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We're probably coming to the point where even for flit_core I'll drop support for some older Python versions, but let's work that out separately. I generally find it easier to support a pretty broad range of Python versions than to deal with people getting stuck on an old version of a package I maintain because I dropped support for older Python.
Originally posted by@takluyver in#728 (comment)
Flit 3.11 supports Python 3.8+, and flit-core supports 3.6+.
Latest statistics1 for flit-core downloads for show that 3.6 represents <0.05%, 3.7 represents <0.1%, and 3.8 <2%. 3.9 is the overwhelming majority at >50%.
For flit2, Python 3.9 is again the overwhelming majority with >80%. The numbers are a little suspicious as 3.9 specifically skyrockets from late October/November onwards. I will try to look at a more granular level.
This probably suggests that dropping 3.6 and 3.7 for flit-core is a reasonable move, but other than that Flit should maintain support for non end-of-life Python releases.