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Iago, A Load Generator README

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Iago Quick Start

NOTE: This repo has only recently been made public and our velocity is high at the moment, with significant work being done on documentation in particular. Please ( for updates and to ask pressing questions.

If you are already familiar with the Iago Load Generation tool, follow these steps to get started; otherwise, start with theIago Overview. For questions, please

Iago Prerequisites

  1. Download and unpack the Iago distribution.We support Scala 2.9 and recommend you clone the latest master:master.

  2. Read the documentation. We'll be adding more recommended steps here shortly.

Preparing Your Test

  1. Identify your transaction source; seeTransaction Requirements andSources of Transactions for more information.
  2. In Scala, extend the Iago server'sRecordProcessor orThriftRecordProcessor class, or in Java, extendLoadTest orThriftLoadTest; seeImplementing Your Test for more information.
  3. Create alauncher.scala file in your Iagoconfig directory with the appropriate settings; seeConfiguring Your Test for more information.

Executing Your Test

Launch Iago from the distribution withjava-jariago_jar-fyour_config. This will create the Iago processes for you and configure it to use your transactions. To kill a running job, add-k to your launch parameters:java-jarparrot_jar-fyour_config-k.

If you are using Iago as a library, for example, in the case of testing over the Thrift protocol or building more complex tests with HTTP or Memcached/Kestrel, you should instead add a task to your project's configuration. SeeConfiguring Your Test for more information.


Iago Overview

Iago is a load generation tool that replays production or synthetic traffic against a given target. Among other things, it differs from other load generation tools in that it attempts to hold constant the transaction rate. For example, if you want to test your service at 100K requests per minute, Iago attempts to achieve that rate.

Because Iago replays traffic, you must specify the source of the traffic. You use a transaction log as the source of traffic, in which each transaction generates arequest to your service that your service processes.

Replaying transactions at a fixed rate enables you to study the behavior of your service under an anticipated load. Iago also allows you to identify bottlenecks or other issues that may not be easily observable in a production environment in which your maximum anticipated load occurs only rarely.


Supported Services

Iago understands service requests in the following formats:

  • HTTP
  • Thrift
  • Memcached / Kestrel
  • UDP

Your service is typically an HTTP or Thrift service written in either Scala or Java.


Transaction Requirements

For replay, Iago recommends you scrub your logs to only include requests which meet the following requirements:

  • Idempotent, meaning that re-execution of a transaction any number of times yields the same result as the initial execution.
  • Commutative, meaning that transaction order is not important. Although transactions are initiated in replay order, Iago's internal behavior may change the actual execution order to guarantee the transaction rate. Also, transactions that implementFuture responses are executed asynchronously. You can achieve ordering, if required, by using Iago as a library and initiating new requests in response to previous ones. Examples of this are available.


Sources of Transactions

Transactions typically come from logs, such as the following:

  • Web server logs capture HTTP transactions.
  • Proxy server logs can capture transactions coming through a server. You can place a proxy server in your stack to capture either HTTP or Thrift transactions.
  • Network sniffers can capture transactions as they come across a physical wire. You can program the sniffer to create a log of transactions you identify for capture.

In some cases, transactions do not exist. For example, transactions for your service may not yet exist because they are part of a new service, or you are obligated not to use transactions that contain sensitive information. In such cases, you can providesynthetic transactions, which are transactions that you create to model the operating environment for your service. When you create synthetic transactions, you must statistically distribute your transactions to match the distribution you expect when your service goes live.


Iago Architecture Overview

Iago consists of one or more Iagofeeders, which reads your transaction source, and one or more Iago servers, which format and deliver requests to the service you want to test. The feeder contains aPoller object, which is responsible for guaranteeing one minute's worth of transactions in the pipeline to the Iago servers. Metrics are available in logs, and we expect future enhancements to support parsing and visualizing this data.

The Iago servers generate requests to your service. Together, all Iago servers generate the specified number of requests per minute. A Iago server'sRecordProcessor object executes your service and maps the transaction to the format required by your service.


Implementing Your Test

The following sections show examples of implementing your test in both Scala and Java. SeeCode Annotations for the Examples for information about either example.


Scala Example

To implement a load test in Scala, you must extend the Iago server'sRecordProcessor class to specify how to map transactions into the requests that the Iago server delivers to your service. The following example shows aRecordProcessor subclass that implements a load test on anEchoService HTTP service:

packagecom.twitter.exampleimportorg.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocolimportcom.twitter.parrot.processor.RecordProcessor// 1importcom.twitter.parrot.thrift.ParrotJob// 2importcom.twitter.parrot.server.{ParrotRequest,ParrotService}// 3importcom.twitter.logging.Loggerimportorg.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseimportthrift.EchoServiceclassEchoLoadTest(parrotService:ParrotService[ParrotRequest,HttpResponse])extendsRecordProcessor {valclient=newEchoService.ServiceToClient(service,newTBinaryProtocol.Factory())// 4vallog=Logger.get(getClass)defprocessLines(job:ParrotJob,lines:Seq[String]) {// 5    lines map { line=>      client.echo(line) respond { rep=>if (rep=="hello") {          client.echo("IT'S TALKING TO US")// 6        }"response:"+ rep)// 7      }    }  }}


