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Promod, a Competition Mod for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
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Promod LIVE V2.20 EU - READMEhttp://www.codpromod.com2014-05-13 <promod [at] codpromod.com>#codpromod @ QuakeNetMaintained by IngramSponsored by FragNethttp://www.fragnet.netZip-package (promodlive220_eu.zip) contains:LICENSEpml220\mod.ffpml220\pml220.iwdpml220\z_c_r.iwdpb\stock_iwd_md5.cfgpb\promod_iwd_md5.cfgpb\pbsvuser.cfgreadme.txtserver_setup.txtserver.cfgLIVE V2.20:- Fixed issues with vehicle damage source being different compared to previous releasesLIVE V2.19:- Fixed a server crash related to damage inflicted via exploding barrels- Re-implemented vehicle handling. This fixes two known issues: 1) Cars would keep burning and not explode after a while 2) Throwing a grenade to one of the headlights would explode the carLIVE V2.18:- Fixed the exploit where players could hide behind floodlights (solution found by Gunner)- Removed the flashbang blinding effect during kniferoundLIVE V2.17:- Shortened file and folder names in order to fix (or avoid) "file sum/name mismatch" error. Please note that fs_game naming scheme is slighly different from now on.- Added timer to pre-match ready up period.Public server owners should rename their z_custom_ruleset.iwd to the new shorter version of z_c_r.iwd, nothing inside is changed.LIVE V2.16:- Fixed a small bug that appeared during 2.15. We're sorry about that!LIVE V2.15:- Fixed a bug where players could fall silently by holding down a grenade key and not having any grenades in inventory- Reworked damage logic, no changes in damage values, but minimal performance boost- Included a reworked version of damage and accuracy statistics (B-4-6), counters will reset after displaying current values- Included new log prints: Accuracy and damage: P_A;<player guid>;<player entity number>;<player name>;<shots fired>;<shots hit>;<damage done>;<damage taken>;<friendly damage done>;<friendly damage taken> Bomb plants (SD & SAB): P_P;<player guid>;<player entity number>;<player name> Bomb defuses (SD & SAB): P_D;<player guid>;<player entity number>;<player name> Flag captures (DOM): P_F;<player guid>;<player entity number>;<player name> Headquarters captures (KOTH): P_HQC;<player guid>;<player entity number>;<player name> Headquarters destroys (KOTH): P_HQD;<player guid>;<player entity number>;<player name>LIVE V2.14:- Fixed boosting with modified g_knockback value- Game will message all players if any serverside DVars are being modified- Added comp_public_lan, comp_public_hc_lan and custom_public_lan modes- Fixed an issue with scorebot messages being generated incorrectlyLIVE V2.13:- Implemented MOTD (message of the day), can be set via dvar "scr_motd"- Various fixes and improvements to the shoutcaster UI- Fixed problems with loading preserved classes- Invalid gametypes on custom maps will no longer cause server to crash- Added possibility to set scores with promod_mode (more info in promod modes section)- Removed flinching animation when player get shot- Removed ability to shoot during strat time- Improved custom maps compability- Player is immune to flashbangs in ready up and start mode flying- Main menu changes (not much)- Serverside performance improvements- Knife round fixes, weapon abuse eliminated- Fixed ready-up messages- Other various UI tweaks and improvementsLIVE V2.12:- Protection against clientside executable modification- Fixed knife-round to always remove the weapons and ammo, all other damage than from the knife is disabled as an extra measure- Record-menu will no longer appear twice in knife-rounds- Fixed choosing team menu on custom maps- Various fixes which improve server performanceLIVE V2.11:- Soften smoke edges (also known as r_zfeather) is back to being forced off- Dead chat is no longer automatically handled in public-modes- Promod will properly force player to reconnect to the server if "vid_restart" was called- The "You killed..." text's Y-position can be modified in devmap for movie-makers (see below)- Removed player head-icons from Marines and SAS (stock bug, as opposing teams don't have head-icons)- Fixed planted/defused/destroyed announcer sounds- Promod header will inform about the usage of knife round feature- Specular effect on car-glasses made transparent- Better overall handling of player status icons- The bomb-briefcase is no longer visible in timeout or knife-round- Ability to cancel timeouts by