focused node |
super + ctrl + shift + space | cancel the preselection for the focused desktop |
super + {Up,Down,Left,Right} | expand/contract a window by moving both of its side outward |
super + shift + Up | Multimedia keys |
super + shift + Down | Still muøltimedia |
super + shift + button{7,6} | volume with scroll |
super + button{7,6} | brighness with scroll |
super + alt + shift + s | screenshot url |
super + Print | Screenshots with gui |
super + shift + v | play pause toggle |
super + shift + {Left , Right} | music controls |
to generate this use command below
#!/usr/bin/env bash# Markdown sxhkd configuration for cheatsheet/documents.SXHKD_CONF="$HOME/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc"MD_NAME="Binding"MD_VALUE="Functionality"(echo -e "|$MD_NAME\t # $MD_VALUE |";echo -e "|--- | --- |";awk '/^[a-z]/ && last {print "|" $0,"\t",last,"|"} {last=""} /^#/{last=$0}' "$SXHKD_CONF") | sed -e 's/# /| /' -e 's/^|/| /' | column -t -s $'\t'
script provided by@MahdyMirzade
Config Credits
Ricing dynalistall files and scripts in this repo are releasedCC0 /kopimi! in the spirit offreedom of information, i encourage you to fork, modify, change, share, or do whatever you like with this project!^c^v
dotfiles managed with stow