Simple application fetching static HTML via Firefox Marionette.
It is designed most for internal using. YOU HAVE TO PREVENT SECURITY ISSUE YOURSELF.
Prpr accepts following environmental variables:
: shared secret. Default to""
which disables authenticating.FIREFOX
: path to Firefox binary. Default to"firefox"
: disable--headless
: extra command line arguments passed to Firefox.BIND
: binding address passed toListenAndServe
. Default to":9801"
: max concurrent loading pages. Default to1
.It always passes--marionette
to Firefox.
Extra configuration for Docker The docker imageronmi/prpr
will create new profile directory in /tmp each run,which might waste disk space if you start/stop it frequently.
You can mount a volume somewhere and pass it in envvarFIREFOX_PROFILE
docker run -d --name prpr \ -v" $( pwd) /data:/fxprofile" \ -e" FIREFOX_PROFILE=/fxprofile" \ -p"" \ ronmi/prpr Allocate a free browser window (blocked if none free) Switch to allocated window Navigate to the url Wait a second Every second, check if the HTML element presents If it does exists, run a piece of JS to fetch HTML and return Returns error after 10 tries It is much more complex in real code as prpr now supports concurrent loading.
wget \ --post-data=' uri=' \ uri
: URL you want to fetch from.wait
: CSS-selector to wait for.secret
: your shared secret.It returns HTML code if success, 400 if shared secret mismatch and 500 when failed.
To keep code simple, prpr just waits 10 seconds before actually connect to firefox. IT DOES NOT SUPPORT RECONNECTING. For best security, DO NOT EXPOSE IT TO PUBLIC NETWORK. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE FETCHING!