the caller (by calling another timeout)- Ready-up hud will always display own status (important for shoutcasters)- Shoutcaster will automatically follow another player when current player dies- Shoutcasters have ability to spectate another shoutcaster when that shoutcaster is using follow-player-binds- Full map restart is called when server admin changes game type and issues a fast restart- Fixed a bug where a player could sprint longer after planting/defusing- Ragdolls removed because of random behaviour- Added an option for custom map developers to specify default sunlight (level.sunlight) in map script to correctly set with Promod "stock" sunlight option- Strattime and knife round in public-modes are now working properly- Scorebot improvements and fixes, see FAQ for comprehensive documentation- Different game menu adjustments- Dvar-monitor will now display both the old and the new value when change is detected- Before a match starts, a list of dvar changes during ready-up mode is displayed- Some additions to strictly forced server settings- Fixed several issues with bomb-drop- Added training-dummy feature for strat mode, which will only work on listen/local servers with PunkBuster turned off- Added a record-menu which will popup once a player is ready, this menu can optionally be disabled in the quickmessage menu: B-4-5- Added a sound notification to the last player to ready-upLIVE V2.10:- Game code optimizations which reduce the size of mod over 50% compared to V2.04- Killspec mode. Commits suicide, releases current class spot and does not respawn the player before a class is selected again. Can be activated through quickmessage menu: B-4-4 or by console command openscriptmenu quickpromod killspec- Moved game timer closer to the edge of the screen for shoutcasters- Improved server integrity checks- Defaulted "promod_mode" to strat when starting a new server from main menu- Knife round. For match modes adds an extra round and ready-up mode, in public games it will be the first round of map. It can be toggled via knife keyword in promod_mode (for example match_mr10_knife) or dvar "promod_kniferound" in public games. Scorebot announces knife round via knife_round keyword- Ready-up mode is more responsive- Improved promod_mode, for use see below- Increased dropped weapon disappearing time to 3 minutes- Promod Commands and Promod Graphics menus can be accessed via openscriptmenu quickpromod controls / graphics respectively- Added tactical timeouts for lan mode. It is possible to take unlimited amount of timeouts for unlimited time- Improved strat mode- Fixed public server weapons glitch- Forced fs_game for match modes. If you don't know how to change fs_game setting, please contact your Game Server Provider- Removed red enemy dots from large map- Included with package: PunkBuster MD5Tool checks for main/iw_##.iwd files. This needs to be set up manually, see below- Added echo command, which will display text only to yourself in game message box. Usage: openscriptmenu echo text_I_want_to_display - note that underscores are replaced with spaces. Works also with colors. However stacking two openscriptmenu commands to one bind will not work- Shoutcasters can now choose who to follow using binds and even toggle players by their current classPlus many other visual, non-gameplay related improvements.LIVE V2.04:- Reintroduced "cl_maxpackets" enforcement to "100"- Small fix in the scorebot- Weapon class availability fixed on halftimeFAQQ: What about the hardcore, and support for all gametypes, how do I use them?A: For a complete list of "promod_modes", see below.Q: I want to run my own custom Promod-server with skins etc, how?A: In order to run your own custom Promod-server you'll need to change the fs_game to anything besides "mods/pml220" as well as not using match-modes. You will now be able to modify the Promod IWDs and add additional iwd-files.Q: Can I use this mod as a movie mod?A: Yes, you can! Commands (which are important for movie-making) are only forced on the clients once connected. Demos needs to be loaded using devmap before starting a demo ("devmap mp_crash;disconnect").Q: How do I get the scorebot running?A: See below how to enable scorebot.Q: Class related binds, how do they work?A: See below for a list of commands.Q: What's the difference between the EU and NE version of Promod?A: The NE version of Promod has rate and cl_maxpackets settings unlocked and radar does not display enemy indicators while shooting. NE stands for Non-Europe.Q: