Chad StrideLike sl & cmatrix, but better.
On call, chad by default strides across your screen once and exits. However, his activity can be changedby the following flags:
-c [r|g|b|m|c|y]
: Change chad's color & enable color changing via keyboard input while running.(thanks @ginglis13!)
: Adjust sleep rate (in nanoseconds). Small number == faster chad. Defaults to 150000.
: Chad ignores signals (thanks @pbui!)
: Increase spacing of chad bySIZE
: infinite looping
: Chad stays in the center, striding in place.
: Display message at bottom center of screen
: Chad strolls with a rainbow effect
: Chad flips when he hits the edge of the screen
Install from source:
brew install sambattalio/homebrew-formulae/chad_stride
Install from source:
You can install to a customPREFIX
by doing the following:
make PREFIX=~/.local install
yay -S chad_stride
snap install --edge chad-stride
Someone please tell me
This basically a read-only repository. Everything happens inside the command, as intended by Terry.