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The push notification service for Ruby.


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Rpush. The push notification service for Ruby.

Rpush aims to be thede facto gem for sending push notifications in Ruby. Its core goals are ease of use, reliability and a rich feature set. Rpush provides numerous advanced features not found in others gems, giving you greater control & insight as your project grows. These are a few of the reasons why companies worldwide rely on Rpush to deliver their notifications.

Supported Services

Feature Highlights

Getting Started

Add it to your Gemfile:


Initialize Rpush into your project.Rails will be detected automatically.

$cd /path/to/project$ bundle$ bundleexec rpush init

Create an App & Notification

Apple Push Notification Service

There is a choice of two modes (and one legacy mode) using certificates or using tokens:

If this is your first time using the APNs, you will need to generate either SSL certificates (for standard Apns) or an Encryption Key (p8) and an Encryption Key ID (for Apnsp8). SeeGenerating Certificates for instructions.


To use the p8 APNs Api:"ios_app""/path/to/sandbox.p8")app.environment="development"# APNs"APN KEY ID"# This is the Encryption Key ID provided by appleapp.team_id="TEAM ID"# the team id - e.g. ABCDE12345app.bundle_id="BUNDLE ID"# the unique bundle id of the app, like!"ios_app")n.device_token="..."# hex stringn.alert="hi mom!"# n.alert = { title: "push title", subtitle: "more to say", body: "hi mom!" }{foo::bar}!

(NB this uses the same protocol as Apnsp8, but authenticates with a certificate rather than tokens)"ios_app""/path/to/sandbox.pem")app.environment="development"app.password="certificate password"app.bundle_id="BUNDLE ID"# the unique bundle id of the app, like!"ios_app")n.device_token="..."# hex stringn.alert="hi mom!"# n.alert = { title: "push title", subtitle: "more to say", body: "hi mom!" }{headers:{'apns-topic':"BUNDLE ID"},# the bundle id of the app, like com.example.appname. Not necessary if set on the app (see above)foo::bar}!

You should also implement thessl_certificate_will_expire reflection to monitor when your certificate is due to expire.

Safari Push Notifications

Using one of the notifications methods above, theurl_args attribute is available for Safari Push Notifications.


The appenvironment for any Apns* option is "development" for XCode installs, and "production" for app store and TestFlight. Note that you can now use one (production + sandbox) certificate (you don't need a separate "sandbox" or development certificate), but if you do generate a development/sandbox certificate it can only be used for "development". With Apnsp8 tokens, you can target either "development" or "production" environments.

Firebase Cloud Messaging

You will need two params to make use of FCM via Rpush.

  • firebase_project_id - TheProject number in your Firebase Project Settings
  • json_key - The JSON key file for a service account with theFirebase Admin SDK Administrator Service Agent role.

Create service account in the google cloud account attached to your firebase account: sure it has RoleFirebase Admin SDK Administrator Service AgentAdd + Download the json key for the service account.

Once you have those two params, you can create an FCM app and send notifications."fcm_app"fcm_app.firebase_project_id="someapp-123456"fcm_app.json_key=Rails.root.join("your/key/somewhere.json").read# or from a ENV variable - just needs to be the whole json!"fcm_app").firstn.device_token=device_token# Note that device_token is used here instead of registration_idsn.notification={title:"push title",body:"hi mom!"}# either title or body needs to be set, or nothing goes{}.transform_values(&:to_s)# All values going in here have to be strings, if you have anything else - nothing goes!

FCM also requires you to respond toCanonical IDs.

Check theFCM reference for what keys you can use and are available to you.Note: Not all are yet implemented in Rpush.

Amazon Device Messaging"kindle_app"app.client_id="..."app.client_secret="..."!"kindle_app")n.registration_ids=["..."]{message:"hi mom!"}n.collapse_key="Optional consolidationKey"!

For more documentation onADM.

Windows Phone Notification Service (Windows Phone 8.0 and 7.x)

Uses the olderWindows Phone 8 Toast template"windows_phone_app"app.client_id=# Get this from your apps dashboard Get this from your apps dashboard!"windows_phone_app")n.uri="http://..."{title:"MyApp",body:"Hello world",param:"user_param1"}!

Windows Notification Service (Windows 8.1, 10 Apps & Phone > 8.0)

Uses the more recentToast template

Theclient_id here is the SID URL as seenhere. Do not confuse it with theclient_id on dashboard.

You can (optionally) include a launch argument by adding alaunch key to the notification data.

