git clone<this-repo># we use conda to manage system packages# to compile cuda extensions: gcc=9.5.0 gxx=9.5.0# evalai dependencies: lxml# av2-api dependencies: rustconda create --name py310rust python=3.10 gcc=9.5.0 gxx=9.5.0 lxml rust virtualenv -c conda-forge conda activate py310rustpip install virtualenv# we use virtualenv to manage python packagescd<repo_root>python3 -m venv .venv# to be able to navigate the library code in the explorer tree, create the .venv folder locallysource .venv/bin/activatepip install -U setuptools pip<install-pytorch-via-pip-with-proper-version-of-cuda># accord with /usr/local/cuda version<install-pytorch-geometric-via-pip-with-proper-version-of-cuda># install mkdir .venv/src ; cd .venv/src; git clone; pip install -e av2-api; cd ../..pip install mkdir .venv/src ; cd .venv/src; git clone; pip install -e TrackEval; cd ../..pip install beautifulsoup4==4.7.1 beautifultable==0.7.0"boto3>=1.9.88" docker==3.6.0 validators==0.12.6 termcolor==1.1.0"tqdm>=4.49.0"# manually manage dependencies for evalai to avoid conflictspip install evalai --no-depspip install lightning einops torchscale huggingface_hub tensorboard==2.12.1pip install GitPython json5 shapely descartes imageio omegaconf colour pyyaml docstring_parser typing_inspect ipdb matplotlib clickpip install"numpy<2.0"