- Fred's History Technology
- Austin, TX, USA & Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico
- 08:21
(UTC -05:00) - http://realityexpander.wixsite.com/resume
- in/chris-athanas
- @ChrisAthanas
- @AthanasDev
- https://twitter.com/i/communities/1739883885658607808
- 🔭 I’m currently working on KMP (Kotlin Multi-Platform) cross-platform iOS & Android projects & employing Alan Kay style OOP techniques
- 📺 My YouTube channel :www.youtube.com/@chrisathanas
- 🌱 I’m exploring latest techniques using cross-platform Compose with KMP - check out myFred's Roadtrip Storyteller project
- 📫 How to reach me:realityexpanderdev@gmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact: The first computer I programmed was aPDP-11 at the Boston Children's Museum in 1976
- 🤖 Check out the KMP Developers Group on Twitter:https://twitter.com/i/communities/1739883885658607808
- 🙂 Here's my famous programming course"How to Program From The Ground Up" on YouTube
Fred's Roadtrip Storyteller - KMP cross-platform iOS/Android app that speaks historical markers as you travel.
Tasky - Android Native App - Lite version of Google Calendar to track daily agenda items. MVVM / Kotlin / CLEAN, over 130 stars on GitHub!
My Famous Free Programming Course: How to Program From the Ground Up YouTube Series -Click here for the follow-along live-code document
Adventure Driven Development™ -Click here for Design Guide in Google Docs
Cloud Cover USA 2 - Kotlin Multi-Platform App (KMP) for iOS, Android, Web & Desktop (Apple silicon)
Translator KMM - iOS and Android Cross-platform foreign language translator app written with KMM in Kotlin
Guess-A-Sketch - Multiplayer Real-time Sketch Game using websockets and Ktor back end server, Speech recognition
Bike Tracking - 🚲 Bike Ride tracking app using MVVM, fragments, GPS tracking service, Room database, custom TypeConverters
Cats vs. Dogs - Cats versus Dogs for world domination. Realtime 2-player game built with websockets
Hyperlocal Weather - Hyperlocal Weather tracking application using Compose and
Open-meteo Api
Slang-Dictionary - American slang and regular dictionary based on
, Pronounces the words and gives multiple definitionsCalorie Track - Multi-module CLEAN architecture app to track calories using
Open Food Api
- Pixabay Image Search - Pixabay Image Search app using MVVM, Compose, Infinite Scroll, Offline cache using Room Database, Image preview using AndroidView of PhotoView
- Ktor Realtime Chat - Realtime Chat App build with Ktor backend, MVVM, Compose, MongoDB Database, WebSockets, Ktor Client
- Spotify Clone - Music streaming App & service using a Firebase back-end and the Exoplayer library
- Zombie Outbreak Locator - ☣️ Convenient way to track Zombie Outbreaks worldwide using Compose Google Maps Api
- Tesla App - Clone of the Tesla Roadster site as an Android App with WebView, HTML5, Bootstrap
- Stock Market Info - Gives lots of information about stocks, uses
api, Compose custom graphs, CLEAN and SOLID design - Ktor Notes App - Fully implemented MVVM Note App with Accounts, Authentication, Encryption and Ktor Server Backend
- Catulator - 😸 Cat calculator app built with MVVM/MVI and Compose, using scientifikitten cat-zero notation
- KMM Notes App - KMM (Kotlin Multiplaform Mobile) example app for taking notes. Deployable to iOS and Android
- Video Player/Recorder - Video player and recording using Exoplayer. Implements Compose, Exoplayer, Hilt
- Video Conferencing - Video Conferencing app using Compose and Agora video conferencing library (requires key generation for 24 hour access)
- Shopping Notes - Shopping list app with MVVM
- Crypto Info - Gives lots of information about the top coins, uses
api, CLEAN and SOLID design - MVVM Todo - Simple Todo app showcasing MVVM CLEAN and SOLID practices
- Charlly Finely Life Coach - Charlly Finely - AI Motivational Life Coach will quickly solve all your problems!
- How to Make a Free Stream Deck for Ecamm Live
- Cross-platform KMP Android/iOS using Google Maps with 100% Compose UI
- How to search JSON text and objects using Redis, Ktor and Kotlin
- How to use Parcelable and custom @TypeParceler with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM)
- Click here for all my articles:CLICK FOR ARTICLES
StackOverflow reputation:
- DogMessenger2022
DogMessenger2022 PublicAn MVVM dogs app using AndroidX/JetPack. Allows user to send SMS/MMS using modern API's. Requires setting the app as a default SMS app to send image MMS, per Android requirements.
Kotlin 3
- StockMarketApp
StockMarketApp PublicStock Tracking App using SOLID architecture, uses Hilt, Room, Compose, Coroutines, Retrofit, www.alphavantage.co API
Kotlin 2
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