You can (optionally) include anaudio element by setting the sound on the notification."windows_phone_app"!"windows_phone_app")n.uri="http://..."{title:"MyApp",body:"Hello world",launch:"launch-argument"}n.sound="ms-appx:///mynotificationsound.wav"!

Windows Raw Push Notifications

Note: The data is passed as.to_json so only this format is supported, although raw notifications are meant to support any kind of data.Current data structure enforces hashes and.to_json representation is natural presentation of it."windows_phone_app")n.uri='http://...'{foo:'foo',bar:'bar'}!

Windows Badge Push Notifications

Uses thebadge template and the typewns/badge."windows_phone_app")n.uri='http://...'!


Pushy is a highly-reliable push notification gateway, based onMQTT protocol for cross platform push notification delivery that includes web, Android, and iOS. One of its advantages is it allows for reliable notification delivery to Android devices in China where Google Cloud Messaging and Firebase Cloud Messaging are blocked and to custom hardware devices that use Android OS but are not using Google Play Services.

Note: current implementation of Pushy only supports Android devices and does not includesubscriptions."android_app"!"android_app")n.registration_ids=["..."]{message:"hi mom!"}n.time_to_live=60#!

For more documentation onPushy.


Webpush is aprotocol for delivering push messages to desktop browsers. It's supported byall major browsers (except Safari, you have to use one of the Apns transportsfor that).

UsingVAPID, thereis no need for the sender of push notifications to register upfront with pushservices (as was the case with the now legacy Mozilla or Google desktop pushproviders).

Instead, you generate a pair of keys and use the public key when subscribingusers in your web app. The keys are stored along with an email address (which,according to the spec, can be used by push service providers to contact you incase of problems) in thecertificates field of the Rpush Application record:'webpush'app.certificate=vapid_keypair.merge(subject:'')!

Thesubscription object you obtain from a subscribed browser holds anendpoint URL and cryptographic keys. When sending a notification, simply passthe whole subscription as sole member of theregistration_ids collection:"webpush")n.registration_ids=[subscription]{message:"hi mom!"}!

In order to send the same message to multiple devices, create oneNotification per device, as passing multiple subscriptions at once asregistration_ids is not supported.

Running Rpush

It is recommended to run Rpush as a separate process in most cases, though embedding and manual modes are provided for low-workload environments.

Seerpush help for all available commands and options.

As a daemon

$cd /path/to/project$ rpush start

As a foreground process

$cd /path/to/project$ rpush start -f

On the command-line

$ rpush push

Rpush will deliver all pending notifications and then exit.

In a scheduled job


SeePush API for more details.

Embedded inside an existing process


Call this during startup of your application, for example, by adding it to the end ofconfig/rpush.rb. SeeEmbedding API for more details.

Using mina

If you're usingmina, there is a gem calledmina-rpush which helps you control rpush.


Rpush leaves delivered notifications in the database. If you do not clear them out, they will take up more and more space. This isn't great for any database, but is especially problematic if using Redis as the Rpush store.Here is an example solution for cleaning up delivered notifications in Redis.


SeeConfiguration for a list of options.

Updating Rpush

You should runrpush init after upgrading Rpush to check for configuration and migration changes.

From The Wiki


Apple Push Notification Service

Firebase Cloud Messaging


Running Tests

Rpush usesAppraisal to run tests against multiple versions of Ruby on Rails. This helps making sure that Rpush performs correctly with multiple Rails versions.

Rpush also uses RSpec for its tests.

Bootstrapping your test suite:

First, we need to setup a test database,rpush_test.

E.g. (postgres):psql -c 'create database rpush_test;' -U postgres >/dev/null

bundle installbundle exec appraisal install

This will install all the required gems that requires to test against each version of Rails, which defined ingemfiles/*.gemfile.

To run a full test suite:
bundle exec appraisal rake

This will run RSpec against all versions of Rails.

To run a single test

You need to specify aBUNDLE_GEMFILE pointing to the gemfile before running the normal test command:

BUNDLE_GEMFILE=gemfiles/rails_6.0.gemfile rspec spec/unit/apns_feedback_spec.rb
Multiple database adapter support

When running specs, please note that the ActiveRecord adapter can be changed by setting theADAPTER environment variable. For example:ADAPTER=postgresql rake.

Available adapters for testing arepostgresql,jdbcpostgresql,mysql2,jdbcmysql,jdbch2, andsqlite3.

Note that the database username is changed at runtime to be the currently logged in user's name. So if you're testingwith mysql and you're using a user named 'bob', you will need to grant a mysql user 'bob' access to the 'rpush_test'mysql database.

To switch between ActiveRecord and Redis, set theCLIENT environment variable to eitheractive_record orredis.

