From an early age, I've developed a passion for computer science, with a particular interest in backend development, exploring its various aspects before my formal studies at Hansung University.
My focus has now shifted towards the exciting field of machine learning, with a special interest in GANs, Computer Vision, and Optimization. These areas are where I'm putting my research efforts and enthusiasm, as I prepare for the next stage of my academic journey.
// This is a brief introduction; for more details, please visit my website, LinkedIn, or refer to my CV linked above.
Experience | Date | Job Title | Task |
Deepseers | 2024.02~ | Vision Engineer | 연구실 내 스타트업 창업맴버로 반도체 패키징 비전 검사 솔루션 개발 |
Hansung University AML Lab. | 2023.05 - 2024.02 | Undergraduate Researcher | 반도체 패키징 비전 검사 솔루션 개발 및 데이터 증강을 위한 GAN 메모리 효율 향상 연구 |
STAFACT | 2022.06 - 2024.05 | Backend Developer | Dropshipping 플랫폼 및 SCM 개발 |
United States Forces Korea, Headquarter | 2020.12 - 2022.06 | Admin Specialist, KATUSA | J1 Data Management |
Award | Date | Details |
🎓 7학기 조기졸업 GPA: 4.27/4.5 (major: 4.43) | 2024.08 | 한성대학교 컴퓨터공학부 조기졸업 |
🏆 HCI 2024 우수논문상 (구두발표) | 2024.10 | HCI Korea 2024 |
🏆 국가우수장학생(이공계) | 2023.08 | 과학기술정보통신부 국가우수 전액 장학생 선발 |
🎖️ Joint Service Commendation Medal | 2022.04 | Secretary of Defense, United States Of America |
🏆 국방부장관상 | 2021.08 | 2021 국방 공공데이터 활용 경진대회, 서비스 개발 부문 |
🥇 2학년 모든 학기 최우수한성인재장학금 | 2019 | 학부 및 계열별 최우수 (등록금의 70%) |
🏆 최우수상 | 2020.08 | 제 2회 오픈 인프라 개발 경진대회 (OIDC 2020) |
🥉 코스콤대표상(특별상) | 2019.12 | 개방형 클라우드 서비스 개발 해커톤, 국회도서관X과학기술정보통신부 |
🥈 1학년 모든 학기 우수한성역량장학금 | 2019 | 학기별로 등록금의 50%, 30% |
🎓 SW 특기자 전형 입학 | 2019.02 | 한성대학교 컴퓨터공학부 입학 |
conference & journals | Date | Title | authors |
Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society | 2024 | MAGICal Synthesis: Memory-Efficient Approach for Generative Semiconductor Package Image Construction | Yunbin Chang et al. |
HCI2024 | 2024 | A Sub-Region Approach with Conditional GANs for Memory Efficiency Enhancement | Yunbin Chang et al. |
21st International Symposium on Microelectronics and Packaging (ISMP 2023) | 2023 | A Computationally Optimized Data Augmentation Framework Utilizing cDCGAN for High-Resolution Package Images Acquisition | Yunbin Chang et al. |
Date | Title | Authors | Patent No |
2024.11 | 머신비전을 위한 딥러닝 기반 관심영역 자동생성 시스템 및 방법 | 한기준/창윤빈/이경민 | 10-2024-0153587 (우선심사 진행중) |
- I'm a night 🦉
I'm a night 🦉 1🌞 Morning 56 commits █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 4.9%
2🌆 Daytime 258 commits ████▋░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 22.4%
3🌃 Evening 475 commits ████████▋░░░░░░░░░░░░ 41.2%
4🌙 Night 363 commits ██████▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 31.5%
- Public📙 Tech Blog posting what I've learn to write a better code.
- express-safe-async
express-safe-async Public✨ @AsyncHandled, Error handler using decorator to handle errors from express async middleware and route handler.
TypeScript 10
- typescript-express-starter
typescript-express-starter Public template🚀 No more wasting your time writing an ignition codes for Express using TypeScript.
TypeScript 3
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