Spatie crafts web applications, courses & open source packages in the Laravel ecosystem.
We have built a collection of best-in-class products:
- Ray: a desktop app to debug applications faster
- Flare: the best exception tracker for PHP and Laravel application
- Mailcoach: a self-hosted solution for sending mails reliably
- Media Library Pro: front-end components to upload and manage media
- Laravel Backup Server: a package to easily back up multiple servers
Our experience building PHP and Laravel applications is shared in these premium courses:
- Laravel Beyond CRUD
- Testing Laravel
- Laravel Package Training
- Writing Readable PHP
- Laravel Event Sourcing
- Front Line PHP
We like to use Laravel for most of our projects and love to contribute to the awesome Laravel ecosystem. That's also why we have been building Laravel and PHP packages since 2015. Our packages have been downloaded more than a billion times! You'll finda full list of free packages in the open source section of our website.
Here are some of our open source highlights:
- laravel-backup
- laravel-medialibrary
- laravel-query-builder
- laravel-permission
- browsershot
- phpunit-snapshot-assertions
You can help with our open source efforts in many ways: byresolving open issues or just bysending us a postcard.
You can support our open source work by sponsoring uson GitHub orby buying some of our cool merch.
- laravel-analytics
laravel-analytics PublicA Laravel package to retrieve pageviews and other data from Google Analytics
- laravel-float-sdk Public
spatie/laravel-float-sdk’s past year of commit activity