- Developer at Mercanis
- India
- http://tkssharma.com/
- @tkssharma
A Publisher, Trainer & Developer, working on Enterprise and open source Technologies JavaScript frameworks (React Angular 2.x), I work with client side and server side javascript programming which includes node js or any other frameworks Currently working with JavaScript framework React & Node js 🚀 with Graphql 🎉developer publications.
I build lots of demos and tutorials for Trainings@tkssharma, I provide free training on all different technologies.I work atSrijan as a Lead Developer, check outtkssharma.com.
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 👨🏽💻 I’m currently working on full stack javascript technologies.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning GraphQL and Kubernetes and working on Learning Portal project (Personal App)
- 🤔 I provide training to developers on javascript and Full stack technologies
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help;
- ⚡️ Fun-Fact: I started youtube channel and now i have 1000+ videos and teaching different group of developers online free.
- 📫 How to reach me:tarun.softengg@gmail.com;
- 📝Resume
- I have different application published toKnow More About apps
Languages and Tools:
Snippets from Tarun Sharma’s session @drupalcamplondon on Reusing Components between#Angular,#React,#Vue and Web-Components.pic.twitter.com/zgnLRVaD1V
— SRIJAN (@Srijan)March 3, 2019
Tarun Sharma,#MEAN &#JS developer, shares his thoughts about ES6 &#babel - Follow him on Twitter -@tkssharma for more updates#FEConfINpic.twitter.com/5iKsEQBFJc
— TO THE NEW (@TOTHENEW)February 18, 2017
My flash talk on Graphql@ReactJS_News@reactjs@js_channelpic.twitter.com/pubJpYwVvT
— Tarun Sharma (@tkssharma)July 15, 2016
My Talk on React Redux , Managing state using Redux for React apps@Srijan@reactjsdelhipic.twitter.com/dAsMvY8W88
— Tarun Sharma (@tkssharma)August 8, 2016
#ReactJS &#Redux make one sweet pair! Join us athttps://t.co/peCxkWkvXT & explore how they impact future#webapps.pic.twitter.com/20hhTK3Nu6
— SRIJAN (@Srijan)August 16, 2016
@tkssharma is presenting at#DrupalCampGoa today. Our resident JavaScript expert will be talking about "Reusing Components between Angular, React, Vue, Ember, and Web-Components". Join him in the Beta room-3:30- 4:50.https://t.co/2k2VqF8kY1pic.twitter.com/LP1VxYdyNO
— SRIJAN (@Srijan)March 10, 2018
@tkssharma is presenting at#DrupalCampGoa today. Our resident JavaScript expert will be talking about "Reusing Components between Angular, React, Vue, Ember, and Web-Components". Join him in the Beta room-3:30- 4:50.https://t.co/2k2VqF8kY1pic.twitter.com/LP1VxYdyNO
— SRIJAN (@Srijan)March 10, 2018
I just published Learning Typescript in Depthhttps://t.co/ZbHQrRaIBB
— Tarun Sharma (@tkssharma)October 28, 2018
Articles I've written for developer publications.
- nodejs-microservices-patterns
nodejs-microservices-patterns Publicnodejs-microservces-patterns
- 12-factor-app-microservices
12-factor-app-microservices Public12 factor principles using nestjs
- swiggy-clone-full-stack
swiggy-clone-full-stack Public🍔🍔 Swiggy Clone App Full Stack 🍔🍔
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