Lightweight package for formatting dates between jalali and gregorian. Supports bothnode
can be initialized using 3 arguments: date, format of the date and locale.
After thatlahze
can manipulate and display date between locales easily.
importlahzefrom'lahze';lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').format('YYYY/MM/DD','en');// 2019/12/31
Date can be on of the following items:
- Instance of
object - String with a specific format
- Timestamp
If date is not specified or null, it will be equal to today.
Format accepted types are as followed:
: full year (4 digits).YY
: short year (last 2 digits).MM
: full month (2 digits).M
: short month (1-2 digit).DD
: full day (2 digits).D
: short day (1-2 digits).HH
: full hours (2 digits).H
: short hours (1-2 digits).mm
: full minutes (2 digits).m
: short minutes (1-2 digits).ss
: full seconds (2 digits).s
: short seconds (1-2 digits).- Supported delimiters are
If format is not specified or null, it will be equal to whateverDate
object accepts.
Locale can be either fa or en (defaults en).
After initializinglahze
with the desired arguments, you can easily manupulate date and display it with a specific format at the end.
This method accepts 4-digits year as the first argument and locale as it's second argument which specifies the locale of the first argument (defaults to initial locale which was specified by creatinglahze
lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').setFullYear(1399,'fa');// 1399/10/10
This method accepts month (value between 1 and 12) as the first argument and locale as it's second argument which specifies the locale of the first argument (defaults to initial locale which was specified by creatinglahze
lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').setMonth(12,'fa');// 1398/12/10
This method accepts day of the month (value between 1 and 31) as the first argument and locale as it's second argument which specifies the locale of the first argument (defaults to initial locale which was specified by creatinglahze
lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').setDay(5,'fa');// 1398/10/5
This method accepts hours (value between 0 and 23) as the first argument.
lahze('1398/10/10 12:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss','fa').setHours(5);// 1398/10/10 5:00:00
This method accepts minutes (value between 0 and 59) as the first argument.
lahze('1398/10/10 12:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss','fa').setHours(50);// 1398/10/10 12:50:00
This method accepts minutes (value between 0 and 59) as the first argument.
lahze('1398/10/10 12:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss','fa').setHours(10);// 1398/10/10 12:00:10
This method returns full year (4-digits) of thelahze
This method accepts locale as the first argument which specifies the locale of the returning value (defaults to initial locale which was specified by creatinglahze
lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').getFullYear('en');// 2019lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').getFullYear('fa');// 1398
This method returns month number (1-12) of thelahze
This method accepts locale as the first argument which specifies the locale of the returning value (defaults to initial locale which was specified by creatinglahze
lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').getMonth('fa');// 10lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').getMonth('en');// 12
This method returns day of the month of thelahze
This method accepts locale as the first argument which specifies the locale of the returning value (defaults to initial locale which was specified by creatinglahze
lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').getDay('fa');// 10lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').getDay('en');// 31
This method returns hours of the month of thelahze
lahze('1398/10/10 12:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss','fa').getHours();// 12
This method returns hours of the month of thelahze
lahze('1398/10/10 12:20:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss','fa').getMinutes();// 20
This method returns hours of the month of thelahze
lahze('1398/10/10 12:00:50','YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss','fa').getSeconds();// 50
You can set the year, month or day in a locale and get it in the opposite locale:
lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').setMonth(11,'en').getMonth('fa');// 8
can return date in the given format with the desired locale:
lahze('1398/10/10','YYYY/MM/DD','fa').format('YYYY/MM/DD','en');// 2019/12/31
Supported formats are listed above.