Chair of Geoinformatics, Technical University of Munich
This is the official GitHub page of the Chair of Geoinformatics, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Technical University of Munich.
- Munich, Germany (LAT 48.149456, LON 11.568161)
- cesium-point-cloud-generator
cesium-point-cloud-generator PublicA small Java-based tool for the generation of point cloud visualization datasets according to Cesium 3D Tiles.
- cesium-terrain-builder-docker
cesium-terrain-builder-docker PublicDockerfile for the geo-data/cesium-terrain-builder app with quantized mesh support.
- citygml2-to-citygml3
citygml2-to-citygml3 PublicA small Java program used to transform CityGML v2.0 to CityGML v3.0 files.
- tum-gis-iot-stack-k8s
tum-gis-iot-stack-k8s PublicHelm chart for an application stack to manage sensor data with open source software and tools unsing OGC SensorThingsAPI
JavaScript 10
- sddi-ckan-k8s
sddi-ckan-k8s PublicHelm chart for Smart District Data Infrastructure enabled CKAN
Showing 10 of 91 repositories
- CityGML2OBJv2 Public
Command line converter of CityGML (.gml) to OBJ (.obj) files, while maintaining the semantics
tum-gis/CityGML2OBJv2’s past year of commit activity - citymodel-compare Public
A tool to map and match CityGML datasets, as well as interpret their changes, all by using graphs.
tum-gis/citymodel-compare’s past year of commit activity