We've verified that the organizationpluginkollektiv controls the domain:
The Pluginkollektiv is a group of WordPress folks from Europe determined to manage some beloved plugins in the plugin directory. Have you ever heard of Antispam Bee, Statify, or Cachify? Well, that's us. 🙂
All Pluginkolletiv plugins are developed and supported by a passionate group of users and developers from all over Europe. But: no matter where you live or work, you can join the Pluginkollektiv and help in our quest of delivering excellent and easy-to-use software, meeting our user's needs. First, let's get rid of the common myth that only geeks can contribute to plugins. That's simply not true!
Whatever your skillset, there are lots of ways you can contribute. You'll get at least as much out of it as you put in, and the more you are involved, the more opportunities come along. Karma rocks!
💬 On
- antispam-bee
antispam-bee Public„... another popular solution to fight spam is Antispam Bee“ – Matt Mullenweg, Q&A WordCamp Europe 2014
- antispam-bee Public
„... another popular solution to fight spam is Antispam Bee“ – Matt Mullenweg, Q&A WordCamp Europe 2014
pluginkollektiv/antispam-bee’s past year of commit activity - blacklist-updater Public
Automatic updating of the comment blacklist in WordPress with antispam keys from GitHub.
pluginkollektiv/blacklist-updater’s past year of commit activity - 2-Step-Verification Public archive
Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung für WordPress. Mit dem Fokus auf Privatsphäre und Datenschutz.
pluginkollektiv/2-Step-Verification’s past year of commit activity