My question is not answered here.A: Easiest way to contact us is via mail or join #codpromod @ QuakeNet.Q: How do I get the training-dummy to work?A: First put up a local home-hosted server without PB (set sv_punkbuster to "0" in your config, start game, launch Promod from the mods-menu and load a map with the console or menu). The default button for spawning a bot is the "N" button (bind X "+actionslot 1").PROMOD MODESThe promod_mode dvar follows a specific syntax. However the game accepts the bits between underscores ( _ ) in any order.match: standard match mode, may not be used with knockout mode. Round limit = mr#*2knockout: knockout match mode, may not be used with standard match mode. Score limit = mr#+1mr#: maxrounds - see above for use. Default is 10. Works only in Search & Destroy and Sabotage.lan: lan mode - g_antilag 0, PunkBuster messages turned off, may not be used with pb mode.hc: hardcore mode (disables some HUD elements and reduces health level to 30).knife: knife round - adds a knife round and an extra ready-up mode to Search & Destroy matches.1v1/2v2: used for 1v1 and 2v2 matches, disables Demolitions and Sniper classes.pb: disables PunkBuster warnings for online modes, may not be used with lan mode.#:#: will set match score in S&D using A:D format - useful in case of a restart, may not be used with knife mode.For example "promod_mode match_mr10_knife_pb" will enable knife round and disable PunkBuster warnings in standard maxrounds 10 mode.There are also some other modes, these can not be combined with the tags above.comp_public - the default mode for competitive publiccomp_public_lan - same as above, but for LAN serverscomp_public_hc - competitive public in hardcore modecomp_public_hc_lan - same as above, but for LAN serverscustom_public - custom public mode reading settings from z_c_r.iwdcustom_public_lan - same as above, but for LAN serversstrat - strategy mode for practicingSCOREBOTThe "ticker" is updating events every 10 seconds, each event is starting with a number from 0-9.Messages are delimited by the "SOH" character (start of header).To enable scorebot, add this line to the server-config:seta promod_enable_scorebot "1"Static info:attack_score "SOH" player_name "SOH" player_alive "SOH" player_kills "SOH" player_assists "SOH" player_deaths "SOH" player_bombcarrierdefence_score "SOH" player_name "SOH" player_alive "SOH" player_kills "SOH" player_assists "SOH" player_deaths "SOH" player_bombcarrierTicker events:"SOH" "round_winner" "SOH" winners "SOH" attack_score "SOH" defence_score"SOH" "map_complete" "SOH" "attack" "SOH" attack_score "SOH" "defence" "SOH" defence_score"SOH" "knife_round""SOH" start_text "SOH" starting_round"SOH" "map" "SOH" mapname "SOH" gametype"SOH" "kill" "SOH" killer_name "SOH" weapon "SOH" killed_name "SOH" headshot"SOH" "assist_by" "SOH" player_name"SOH" rdy_text"SOH" "timeout_cancelled" "SOH" timeout_team "SOH" player_name"SOH" "timeout_called" "SOH" timeout_team "SOH" player_name"SOH" "captured" label "SOH" player_name //dom"SOH" "hq_captured" "SOH" player_name //hq"SOH" "hq_destroyed" "SOH" player_name //hq"SOH" "pickup_bomb" "SOH" player_name //sab, sd"SOH" "dropped_bomb" "SOH" player_name //sab, sd"SOH" "defused_by" "SOH" player_name //sab, sd"SOH" "bomb_exploded" //sab, sd"SOH" "planted_by" "SOH" player_name // sab, sdDefinitions:attack_score = score of the attacking side, integerdefence_score = score of the defending side, integerplayer_name = name of the playerplayer_alive = if player is alive, integerplayer_assists = number of assists, integerplayer_deaths = number of deaths, integerplayer_bombcarrier = if player is carrying bomb, integerwinners = attack, defence or tiestart_text = "1st_half_started", "2nd_half_started", "match_resumed" (from timeout), "round_start"starting_round = the round starting, integermapname = the map name in "mp_" formatgametype = the gametype in short formatkiller_name = the name of the killerweapon = weapon used by the killerkilled_name = the name of the player who got killedheadshot = if it was a headshot, integerrdy_text = 1st_half_ready_up, 2nd_half_ready_up, timeout_ready_uptimeout_team = the team of the player who made a timeoutlabel = A, B, C etcBroadcasted dvars:__promod_attack_score__promod_defence_score__promod_mode__promod_ticker__promod_versionFORCED COMMANDSAll these dvars are forced by Promod (automatically), make sure they stay untouched/within range to avoid being punished!Note that these does not apply in Shoutcaster mode.dynent_active 