Kick drum keyfinder.
This tool takes a folder containing kick drum samples, finds the key of the samples, and creates a new folder containing the original files renamed to include their key.
I chose to copy + rename since renaming might break existing DAW project files. Not to mention, kick samples are relatively lightweight.
Noted constraints:
- batch process only
- wav files only
Get Python by visiting the python website and downloading + installing python 3. When installing, make sure to click the box that says "Add Python to PATH".Click "Install Now" and wait until it's done.
To verify the installation, open the command line (Windows: Ctrl+R type "cmd" and press enter. Mac: Cmd+Space type "terminal" press enter). Type "python --version" and hit Enter. You should see a version number if it worked.
Download the file Open the command line again (cmd or Terminal). Use "cd" to go to the folder where your file is. If it's on the desktop, you type "cd Desktop" and press Enter.
Type "python and press Enter.