Group software repositories of the iCub eco-system (but code developed is not necessarily iCub specific!).
Welcome to theRobotology
Github organization.This organization hosts various software repositories of the iCub eco-system (but code developed is not necessarily iCub specific!).
🚧 This page is currently under construction. 🚧
Here is a list (autogenerated bythis github action) of all the public repos contained in this organization:
Name | Description | CI status |
assistive-rehab | Assistive and Rehabilitative Robotics | |
assistive-rehab-storage | Storage repository for Assistive and Rehabilitative Robotics | |
attention | Multimodal Attention System for the iCub | |
audio-attention | ||
bayes-filters-lib | A flexible, modern, C++ recursive Bayesian estimation library. | |
blender-robotics-utils | Set of utilities for exporting/controlling your robot in Blender | |
blockfactory | A tiny framework to wrap algorithms for dataflow programming | |
blocktest | Test system for generic robot middlewares | |
blocktest-custom-plugins | Repository containing custom plugins for blocktest | |
blocktest-ros-plugins | Repository containing the ros plugins for blocktest | |
blocktest-yarp-plugins | Repository containing the yarp plugins for blocktest | |
c4d-icub-plugins | plugins for Cinema4D | |
calibration-supervisor | Code for supervising camera calibration using optimized chessboard poses | |
cardinal-points-grasp | Simple superquadric-based grasping pose generator for iCub | |
cer | Contains SW specific to the R1 robots | |
cer-sim | Official URDF and SDF models of the R1 humanoid robot. | |
cer-tests | Contains tests for the R1 robot | |
cfw002 | Holds sources for the cfw002 Linux device driver. | |
community | Virtual repository hosting Discussions and Questions & Answers | |
d4c | Dynamic Force Field Control | |
decision-making | ||
diagnostic-daemon | Application for handling diagnostic messages from the RTOS boards, from yarprobotinterface and any other UDP source. | |
dialog-service | Repository to create a human-robot interaction based on conversation | |
event-driven | neuromorphic sensor integration with YARP and iCub | |
find-superquadric | Fit a partial point cloud with a superquadric | |
funny-things | A collection of "funny" yet useful behaviors for the iCub | |
gazebo-fmi | FMI import plugins for the Gazebo Simulator. | |
gazebo-yarp-plugins | Plugins to interface Gazebo with YARP. | |
gesture-recognition | This package contains modules that deal with gesture recognition | |
gh-action-nightly-merge | Automatically merge the stable branch into the development one | |
gh-action-squash | Squash all commits in a PR into the first one | |
grasp | Components to provide the robot with power and precision grasp capabilities | |
gym-ignition-models | Collection of robot models compatible with gym-ignition | |
gz-sim-yarp-plugins | YARP plugins for Modern Gazebo (gz-sim). | |
himrep | Hierarchical Image Representation | |
homebrew-formulae | 🍻 Robotology homebrew formulae for macOS | |
how-to-document-modules | Scripts and templates to help you document your code nicely | |
how-to-export-cpp-library | An OS-agnostic C++ library template in plain CMake. | |
human-dynamics-estimation | Software repository for estimating human dynamics | |
human-gazebo | URDF models of humans created to perform human robot interaction experiments. | |
human-sensing | This repository contains software related to human sensing | |
iCubWorld | This repository contains the iCubWorld dataset. | |
icub-basic-demos | A container for basic demos illustrating some iCub capabilities | |
icub-contrib-common | Meta-package to configure contrib modules and libraries | |
icub-firmware | iCub Firmware | |
icub-firmware-build | iCub Firmware Builds | |
icub-firmware-models | Models underlying the iCub Firmware | |
icub-firmware-shared | Protocols and Other Stuff Used both by iCub Firmware and iCub Software | |
icub-gazebo-grasping-sandbox | A public sandbox for simulating grasping in Gazebo with the iCub humanoid | |
icub-hri | iCub-HRI: A coherent framework for complex HRI scenarios on the iCub | |
icub-main | The iCub Main Software Repository | |
icub-models | Official URDF and SDF models of the iCub humanoid robot. | |
icub-models-generator | Resources and programs to generated models (URDF, SDF) of the iCub robot | |
icub-tech-support | Virtual repository that provides support requests for individual robots | |
icub-tests | Contains tests for iCub robot Tests are written using the robot-testing framework | |
icub-tutorials | Tutorials on iCub code | |
icub-workspace-estimation | This repository deals with the task of computing the workspace of the iCub given a proper kinematic representation. | |
idyntree | Multibody Dynamics Library designed for Free Floating Robots | |
idyntree-yarp-tools | Tools based on the iDynTree library that depend on YARP. | |
iit-ibm | Repository for the joint lab between IIT and IBM | |
ikart | Components to control the iKart device | |
iol | Interactive Objects Learning | |
karma | Contain modules for experimenting affordance learning with the iCub | |
logpolar | Log-Polar functionalities | |
natural-speech | This repository contains a codebase to build automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems for iCub and run them within YARP. It also proposes new articulatory-based and unsupervised models for ASR. | |
navigation | Yarp modules and devices for autonomous navigation | |
online-detection-demo | Fast object detection learning with CNN and kernel based architecture | |
onthefly-recognition | ||
osqp-eigen | Simple Eigen-C++ wrapper for OSQP library | |
peripersonal-space | This repository deals with the implementation of peripersonal space representations on the iCub humanoid robot. | |