0rate 25000cg_nopredict 0sm_enable 0r_dlightLimit 0r_lodscalerigid 1r_lodscaleskinned 1r_filmtweakInvert 0r_zfeather 0cg_viewzsmoothingmin 1cg_viewzsmoothingmax 16cg_viewzsmoothingtime 0.1cg_huddamageiconheight 64cg_huddamageiconwidth 128cg_huddamageiconinscope 0cg_huddamageiconoffset 128cg_huddamageicontime 2000developer 0phys_gravity -800com_maxfps 40 - 250cl_maxpackets 60 - 100compassplayerwidth EQUAL TO compassplayerheightcompassfriendlywidth EQUAL TO compassfriendlyheightDEMO VIEWINGThere are some special dvars made to control hud-elements for demo/movie purposes.They will only work in maps loaded with cheats (devmap). Don't forget the "set" prefix to add new dvars in the console.These include:promod_movie_hidescorebar // [0-1] (hides the mini-scorebar completely including timer)promod_centermessage_position // [x+-] (overrides default Y-position of the "You killed..." text)CLASS BINDSIt is possible to bind these via the in-game menu (Controls - Multiplayer Controls...).Alternatively you can manually bind them in the console/config.bind [KEY] [COMMAND]Commands:openscriptmenu quickpromod assaultopenscriptmenu quickpromod specopsopenscriptmenu quickpromod demolitionsopenscriptmenu quickpromod sniperopenscriptmenu quickpromod silenceropenscriptmenu quickpromod grenadeSHOUTCASTER BINDSYou can bind them via the in-game menu (Shoutcast Setup).Alternatively you can manually bind them in the console/config.bind [KEY] [COMMAND]Commands:openscriptmenu shoutcast_setup numberopenscriptmenu shoutcast_setup assaultopenscriptmenu shoutcast_setup specopsopenscriptmenu shoutcast_setup demolitionsopenscriptmenu shoutcast_setup sniperNumber being 1-10 for players, it's very easy to understand which player corresponds the correct number.1-5 symbolizes players on Attacking side from top to bottom looking at the Shoutcaster-bars.6-10 being on the Defending side.Setting a class (lowercase) instead of a number will cycle through players using that class.CUSTOM MAPSIn case Promod is throwing an error while playing on custom maps, make sure the IWD-files inside "usermaps/mapname" folder have the same map name in them.For example map "mp_dahman_b3" contains a file called "mp_dahman_b3.iwd" and therefore it is not marked as a violation.NOTES FOR SERVER-ADMINS AND SERVER-HOSTING COMPANIESThe dvar fs_game "mods/pml220" is forced for match-servers and do not rename any files or modify contents of them.However custom servers with skins etc. must use something else than "mods/pml220" for example "mods/pml220_custom", it's not restricted and you are free to add additional iwd files or modify existing ones.Included with Promod are two PunkBuster MD5 configs, "stock_iwd_md5.cfg" and "promod_iwd_md5.cfg" which you can put in the pb-folder on your server, it contains checksums for the stock IWD-files as well as Promod-IWD for use with PunkBuster MD5 facility to prevent custom skins and other forms of cheating and abusing and can be loaded in-game by typing "\rcon pb_sv_load stock_iwd_md5.cfg" and "\rcon pb_sv_load promod_iwd_md5.cfg".In order to be automatically-executed, the list of checks needs to be included into the automatically-executed PunkBuster configuration files on your server (pbsv.cfg or pbsvuser.cfg):pb_sv_load stock_iwd_md5.cfgpb_sv_load promod_iwd_md5.cfg // match-server onlyIn case your server doesn't have any pbsv.cfg file, go in-game and type: "\rcon pb_sv_writecfg". Depending on if your server is streaming to any third-party anti-cheat site(s) you may or may not already have a pbsvuser.cfg, if you don't you can just copy all three files included to your server's PB-folder, or if the file exist add above lines to it.We STRONGLY encourage use of these MD5-checks! (This goes for leagues as well!)Due to several game engine exploits, we recommend to specify the rcon-password in the command-line of your server. If this is not possible, rename the server-config to something other than server.cfg, which would make finding rcon password more difficult.On another note of security, the IWD-file "z_c_r.iwd" is now running integrity checks if server is running match-mode which means you have to decide whether the server should run "promod_mode custom_public" or not.If you later want to run match-modes you will have to use the original unmodified "z_c_r.iwd" supplied in this package. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Promod, a Competition Mod for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
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