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Fast spatio-temporal system to index events.
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A Redis module for the indexing of point geospatial data in time and space.Reventis introduces a native data type into the Redis ecosystem with commandsfor the fast insertion, deletion and lookup of event points, as well as arange query to retrieve all points within a rectangular region over a giventime period. Reventis clients can delete all points in a given region orpurge all points before a certain time.
Events can be associated with categories - denoted as integers - for thepurpose of finding only certain categories of events in range queries.
Reventis provides commands for object-tracking. By associating anobject id number with added events, clients can group events in common.Reventis clients can query for all objects in a given spatial area andtime period, or for all of an object's events.
Reventis uses the concept of a space-filling curve to assign events designatedby geospatial coordinates and a fixed time point a single sequence number.Space-filling curves have the valuable property of helping to keep those pointsthat are proximal to one another in a multi-dimensional space, also close inthe linear sequence. No curve ensures a perfect clustering of points, but the sequencenumber enables the events to be stored in a linear balanced search tree - in thiscase, a standard red-black tree - with all the benefits of fast efficient logarithmicaccess complexity.
Events can be traversed in order of the sequence number on the search tree. Given arectangular search region and the current sequence number - starting with 0 - we canalways find the next sequence number that is also the next lowest in the region.In this way, we can guide the search. We know there is no more possible matches whenthe current sequence number is not only out of the query region, but when we know thereare no greater sequence numbers that will snake back into the region.
Complexity is difficult to determine, because it is highly dependent on the number ofevent points indexed in a query region. If there are few or no points to be found, thefunction returns very quickly, since the next sequence it finds on the tree traversalis quickly identified as out of the region. Performance is there dependent on the numberof indexed events within the query region.
UPDATE: v0.5.0 updated commands to accept the ISO 8601 datetime formats, e.g. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM[:SS].The seconds field is optional. This combines the date and time fields to shorten some of theargument lists.
Reventis implements the following commands to insert, delete, query and otherwiseinteract with the index. All mostly self-explanatory and discussed below.
reventis.insert key longitude latitude datetime-start datetime-end descr [id]
Insert an event as defined by longitude, latititude and time duration. Datetimesare denoted in the iso form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM[:SS].descr
is a descriptive string for theevent and is inserted into the keyspace,key:<id>
under the hashfield marked "descr".An optional id integer can be provide. If not provided, one is assigned and returned by thecommand. User can store additional information for the event in thekey:<id>
keyspace bymaking a new hashfield. Complexity is O(log(N)), where N is is the number of indexed events.
reventis.del key id
Delete id from the index of the specified keyspace. Return simple string acknowledgement.Complexity is O(log(N)), where N is the number of indexed events.
reventis.purge key datetime
Delete all events on or before denoted datetime. Return the number of deleted events.Complexity is roughly on the order of O(Klog(N)), where K is the number of deleted eventsand N is the total number of events indexed. Performance varies widely with the number ofevents it finds to delete.
reventis.delblk key x1 x2 y1 y2 datetime-start datetime-end [category...]
Delete a block of events indexed in a given range. Range of longitude is x1 to x2.Range of latitude is y1 to y2. Datetime ranges are in the form MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM[:SS].Apply a category filter by specifiying category integer values. Returns the number ofdeleted events. Complexity varies widely but is roughly on the order of O(Klog(N)),where K is the number of events found to delete, and N is the total number of indexed events.
reventis.delblkradius key longitude latitude radius [mi|km|ft|m] datetime-start datetime-end [category ...]
Same as above. Deletes a blog of events that fall within a given radius from a geospatial point.
reventis.delkey key
Delete a key of the module's datatype. Use encourage instead ofdel key
, since it alsodeletes all the key:id keyspaces containing thedescr
fields. However, usedel
topreserve thedescr
strings. Complexity is on the order of O(N), where N is the number oftotal events indexed.
reventis.lookup key id
Lookup event by id value. Returns an array composed of [descr, id, object_id, longitude,latitude, datetime_start, datetime_end]. Complexity is on the order of O(1).
reventis.query key x1 x2 y1 y2 t1 t2 [cat ...]
Query the index for all the elements in a given range. The longitude range is given by x1 tox2. The latitude range is given by y1 to y2. The timespan is given by t1 to t2, where bothare provided in the iso timestamp form YYY-MM-DDTHH:MM[:SS]. The command returns the results in the formof an array of arrays. Each inner array being [descr, id, longitude, latitude, time1, time2].Complexity varies widely, but is roughly on the order of O(Klog(N)), where K is the number ofretrieved results, and N is the number of indexed events.
reventis.querybyradius key longitude latitude radius mi|km|ft|m datetime-start datetime-end [cat_id ...]
Query the index for all elements within a given radius. Radius units are specified in the nextargument as either mi, km, ft or m. Returns the result as an array of arrays. Each inner arraycomposed of [descr, id, longitude, latitude, t1, t2]. Complexity same as query.
reventis.addcategory key event_id [cat ...]reventis.remcategory key event_id [cat ...]
Associate/dissociate any number of category integers to specified event ids.Categories can be from 1 to 64. Complexity is O(1).
reventis.size keyreventis.depth key
Get the number of indexed events with the size command. It returns an integer value.Or get the depth of the tree datastructure with the depth command. It also returns aninteger value. Both are O(1) complexity.
reventis.print key
Useful debugging command that prints the tree data structure to redis log file. Onlyuse for small trees.
By assigning an object id to events, events can be grouped together to provide some basic trackingfeatures. Callreventis.update
to add new events with an object id. This functions just likeinsert but for the object id.reventis.queryobj
queries for objects within a certainrange and returns the relevant events.reventis.trackall
does the same thing exceptreturns a list of object ids falling within the query range.