poeticon | This is the repository of the POETICON++ EU project | |
point-cloud-read | Module to acquire point clouds from iCub. | |
r1-grasping | Container for code and discussions around Grasping with R1 robot | |
react-control | Framework for reaching with whole-body obstacle avoidance. | |
realsense-holder-calibration | A tool for estimating the iCubHeadCenter to RealSense transformation matrix when using the iCub RealSense holder. | |
rfsmTools | A set of tools to execute, debug and create rFSM LUA-based state machines | |
robometry | Telemetry suite for logging data from your robot 🤖 | |
robot-testing-framework | Robot Testing Framework (RTF) | |
robotology-conda-binary-repackaging-recipes | Recipes for packaging as conda package closed source dependencies of robotology software. | |
robotology-documentation | Documentation of Robotology repositories | |
robotology-superbuild | CMake/YCM-based superbuild to simplify the build process of robotology projects. | |
robotology-superbuild-dependencies-vcpkg | Pre-compiled vcpkg root with Windows binary dependencies of the robotology-superbuild | |
robotology-vcpkg-ports | Collection of vcpkg ports available on limited platforms just in binary form. | |
robots-configuration | Contains robots configuration files | |
sdf-modelica | URDF/SDF to to Modelica model converter. | |
segmentation | Components for image segmentation | |
segmentation-to-pointcloud | Module to capture pointclouds from segmented blobs in 2D or 2.5D images | |
simmechanics-to-urdf | Script for converting simmechanics XML files to URDF | |
skeleton3D | Bridge between 2D Tensorflow-based human pose estimation and 3D estimation from stereovision | |
software-grasp-synergies | Module implementing grasping synergies in software for the iCub hand and TypeSafe Bottles release | |
speech | Apps for speech recognition and speech synthesis | |
stereo-vision | Repository containing apps for stereo vision | |
superbuild-example | This is a simple repository that shows how to make a superbuild project. | |
superimpose-mesh-lib | A modern C++ augmented-reality library to superimpose 3D objects on images. | |
superquadric-grasp | Framework for grasping object using superquadric models | |
superquadric-grasp-demo | Object modeling and grasping with superquadrics and visual-servoing | |
superquadric-grasp-example | Collect frameworks for modeling and grasping demos | |
superquadric-lib | ||
superquadric-model | Framework for modeling and visualizing objects through superquadrics | |
tactile-control | ||
tool-affordances | Repo for Affordance project related stuff | |
tool-incorporation | This repo contains the modules to perform 3D tool exploration | |
unicycle-footstep-planner | Repository for the Unicycle-based FootStep Planner. | |
urdf2casadi-matlab | ||
vagrant-icub | Vagrant configurations files to create VirtualBox virtual machine with YARP and iCub-main sources and dependancies | |
visual-tactile-localization | In-hand object tracking for the iCub humanoid robot. | |
visual-tracking-control | A C++ visual tracking app of the iCub hand using a 3D model-aided particle filter. | |
visuomotor-learning | ||
walking-controllers | Bipedal locomotion software for the humanoid robot platform iCub. | |
walking-teleoperation | Software related to walking and teleoperation. | |
wb-toolbox | Simulink toolbox to rapidly prototype robot controllers | |
whole-body-controllers | Simulink-based whole body controllers for humanoid robots. | |
whole-body-estimators | YARP devices that implement estimators for humanoid robots. | |
yarp | YARP - Yet Another Robot Platform | |
yarp-device-argus | Contains a YARP device driver supporting the Framos cameras | |
yarp-device-ovrheadset | LibOVR device for YARP ( | |
yarp-device-pylon | Contains a YARP device driver supporting the Basler cameras | |
yarp-device-realsense2 | realsense2 device for YARP ( | |
yarp-device-rplidar | rplidar device for YARP ( | |
yarp-device-speechTranscription-whisper | A yarp plugin to perform speech transcription using openai whisper | |
yarp-device-template | A template for a repository containing a yarp device/plugin | |
yarp-device-ultrapython | Contains a YARP device driver supporting the UltraPython cameras | |
yarp-device-vicon-bridge | This is a yarp device driver providing data from VICON motion capture systems. | |
yarp-device-xsensmt | YARP Device Driver for XSens MT* devices based on the MT Software Suite. | |
yarp-devices-forcetorque | YARP Drivers for various commercial Force Torque sensors. | |
yarp-devices-google-cloud | Yarp devices that use google-cloud-cpp libriaries | |
yarp-devices-haptic | Generic YARP driver for Haptic Devices | |
yarp-devices-llm | Collection of yarp devices for Large Language Models | |
yarp-devices-ros | Network wrapper servers and clients for yarp-ros interoperability | |
yarp-devices-ros2 | Plugins, devices and network wrappers for Yarp-ROS2 interoperation | |
yarp-documentation | Documentation for YARP | |
yarp-joypad-tools | Set of YARP tools to interact with Joypads. | |
yarp-matlab-bindings | SWIG-based bindings of YARP for Matlab and Octave, based on the MEX C-API. | |
yarp-omega3 | Simple YARP-based server to send position/force set points to a Force Dimension Omega.3 robot | |
yarp-packaging | ||
yarp-ros | YARP support for ROS1. | |
yarp.js | JavaScript bindings for YARP! | |
ycm-cmake-modules | YCM (YCM CMake modules) is a collection of various useful CMake modules. |
- icub-tech-support
icub-tech-support PublicVirtual repository that provides support requests for individual robots
Showing 10 of 145 repositories
- robotology-superbuild Public
CMake/YCM-based superbuild to simplify the build process of robotology projects.
robotology/robotology-superbuild’s past year of commit activity