Work in progress - PRs are welcome!Logo redesign PR are welcome as well
The philosophy of this library is to provide all Fomantic-UI (fork of Semantic-UI as it's not under active development) components for a Svelte/Sapper app, without needing to use Fomantic-UI component classes or needing to include Fomantic-UI's JavaScript.
However, to make using Fomantic-UI themes easier, this library does not embed Fomantic-UI styles directly and you will need to include Fomantic-UI CSS in your web app.
If the docs are showing 404, it's just that they are still under contruction (aka still being wriiten). I plan to get this project under beta phase by end of August, 2019. You can help to speed up the process.
Svelte UI libraries are really starting to make good progress. Check these other framework bindings