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Python function signatures package for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+
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is a backport of thePEP 362 function signature features fromPython 3.3'sinspect module. The backport is compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7as well as 3.3 and up. 3.2 was supported by version 0.4, but with setuptools andpip no longer supporting 3.2, we cannot make any statement about 3.2compatibility.
backport has been tested against:
- CPython 2.6
- CPython 2.7
- CPython 3.3
- CPython 3.4
- CPython 3.5
- CPython nightlies
- PyPy and PyPy3(currently failing CI)
Continuous integration testing is provided byTravis CI.
Under Python 2.x there is a compatibility issue when a function is assigned tothe__wrapped__
property of a class after it has been constructed.Similiarily there under PyPy directly passing the__call__
method of abuiltin is also a compatibility issues. Otherwise the functionality isbelieved to be uniform between both Python2 and Python3.
Source code forfuncsigs
is hosted onGitHub. Any bug reports or featurerequests can be made using GitHub'sissues system.
To obtain a Signature object, pass the target function to thefuncsigs.signature
>>>fromfuncsigsimportsignature>>>deffoo(a,b=None,*args,**kwargs):...pass...>>>sig=signature(foo)>>>sig<funcsigs.Signatureobjectat0x...>>>>sig.parametersOrderedDict([('a',<Parameterat0x...'a'>), ('b',<Parameterat0x...'b'>), ('args',<Parameterat0x...'args'>), ('kwargs',<Parameterat0x...'kwargs'>)])>>>sig.return_annotation<class'funcsigs._empty'>
This section of documentation is a direct reproduction of the Pythonstandard library documentation for the inspect module.
The Signature object represents the call signature of a callable object and itsreturn annotation. To retrieve a Signature object, use the:func:`signature`function.
.. function:: signature(callable) Return a :class:`Signature` object for the given ``callable``:: >>> from funcsigs import signature >>> def foo(a, *, b:int, **kwargs): ... pass >>> sig = signature(foo) >>> str(sig) '(a, *, b:int, **kwargs)' >>> str(sig.parameters['b']) 'b:int' >>> sig.parameters['b'].annotation <class 'int'> Accepts a wide range of python callables, from plain functions and classes to :func:`functools.partial` objects. .. note:: Some callables may not be introspectable in certain implementations of Python. For example, in CPython, built-in functions defined in C provide no metadata about their arguments.
A Signature object represents the call signature of a function and its returnannotation. For each parameter accepted by the function it stores a:class:`Parameter` object in its:attr:`parameters` collection.
Signature objects areimmutable. Use:meth:`Signature.replace` to make amodified copy.
.. attribute:: Signature.empty A special class-level marker to specify absence of a return annotation.
.. attribute:: Signature.parameters An ordered mapping of parameters' names to the corresponding :class:`Parameter` objects.
.. attribute:: Signature.return_annotation The "return" annotation for the callable. If the callable has no "return" annotation, this attribute is set to :attr:`Signature.empty`.
.. method:: Signature.bind(*args, **kwargs) Create a mapping from positional and keyword arguments to parameters. Returns :class:`BoundArguments` if ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` match the signature, or raises a :exc:`TypeError`.
.. method:: Signature.bind_partial(*args, **kwargs) Works the same way as :meth:`Signature.bind`, but allows the omission of some required arguments (mimics :func:`functools.partial` behavior.) Returns :class:`BoundArguments`, or raises a :exc:`TypeError` if the passed arguments do not match the signature.
.. method:: Signature.replace(*[, parameters][, return_annotation]) Create a new Signature instance based on the instance replace was invoked on. It is possible to pass different ``parameters`` and/or ``return_annotation`` to override the corresponding properties of the base signature. To remove return_annotation from the copied Signature, pass in :attr:`Signature.empty`. :: >>> def test(a, b): ... pass >>> sig = signature(test) >>> new_sig = sig.replace(return_annotation="new return anno") >>> str(new_sig) "(a, b) -> 'new return anno'"
Parameter objects areimmutable. Instead of modifying a Parameter object,you can use:meth:`Parameter.replace` to create a modified copy.
.. attribute:: Parameter.empty A special class-level marker to specify absence of default values and annotations.
.. attribute:: Parameter.name The name of the parameter as a string. Must be a valid python identifier name (with the exception of ``POSITIONAL_ONLY`` parameters, which can have it set to ``None``).
