Supélec LSTM project
CentraleSupélec 2nd year project - Machine learning, LSTM and time pattern recognition
Popular repositoriesLoading
- simpleBPTT
simpleBPTT Public archiveA simple (working \o/ )bptt algorithm implementation with LSTM cells in c++
- appartement-report
appartement-report Public archiveTeX 1
- pymlp
pymlp Public archiveA first and comprehensive implementation of feedforward multilayer perceptrons.
Showing 10 of 18 repositories
- appartement-report Public archive
supelec-lstm/appartement-report’s past year of commit activity - simpleBPTT Public archive
A simple (working \o/ )bptt algorithm implementation with LSTM cells in c++
supelec-lstm/simpleBPTT’s past year of commit activity - PinaPL-Network Public archive
supelec-lstm/PinaPL-Network’s past year of commit activity