You can then retrieve the histories for a given object. Supply optional date and time limits torestrict the query to certain time limits. An entire history of objects can be deleted withreventis.delobj
. Quick and ready access to all objects is enabled by a directly mappeddata structure.
reventis.update key longitude latitude datetime object_id descr [id]
Update an object with another event. Date and time are provided in the form YYY-MM-DDTHH:MM[:SS].Thedescr
string is a descriptive string. A unique event id willbe assigned by the module. This is the normal expected use, but an id can be optionally provided.Comlexity is on the order of O(log(N)), where N is the number of indexed events.
reventis.queryobj key x1 x2 y1 y2 t1 t2
Query objects in a specified range. This commands returns all events indexed as objects.Complexity varies widely, but is roughly on the order O(Klog(N)), where K is the numberof retrieved objects and N is the number of indexed events.
reventis.queryobjradius key longitude latitude radius [mi|km|ft|m] t1 t2
Same as above, but query for all objects within radius distance from geo-spatial point.
reventis.trackall key x1 x2 y1 y2 t1 t2
Returns a list of object integer ids that fall in a given range. Complexity varies widely,but roughly on the order of O(klog(N));
reventis.trackallradius key longitude latitude radius [mi|km|ft|m] t1 t2
Same as above, but retrieve a list of object identifiers that fall within a radius distance fromgeo-spatial coordinate.
reventis.hist key object_id [t1 t2]
Return all events for a given object - optionally over a given time period. Time period isgiven by t1 to t2 in the iso timestamp form of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM[:SS]. Results are returned inan array of arrays. Each inner array composed of[descr, event_id, object_id, longitude, latitude, datetime].Complexity is on the order of O(K), where K is the number of events for the object.
reventis.delobj key object_id
Delete an object with all its events. Return the number of events deleted.Complexity is O(K), where K is the number of events deleted.
Client code is provided with reventisclient_util.cpp to interact with the module. It is usedby the testreventis example program.
The load events utility program is available to add new events.
./loadevents key [events|objects|gen] [file|n]
You must specify one of three options: "events", "objects" or "gen". Both "events" and "objects"must be followed by the name of a file containing the events and objects. Examples can be found indata.csv and objects.csv files. Each row in data.csv contains a different event definition; each rowin objects.csv contains a different object definition. Do not switch the two files.
The "gen" option is to randomly generate events and submit them to the redis server. This must beby an integer option, n for the number of events to randomly generate.
program will test the basic functions of the module. It will run withctest, but make sure you have a redis-server running before you invoke it.
A graph of query times for various number of indexed events. This is for four different standardqueries, each of different size. Queries 1,2 and 3 stay well within 1ms or below. Query 4 responsetimes explode, but it's literally the size of Texas.
The Global Database of Events, Locations and Tones - GDELT - is a database of world-wide events. Theproject -gdelt - curates information on events from a variety ofsources across the web, including an estimate of its geospatial coordinates and a timestamp. The projecthas logged millions of events from 1979 to the present. Each event is logged with several factors ofinformation.
program can parse a raw .csv data files containing gdelt v2 events and submit them toa redis server. It submits the events to the redis-server with a category based on its top-level CAMEOevent code. Invoke it like so:
./loadgdelt <key> <csv_event_file>
script will automatically download the files and run loadgdelt for each file. Just adjustthecontent_regexp
variable to include the desired timespan. One year submits rougly 20 million events andconsumes about 10GB of RAM memory. Also, adjust key variable to reflect the value for the desired key to usein the redis-server.
Then you can do interesting queries on the data. For example,
reventis.query <key> -72.723574 -72.641509 41.722626 41.809872 2016-06-01T00:00 2016-07-01T00:00
will get all events recorded in the Hartford, Ct area for the month of June in 2016.
reventis.query <key> -72.723574 -72.641509 41.722626 41.809872 2016-06-01T00:00 2016-07-01T00:00 14
will get all events in Hartford, CT area for month of June in 2016 recorded as "protest" events.
The assigned event codes in the data set are not entirely accurate, and some events are addedmultiple times for multiple event codes. Also, the geospatial location data is only a rough estimate andis probably accurate to only city or state resolution. Nonetheless, you can get an idea for the storiesgenerated for a particular city/state at a particular moment in time. To avoid an impossibly long listof results, you can query using the event codes. You can also reduce the query region to a smaller areaor time span.
Here's a list of the top level cameo event codes used as categories.
01 - make public statement02 - appeal03 - expression of interest to cooperate04 - Consult05 - diplomatic cooperation06 - material cooperation07 - provide aide08 - yield09 - investigate10 - demand11 - disapprove12 - reject13 - threat14 - protest15 - show force16 - reduce relations17 - coercion18 - assault19 - fight20 - unconventional mass violence (e.g. guerrilla warfare)
To build and install the module:
make .make allmake install
Runmake test
when you have a redis server up and running.
Installs to /var/local/lib directory.
To load the module into redis, just type in the redis-cli:
module load /var/local/lib/reventis.somodule unload reventismodule list
Or, put this in your redis.conf configuration file:
loadmodule /var/local/lib/reventis.so
The latter option is preferable, since it is impossible to simply unloadthe module once data is inserted into the database.
To try it out in a docker container:
docker build --tag reventis:0.4 .docker run --detach --publish 6379:6379 --mount src=reventisdata,dst=/data --name reventis reventis:0.4
Fast spatio-temporal system to index events.