.. attribute:: Parameter.default The default value for the parameter. If the parameter has no default value, this attribute is set to :attr:`Parameter.empty`.
.. attribute:: Parameter.annotation The annotation for the parameter. If the parameter has no annotation, this attribute is set to :attr:`Parameter.empty`.
.. attribute:: Parameter.kind Describes how argument values are bound to the parameter. Possible values (accessible via :class:`Parameter`, like ``Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY``): +------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Name | Meaning | +========================+==============================================+ | *POSITIONAL_ONLY* | Value must be supplied as a positional | | | argument. | | | | | | Python has no explicit syntax for defining | | | positional-only parameters, but many built-in| | | and extension module functions (especially | | | those that accept only one or two parameters)| | | accept them. | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | *POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD*| Value may be supplied as either a keyword or | | | positional argument (this is the standard | | | binding behaviour for functions implemented | | | in Python.) | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | *VAR_POSITIONAL* | A tuple of positional arguments that aren't | | | bound to any other parameter. This | | | corresponds to a ``*args`` parameter in a | | | Python function definition. | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | *KEYWORD_ONLY* | Value must be supplied as a keyword argument.| | | Keyword only parameters are those which | | | appear after a ``*`` or ``*args`` entry in a | | | Python function definition. | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | *VAR_KEYWORD* | A dict of keyword arguments that aren't bound| | | to any other parameter. This corresponds to a| | | ``**kwargs`` parameter in a Python function | | | definition. | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ Example: print all keyword-only arguments without default values:: >>> def foo(a, b, *, c, d=10): ... pass >>> sig = signature(foo) >>> for param in sig.parameters.values(): ... if (param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY and ... param.default is param.empty): ... print('Parameter:', param) Parameter: c
.. method:: Parameter.replace(*[, name][, kind][, default][, annotation]) Create a new Parameter instance based on the instance replaced was invoked on. To override a :class:`Parameter` attribute, pass the corresponding argument. To remove a default value or/and an annotation from a Parameter, pass :attr:`Parameter.empty`. :: >>> from funcsigs import Parameter >>> param = Parameter('foo', Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default=42) >>> str(param) 'foo=42' >>> str(param.replace()) # Will create a shallow copy of 'param' 'foo=42' >>> str(param.replace(default=Parameter.empty, annotation='spam')) "foo:'spam'"
Result of a:meth:`Signature.bind` or:meth:`Signature.bind_partial` call.Holds the mapping of arguments to the function's parameters.
.. attribute:: BoundArguments.arguments An ordered, mutable mapping (:class:`collections.OrderedDict`) of parameters' names to arguments' values. Contains only explicitly bound arguments. Changes in :attr:`arguments` will reflect in :attr:`args` and :attr:`kwargs`. Should be used in conjunction with :attr:`Signature.parameters` for any argument processing purposes. .. note:: Arguments for which :meth:`Signature.bind` or :meth:`Signature.bind_partial` relied on a default value are skipped. However, if needed, it is easy to include them. :: >>> def foo(a, b=10): ... pass >>> sig = signature(foo) >>> ba = sig.bind(5) >>> ba.args, ba.kwargs ((5,), {}) >>> for param in sig.parameters.values(): ... if param.name not in ba.arguments: ... ba.arguments[param.name] = param.default >>> ba.args, ba.kwargs ((5, 10), {})
.. attribute:: BoundArguments.args A tuple of positional arguments values. Dynamically computed from the :attr:`arguments` attribute.
.. attribute:: BoundArguments.kwargs A dict of keyword arguments values. Dynamically computed from the :attr:`arguments` attribute.
The:attr:`args` and:attr:`kwargs` properties can be used to invokefunctions:
def test(a, *, b): ...sig = signature(test)ba = sig.bind(10, b=20)test(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs)
.. seealso:: :pep:`362` - Function Signature Object. The detailed specification, implementation details and examples.
funcsigs is a derived work of CPython under the terms of thePSF LicenseAgreement. The original CPython inspect module, its unit tests anddocumentation are the copyright of the Python Software Foundation. The derivedwork is distributed under theApache License Version 2.0.
Python function signatures package for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+
- Python99.1%
- Makefile0.9%