Scala Thrift Example

To implement a Thrift load test in Scala, you must extend the Iago server'sThrift RecordProcessor class to specify how to map transactions into the requests that the Iago server delivers to your service. The following example shows aThriftRecordProcessor subclass that implements a load test on anEchoService Thrift service:

packagecom.twitter.exampleimportorg.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocolimportcom.twitter.parrot.processor.ThriftRecordProcessor// 1importcom.twitter.parrot.thrift.ParrotJob// 2importcom.twitter.parrot.server.{ParrotRequest,ParrotService}// 3importcom.twitter.logging.Loggerimportthrift.EchoServiceclassEchoLoadTest(parrotService:ParrotService[ParrotRequest,Array[Byte]])extendsThriftRecordProcessor(parrotService) {valclient=newEchoService.ServiceToClient(service,newTBinaryProtocol.Factory())// 4vallog=Logger.get(getClass)defprocessLines(job:ParrotJob,lines:Seq[String]) {// 5    lines map { line=>      client.echo(line) respond { rep=>if (rep=="hello") {          client.echo("IT'S TALKING TO US")// 6        }"response:"+ rep)// 7      }    }  }}


Java Example

To implement a load test in Java, you must extend the Iago server'sLoadTest class to specify how to map transactions into the requests that the Iago server delivers to your service. TheLoadTest class provides Java-friendly type mappings for the underlying Scala internals. The following example shows aLoadTest subclass that implements a load test on anEchoService HTTP service:

packagecom.twitter.jexample;importcom.twitter.example.thrift.EchoService;importcom.twitter.parrot.processor.LoadTest;// 1importcom.twitter.parrot.thrift.ParrotJob;// 2importcom.twitter.parrot.server.ParrotRequest;// 3importcom.twitter.parrot.server.ParrotService;// 3importcom.twitter.util.Future;importcom.twitter.util.FutureEventListener;importorg.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol;importorg.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseimportjava.util.List;publicclassEchoLoadTestextendsLoadTest {EchoService.ServiceToClientclient =null;publicEchoLoadTest(ParrotService<ParrotRequest,HttpResponse>parrotService) {super(parrotService);client =newEchoService.ServiceToClient(service(),newTBinaryProtocol.Factory());// 4  }publicvoidprocessLines(ParrotJobjob,List<String>lines) {// 5for(Stringline:lines) {Future<String>future =client.echo(line);future.addEventListener(newFutureEventListener<String>() {publicvoidonSuccess(Stringmsg) {System.out.println("response: " +msg);        }publicvoidonFailure(Throwablecause) {System.out.println("Error: " +cause);      }     });    }  }}


Java Thrift Example

To implement a Thrift load test in Java, you must extend the Iago server'sThriftLoadTest class to specify how to map transactions into the requests that the Iago server delivers to your service. TheThriftLoadTest class provides Java-friendly type mappings for the underlying Scala internals. The following example shows aThriftLoadTest subclass that implements a load test on anEchoService Thrift service:

packagecom.twitter.jexample;importcom.twitter.example.thrift.EchoService;importcom.twitter.parrot.processor.ThriftLoadTest;// 1importcom.twitter.parrot.thrift.ParrotJob;// 2importcom.twitter.parrot.server.ParrotRequest;// 3importcom.twitter.parrot.server.ParrotService;// 3importcom.twitter.util.Future;importcom.twitter.util.FutureEventListener;importorg.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol;importjava.util.List;publicclassEchoLoadTestextendsThriftLoadTest {EchoService.ServiceToClientclient =null;publicEchoLoadTest(ParrotService<ParrotRequest,byte[]>parrotService) {super(parrotService);client =newEchoService.ServiceToClient(service(),newTBinaryProtocol.Factory());// 4  }publicvoidprocessLines(ParrotJobjob,List&lt;String&gt;lines) {// 5for(Stringline:lines) {Future&lt;String&gt;future =client.echo(line);future.addEventListener(newFutureEventListener&lt;String&gt;() {publicvoidonSuccess(Stringmsg) {System.out.println("response: " +msg);        }publicvoidonFailure(Throwablecause) {System.out.println("Error: " +cause);      }     });    }  }}


Code Annotations for the Examples

You define your Iago subclass to execute your service and map transactions to requests for your service:

  1. Importcom.twitter.parrot.processor.RecordProcessor (Scala) orLoadTest (Java), whose instance will be executed by a Iago server.
  2. Importcom.twitter.parrot.thrift.ParrotJob, which contains the Iago server class.
  3. Importcom.twitter.parrot.server.ParrotService andcom.twitter.parrot.server.ParrotRequest
  4. Create an instance of your service to be placed under test. Your service is a client of the Iago service.
  5. Define aprocessLines method to format the request and and execute your service.
  6. Optionally, you can initiate a new request based on the response to a previous one.
  7. Optionally, do something with the response. In this example, the response is logged.


Configuring Your Test

To configure your test, create alauncher.scala file that that creates aParrotLauncherConfig instance with the configuration parameters you want to set. The following example shows parameters for testing a Thrift service:

importcom.twitter.parrot.config.ParrotLauncherConfignewParrotLauncherConfig {  distDir="."  jobName="load_echo"  port=8080  victims="localhost"  log="logs/yesterday.log"  requestRate=1  numInstances=1  duration=5  timeUnit="MINUTES"  role="preflight"  imports="import com.twitter.example.EchoLoadTest"  responseType="Array[Byte]"  transport="ThriftTransport"  loadTest="new EchoLoadTest(service.get)"  parser="thrift"}

Note: For a sample configuration file, seeconfig/launcher.scala within the Iago distribution.

You can specify any of the following parameters:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or
Default Value

A string value that specifies the the name of your test.

Example:jobName = "testing_tasty_new_feature"


A string value that specifies the complete path to the log you want Iago to replay. The log should be on your local file system.

Example:log = "logs/yesterday.log"


A string of comma-separated values that specify the hosts on which to execute the load test.

Example:victims = "www1,www2"


An integer value that specifies the port on which to deliver requests to thevictims.

Example:port = 9000


The subdirectory of your project you're running from, if any.

Example:distDir = "target"


A string with Scala code that will be put into the Feeder config

Example:customLogSource = "FILL IN HERE"


A string value that specifies the scheme portion of a URI.

Example:scheme = "http"


A string value that specifies the HTTP Host header.

Example:header = ""

An integer value that specifies the time to run the test intimeUnit units.

Example:duration = 5


A string value that specifies time unit of theduration. It contains one of the following values:

  • "HOURS"
  • "DAYS"

Example:timeUnit = "MINUTES"


An integer value that specifies the total number of requests to submit to your service.

Example:maxRequests = 10000


A boolean value that specifies whether or not to stop the test when the input log has been read through. Setting this value to true will result in Iago starting back at the beginning of the log when it exhausts the contents. If this is true, your log file should at least be 1,000 lines or more.

Example:reuseFile = false


An integer value that specifies the number of requests per second to submit to your service.

Example:requestRate = 10


A List of LoggerFactories; allows you to define the type and level of logging you want

Example:loggers = new LoggerFactory( level = Level.DEBUG handlers = ConsoleHandler ) = "preflight"


Will bring up the specified number of feeder instances

Example:numFeederInstances = 2


An integer value that specifies the number of Iago servers concurrently making requests to your service.

Example:numInstances = 2


A string value that specifies how the request is to be interpreted. It is one of the following values:

  • "http"
  • "thrift"

Example:parser = "thrift"


A boolean value that specifies the level of feedback from Iago. A value oftrue specifies maximum feedback.

Example:verboseCmd = true


A boolean value that specifies whether connections to your service's hosts can be reused. A value oftrue enables reuse. Setting this to false greatly increases your use of ephemeral ports and can result in port exhaustion, causing you to achieve a lower rate than requested

Example:reuseConnections = false


If set to false, you will not be asked to confirm the run.

Example:doConfirm = false


Number of connections per host that will be kept open, once established, until they hit max idle time or max lifetime

Example:hostConnectionCoresize = 1


Limit on the number of connections per host

Example:hostConnectionLimit = 4


For any connection > coreSize, maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, between requests we allow before shutting down the connection

Example:hostConnectionIdleTimeInMs = 50000


The maximum time in milliseconds that any connection (including within core size) can stay idle before shutdown

Example:hostConnectionMaxIdleTimeInMs = 500000


The maximum time in milliseconds that a connection will be kept open

Example:hostConnectionMaxLifeTimeInMs = 10000


Maximum number of parrot_server instances per mesos box

Example:maxPerHost = 3


Defines heap size. Suggested not to be higher than 8 GB (will cause issues scheduling)

Example:serverXmx = 5000


If you are making Thrift requests, your clientId

Example:thriftClientId = "projectname.staging"


You can use this field to create your own distribution rate, instead of having a constant flow. You will need to create a subclass of RequestDistribution and import it.

Example:createDistribution = "createDistribution = { rate => new MyDistribution(rate) }"


####Extension Point Parameters

Alternative Use: You can specify the followingextension point parameters to configure projects in which Iago is used as both a feeder and server. The Iago feeder provides the log lines to your project, which uses these log lines to form requests that the Iago server then handles:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or
Default Value

Imports from this project to Iago

Example:IfProjectX includes Iago as a dependency, you would specify:
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse
import com.twitter.projectX.util.ProcessorClass

import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse
import com.twitter.parrot.util.LoadTestStub

The request type of requests from Iago.


  • ParrotRequest for most services (including HTTP and Thrift)


The response type of responses from Iago.


  • HttpResponse for an HTTP service
  • Array[Byte] for a Thrift service


The kind of transport to the server, which matches theresponseType you want.

Example:The Thrift Transport will send your request and give backFuture[Array[Byte]].


Your processor for the Iago feeder's lines, which converts the lines into requests and sends them to the Iago server.

Example:new LoadTestStub(service.get)

new LoadTestStub(service.get)


Contributing to Iago

Iago is open source, hosted on Githubhere.If you have a contribution to make, please fork the repo and submit a pull request.


A load generator, built for engineers







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